I for one miss you and your posts.Kneebenderbiker, welcome to EBR. Some of your points of concern/interest might be addressed by knowing more about who you're reading. Click on a members screen name or handle and you can see when they joined and maybe a bit more. Click on it again and you can see what other topics they've posted on, how many posts, get a flavor for if they support and contribute etc. and how recently.
Then put @kneebenderbiker in your text and they will get a notification.
Every family has a mental case. This fraternity is no different. People say what they please.Ask for the feature to Block users.
Virtually any social media service has the Blocking feature. You may Ignore your stalkers but they will not Ignore you. What Uma is actually asking for is the Blocking feature.Every family has a mental case. This fraternity is no different. People say what they please.
America's Constitution was partly authored by a rabble-rousing newspaper editor and everyone laughed at the Wright brothers. For us reasonable dissent is a cultural norm.
What a mundane world this would be if everyone agreed - but you can click on a members icon, then click on "ignore".
Wow! Just registered on this forum, and the same ridiculous childish stuff seems to follow every forum?! Guess it's the way of the world these days? This is a simple e-bike forum, but there is always that person or persons to start a fire one way or the other?
Biggest turn off on every forum I've ever been on! Nice to meet you folks that are notstarters
Good idea!Hi! I participate in another XenForo-based forum and I have a suggestion. I don’t know if it’s a XenForo feature or if the behavior is specific to different revision(s) of the software, but a really nice feature on my other forum is an arrow that appears on the right near the scrolling bar that takes you to the top of the thread. In a long thread with lots of pictures it’s really nice to have.
I realize EBR has a “Top” arrow that appears at the bottom of a thread page, but what I’m talking about is the same type of feature but it is always there as you scroll around a thread… i.e., you don’t have to be at the bottom of the page to go right to the top.
BTW, I’m enjoying being here at EBR. And I don’t frequent other ebike forums, although I have referenced some material at https://ebikesforum.com/