Forum Features: Your Opinion Wanted!

Besides EBR, what other ebike forums do you use?


    Votes: 16 15.8%

    Votes: 9 8.9%

    Votes: 13 12.9%

    Votes: 20 19.8%
  • Reddit

    Votes: 30 29.7%
  • Facebook

    Votes: 29 28.7%
  • Other (I'll say which site in the comments)

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • None

    Votes: 37 36.6%

  • Total voters
There are several members on my ignore list because their animated avatars are so distracting.

Suggestions from the old curmudgeon:
  • no animated GIFs as avatars
  • animated GIFs in posts do not repeat unless clicked.
Thanks for reaching out! 🙏 Here's something I notice awhile back - it's a real nuance thing though... 🤖

When reading a thread on the desktop site, there are links to advance pages within the thread at the top and bottom of each page.
On the mobile site, however, there's only a link at the bottom of the page.
See screenshots below.

As a result, one must scroll way down in order to advance pages within a thread (except via the "Jump to New" button, which only goes to the end of the thread).
Is there any way to move or add the thread-page "directory" and/or a "page turner" button at the top of the mobile site's pages?

Desktop site - note the "12345Next" just below the thread title:


Mobile site, same page - much easier to read, but
"12345Next" is only available multiple downswipes (offscreen)
and only "Jump to new" remains at the top:

Troeh, I suggest that you add 'NONE' to the list of other forums that we contribute to.
Good idea, done!
2. However performance has really degraded. Sometimes too slow to even be useful when trying to type a reply and I just close out.
Ruh roh! Thanks for the heads up. Is this while on your phone or a computer, and which web browser do you use?
There are several members on my ignore list because their animated avatars are so distracting.

Suggestions from the old curmudgeon:
  • no animated GIFs as avatars
  • animated GIFs in posts do not repeat unless clicked.
I like this, will help to make the experience a bit more clean and less distracting :)

As a result, one must scroll way down in order to advance pages within a thread (except via the "Jump to New" button, which only goes to the end of the thread).
Is there any way to move or add the thread-page "directory" and/or a "page turner" button at the top of the mobile site's pages?
Good call, and this should be a simple tweak to make.

Thanks all for contributing here, I'm reading responses and taking notes for future improvements :cool:
There are several members on my ignore list because their animated avatars are so distracting.

Suggestions from the old curmudgeon:
  • no animated GIFs as avatars
  • animated GIFs in posts do not repeat unless clicked.
In honor of your contributions to this site, I deleted my recent GIF animated avatar!
Merry Christmas from another old curmudgeon!🎅🏻🎄
Good idea, done!

Ruh roh! Thanks for the heads up. Is this while on your phone or a computer, and which web browser do you use?

I like this, will help to make the experience a bit more clean and less distracting :)

Good call, and this should be a simple tweak to make.

Thanks all for contributing here, I'm reading responses and taking notes for future improvements :cool:
I am running firefox on a galaxy (android) tablet.
I suggested earlier but it didn't get any traction with the forum managers - the creation of user groups with the ability to see a library of user groups - and to join - and to request new groups. There are times I want to ping a specific community for advice and just posting a new thread might not catch the attention every member of a group. Examples of user groups I might create or join: @TernGSDOwners, @TrekAllantOwners, @CargoOwners, @BoschGen4Owners .... just making up some names but hopefully that gives the general idea. I know there are brand-specific threads but this might allow for a more targeted call for participation. Maybe something like this already exists in the forum and I just haven't found it (?) ...
Some other groups could be dealers , or by location.:)
Location, location, location! If somebody is so paranoid they don't want to list their location, fine. But my bet is most will!
Try encourage meet up rides, give tools for people to create an event and others to subscribe/join the event. Post a route, give a little description about what you're doing, where you're going, stop offs along the way, things you'll see along the route etc... Link up the online and offline world a bit as we're out on our bikes half the time :D

Some people on this forum have found great places to ride - the photos are testament to that, and I'm sure others would like to visit such places.
For sure! People post meetups in the Events subforum sometimes... but it isn't a great tool for it. I'd really like to incorporate a tool specifically for sharing ride plans and connecting with other riders.

