York County,Pa. USA YCP Bans all ebikes on local rail trail

Well! It was a good meeting. There were 14 ebikers and one acoustic rider supporting us there. Twice as many of us as board members and politicians. What a turnout! I was pleasantly surprised.

We were all able to add personal stories and faces to the issue. The board asked a lot of questions and we had the information to answer. They seemed most concerned with class 3 and bikes with throttles. It will be some time before we know what they decide to do. A county commissioner stopped by in the parking lot and thanked us. He suggested we weren't the kind of riders, riding our style of ebikes, the county wants to ban. With so many powered devices on the market, they're having a difficult time regulating what can and cannot be used on the trails. I got the impression they might be happy to accept class 1 bikes. That's what I thought. Like so many things today, it's easier to throw a blanket ban on an entire group, than ban activity by bad actors.

We shall see! I'm very grateful of everyone that turned out. It was amazing! I'm also glad to meet so many of you.


Thank you and the e-bikers who attended for all your efforts!
The meeting went as well as could be expected. The one point I was trying to get across, I don't think quite sank in yet. The Pa State Legislature has already settled this debate. In 2014, it amended the State Motor Vehicle Code to definitively define ebikes with regard to licensing and regulation. I don't know if any other state has done this or not. "act 75" the pa motor vehicle code removed the word bicycle and replaced it with the word pedalcycle. In the definations, it defines pedalcycle as :"A vehicle propelled solely by human-powered pedals or a pedalcycle with electric assist". From then on, all regulations are discussed as pedalcycle helmets, pedalcycle parking etc etc. There is no distinction between the two. There are no further mentions of bicycles or ebikes, period.
In the 14 pages of YCP rules and regulations, there is only one mention of ebikes. Section 75-14 Operation of Motor Vehicles within the Park System: item 17: No Person Shall: Operate any fuel-power or battery powered remote controlled devices or self propelled devices(scooter, bicycles, hoverboard wheelchair) within the park system except ADA assisted modes. I don't know about you , but my bike( excuse me) pedalcycle is not remote controlled ( think drone) or self propelled, it must be pedaled. This distinction eliminates throttle bikes but otherwise does not cover my pedalcycle. Under section 75-16 Bicycles: Item 1-5 No Person Shall: operate a bicycle or pedacycle..... ( slight spelling difference). The use of this terminology indicates that they are aware of the definition of a pedalcycle and expected them to be on the trails. It also explains why no citations have been issued thus far although people have been told to leave. I don't see how you could ban pedalcycles w/ele asst with no distinction between assist or non assist. I also got no response when I suggested "you have no regulation against riding my ebike" That's where we are for now, Shoestring over and out.
I found some information I wish I had known about prior to the meeting last week.

"The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources issued revised guidelines on the legality of e-bikes on Pennsylvania State Forest trails, allowing Class 1 eMTBs anywhere a traditional bike is allowed."

I found this to be significant, if true. The State of Pennsylvania approves of the use of low speed ebikes on state forest trails. If the state allows ebikes in state parks, game land and forests, I think that would weigh in our favor with the county.

I shared this with @Shoestring ,he called PA DCNR and they confirmed it is correct! We need to make the advisory board aware of this. This is great news folks. I don't know if this kind of ruling from the state supersedes a county regulation, but it does help. Another brick from the wall. Keep the faith!
I found some information I wish I had known about prior to the meeting last week.

"The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources issued revised guidelines on the legality of e-bikes on Pennsylvania State Forest trails, allowing Class 1 eMTBs anywhere a traditional bike is allowed."

I found this to be significant, if true. The State of Pennsylvania approves of the use of low speed ebikes on state forest trails. If the state allows ebikes in state parks, game land and forests, I think that would weigh in our favor with the county.

I shared this with @Shoestring ,he called PA DCNR and they confirmed it is correct! We need to make the advisory board aware of this. This is great news folks. I don't know if this kind of ruling from the state supersedes a county regulation, but it does help. Another brick from the wall. Keep the faith!

very nice post...
as it relates to ebikes in PA state parks, game land + forests, does anyone have info on any fire roads that are an option locally?
very nice post...
as it relates to ebikes in PA state parks, game land + forests, does anyone have info on any fire roads that are an option locally?
When PA legalized ebikes in 2014, the best part of the law was ebikes could be ridden anywhere bikes were allowed. Confusion over what an ebike is, has led to some issues with local land managers. If a fire road allows bikes and low speed electric bikes aren't specifically forbidden by new (since 2014) local regulation, you can ride. If it's state land and bikes are allowed, ebikes are allowed.

PA state law was different than many state laws from the start. Many states legalize ebikes, but leave access up to local authorities. Pennsylvania said in 2014 ebikes were legal anywhere bikes were legal and local authorities had to specifically ban them through new legislation or regulation. That was the issue we had with the county here. They just claimed our bikes were motor vehicles and subject to motor vehicle laws on county land. That does not follow state law.