It would be very helpful to have a country of residence showing under the avatar.
We do require location but people can put whatever they want, so sometimes it's too vague (Earth) or too specific (name of some small town no one else has heard of). I just made some tweaks to the fields, here's the new stuff:
  • Specific location is optional and can be added after registration
  • Country of residence is required at registration and will display under next to usernames on all posts. I added mine so you can see it in action! Whenever current members edit their account they'll be reminded to a
What do you guys think about this? I only added US, Canada, and Europe to the selection options for country for now, since that's where almost all of our members live.

Make it more obvious--I know, I'd think it's obvious enough already--the difference between the General Discussion and Off-Topic Discussion forums. Perhaps rename them to General Ebike Discussion and Off-Topic Non-Ebike Discussion.
I updated the names and description a bit to help make it a bit more obvious. If you see threads that are way off topic and should be moved to the Off Topic section, please report it or just message me and I'll move it over :)

How about a specific rule prohibiting political discussions. There are plenty of other places on the web folks can go to cut each other up.
Alas that's a tough one - politics overlap with all areas of life, including Ebikes, especially in discussions about legislation! It's inevitable that politics come up in some form, rather than trying to ban it we just require that people adhere to our rules and keep things respectful and civil.

I see there is the option to ignore an individual member, but can’t see the option to ignore an entire post/thread
If there isn’t, then this
I think I like the idea already mentioned of being able to ignore a thread.
Would you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "ignoring a thread"? There is already an option to "unwatch" a thread if you no longer want to receive any notifications from it. Tagging @Stefan Mikes too since you mentioned it in another thread :)

Is there any way to move or add the thread-page "directory" and/or a "page turner" button at the top of the mobile site's pages?
I added the navigation buttons to the top of the mobile template now, should be working! You may have to clear cached data on your mobile phone to get it to show up right away...

I am running firefox on a galaxy (android) tablet.
I've got an Android tablet laying around here (somewhere) so I'll do some testing on my end and see what I can do!
Howdy folks! For those of you who use other ebike forums or Facebook/Reddit, I would love to hear what you like about those communities. Are there any features you really like that you want added to the EBR forums? Community events? Access to special sales and deals? In a nutshell, what do you want out of your online community for ebikes?

This is an open space for suggestions and comments on the EBR forums, how they work, and discussing possible improvements. Please be respectful and constructive with any feedback :) and thank you for being here!
A few suggestions garnered from other bike enthusiast forums:
  • Show member location below their avatar when posting. edit... done!
  • Create a separate opt-in member forum for Politics and Religion.
  • Promote special sales and deals available to EBR members.
This a very well-run forum with some great contributors... keep up the excellent work!
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Would you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "ignoring a thread"? There is already an option to "unwatch" a thread if you no longer want to receive any notifications from it. Tagging @Stefan Mikes too since you mentioned it in another thread :)
"Unwatching" a thread still keeps it visible in the thread list, making the list crammed with uninteresting thread titles. An option to "Hide" the thread would make the thread invisible in the list (filtered out of the list). Here's my Latest Post list filtered out:


I filtered out all threads of no interest to me. Only five have left at that moment.

Even better, an option of Text Filter would hide all threads or posts containing a word, phrase or expression defined in the User's Black List (but I cannot ask you for too much).

I'm surprised @troehrkasse you haven't even asked how I managed to filter out the thread list... :D I can answer that in a PM if you like.
I've looked around at many forums for ebikes and EBR seems to be the most active and stays updated. I also like that the main site has reviewed quite a few models/brands of ebikes.

Why I prefer to post here as opposed to Facebook is I prefer the anonymity. While some here are more open with their real names and locations, I like being able to disclose just enough so that you know I'm not a bot but am able to protect my privacy.

A long time ago, I didn't mind posting with my real name and identity but there are some entities that will cyberstalk you (companies or people) so going incognito seemed like a better option. And the Internet lives forever.

Suggestions: More reviews of value ebikes. :)

- The Masked BigNerd
  • Country of residence is required at registration and will display under next to usernames on all posts. I added mine so you can see it in action! Whenever current members edit their account they'll be reminded to a
What do you guys think about this?
It's not a big deal to me, I've been able to find local people by reading their posts or by asking. I am curious though, why the new country line or peoples signatures don't appear when viewing the mobile version of the forum? More often than not that's what I use for convenience.

It's a good forum, you guys do a good job.
I've looked around at many forums for ebikes and EBR seems to be the most active and stays updated. I also like that the main site has reviewed quite a few models/brands of ebikes.

Why I prefer to post here as opposed to Facebook is I prefer the anonymity. While some here are more open with their real names and locations, I like being able to disclose just enough so that you know I'm not a bot but am able to protect my privacy.

A long time ago, I didn't mind posting with my real name and identity but there are some entities that will cyberstalk you (companies or people) so going incognito seemed like a better option. And the Internet lives forever.

Suggestions: More reviews of value ebikes. :)

- The Masked BigNerd
I am not hard to find on the internet, but it takes a bit more effort than most bots or trolls will exert. ArtDecoHq has had a Twitter and Facepalm account almost since they began and I have never used them for exactly that reason...all bots, all the time. In fact, i used to get emails offering to sell "Likes" for x dollars per hundred, and I had a friend who wrote and sold very early software to find friends and upvote posts and pages. It amazes me still.
Would you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "ignoring a thread"? There is already an option to "unwatch" a thread if you no longer want to receive any notifications from it. Tagging @Stefan Mikes too since you mentioned it in another thread :)
Pretty much what Stefan said. I don't think I'd need the bells and whistles, just a way to not have to even see a thread I know I'm not interested in. Personally, I wouldn't go to a lot of effort for this, but to have to wade through a list of 20 threads instead of 25 would be nice, especially if those 5 threads were full of off-topic vitriol or even just discussions about a brand of bikes I don't care for.

What do you guys think about this? I only added US, Canada, and Europe to the selection options for country for now, since that's where almost all of our members live.
Please add Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia as a minimum. We have users there as well. Separate entry for the UK would be nice, as the number of British here is substantial, and Britain differs from the rest of Europe to some extent (no politics here; just think of reversed brake levers).

If you do not plan to add a large list of countries, the word "Region" would serve better.
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Create a separate opt-in member forum for Politics and Religion.
Hmm, that would be interesting! I'm imagining a no-holds-barred subforum where there's no moderation, "Enter at your own risk"... I sure wouldn't want to try to moderate that section 🤣
Promote special sales and deals available to EBR members.
Court and I have been discussing this quite a bit. We're approaching it delicately as we don't want to have too much advertising on the site, whether that's actual ads or sale/deal emails to members, etc. It will definitely be an opt-in system!
"Unwatching" a thread still keeps it visible in the thread list, making the list crammed with uninteresting thread titles. An option to "Hide" the thread would make the thread invisible in the list (filtered out of the list). Here's my Latest Post list filtered out:
Ah, that makes sense - thanks for the clarification!
Suggestions: More reviews of value ebikes.
For sure! Are there any specific ones you're interested in seeing? I know a lot of folks are looking at the Lectric XP step-thru, which we may cover if there is time! It does look like it's pretty much exactly the same, besides step-thru...
am curious though, why the new country line or peoples signatures don't appear when viewing the mobile version of the forum? More often than not that's what I use for convenience.
I presume both are left out to reduce the page size and help loading speed... I'd definitely like to see both included though so I'll look into that. I appreciate the tip, I almost never use the mobile version except when testing stuff so I miss some things :)
Please add Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia as a minimum. We have users there as well. Separate entry for the UK would be nice, as the number of British here is substantial, and Britain differs from the rest of Europe to some extent (no politics here; just think of reversed brake levers).
Done! I added these and updated it to also say "Region", I do like that better. I didn't know that about the reversed brake levers, interesting!
I agree and it would be nice to add the option to show the specific City location below the Region/Country.
I made a couple more tweaks here and added a field for City. Give it a whirl!
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