The PA DCNR now understands the state law. We are now trying to inform the county. None of this means we won't get hassled by local authorities not understanding the law or ebikes.
Regarding Fire trails/Forest trails: After speaking with DCNR, The only trails that are open for e-mtb's are "shared use trails that are currently posted open to bikes/mtbs." Any trail or forest road that is gated or otherwise posted off-limits to bicycles/mtb's are off limits. PA Game commission/Fish commission or local Forestry managers have authority to close trails normally open during hunting/fishing season or if weather conditions are not suitable. Trails in Allegheny NATIONAL Forest, C&O Canal, Delaware National Recreation Area are governed by Federal definitions and regulations. Most do not permit ANY motorized vehicle including e-bikes unless specifically posted otherwise. The sign would be a brown sign with white boarder, picture of a bike with "lightning bolt or electric cord plug" and a red slash across the picture indicating not allowed or closed to this type vehicle.
Any late summer updates or new communications from York County/ heritage trail ? Thanks in advance
Nothing specific from the county as yet. Last week I looked for the date of the next advisory board meeting and couldn't find it posted. Neither could I find minutes of the July meeting. I don't know if the county publishes minutes, I guess I'll have to call for the date. There are a couple of new threads about Pennsylvania regulations.

Today when I finished my ride at Days Mill Parking lot, a Ranger was sitting in the parking lot and started his car up and drove over to me. He got out of his car and pointed to my bike and and said, "Is that a battery?" I said yes it is. He then asked me if I knew I wasn't suppose to be riding it on the Trail. I then told him that I have permission to ride on the Trail. He then ask me if I have that permission slip with me. I told him yes. He then asked me if he could see it. I told him yes. I showed him my permission paper with Tammy Klunk's signature. He then said that I was ok and left. The bottom line is that the Rangers are still checking for ebikes riding on York County Rail Trail. I asked him what would have happened if I didn't have my permission slip. He said he would have written me up with a warning.
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Today when I finished my ride at Days Mill Parking lot, a Ranger was sitting in the parking lot and started his car up and drove over to me. He got out of his car and pointed to my bike and and said, "Is that a battery?" I said yes it is. He then asked me if I knew I wasn't suppose to be riding it on the Trail. I then told him that I have permission to ride on the Trail. He then ask me if I have that permission slip with me. I told him yes. He then asked me if he could see it. I told him yes. I showed him my permission paper with Tammy Klunk's signature. He then said that I ok and left. The bottom line is that the Rangers are still checking for ebikes riding on York County Rail Trail. I asked him what would have happened if I didn't have my permission slip. He said he would have written me up with a warning.
I was not aware you could get a permission slip from Tammy Klunk.
You have to take a Drs. recommendation paper to Tammy Klunk to get her approval. If Tammy Klunk approves the Drs. recommendation's slip, she will sign a form stating that you can ride your ebike on the Rail Trail. You are required to carry this form with you on the Trail.
It sounds like there is a person or group, who has political friends, dead set against Ebikes. In Pennsylvania class 1 Ebikes have the same trail usage rights as a regular bicycle, so if York bans Ebikes they also ban all bikes, unless of course everyone with road bikes have medical mental doctor’s notes.
Mr Senior e-biker, no ranger has approached me yet but I am salivating at the chance. Should this happen again, ask the ranger which park regulation(s) specifically are you in violation of. I'd love to hear the answer to that question!
Also, in Pennsylvania, class 1-2-3 means nothing and has no definition or meaning what so ever. We are PEDALCYCLES,(provided you conform to PA motor vehicle specs) that's what is enforceable! Always speak of your bike as a pedalcycle. EX: Mr Ranger, is the trail posted open or closed to all pedalcycles? Yes or No, its as simple as that.
Mr Senior e-biker, no ranger has approached me yet but I am salivating at the chance. Should this happen again, ask the ranger which park regulation(s) specifically are you in violation of. I'd love to hear the answer to that question!
Also, in Pennsylvania, class 1-2-3 means nothing and has no definition or meaning what so ever. We are PEDALCYCLES,(provided you conform to PA motor vehicle specs) that's what is enforceable! Always speak of your bike as a pedalcycle. EX: Mr Ranger, is the trail posted open or closed to all pedalcycles? Yes or No, its as simple as that.
Effectively a pedalcycle allowed on a trail is a class 1 Ebike. At some point most states will use the California nomenclature. Pennsylvania bicycle law handout
The point is, in front of a PA District Justice, you're either a pedalcycle or you aren't. The pedalcycle definition also includes throttle up to 20mph.

This should help Ms Klunk get over herself.

This should help Ms Klunk get over herself.

While this certainly is good news, sadly it doesn't apply to York County parks.