I'd like to attach a handlebar bag to my bike, but the Bosch Intuvia is mounted exactly where the handlebar bag would attach and doesn't appear to be able to mounted elsewhere on the handlebar. Has anyone added a handlebar bag to their Xduro? If so what did you do with the Bosch control unit? What kind of handlebar bag mount did you use?
Because there are no water bottle braze ons I've mounted Topeak's Cage Mount to the handlebar to which I've added a water bottle cage. I can move that if needed.
Has anyone added a stem extension to which one can add accessories (possibly a handlebar bag)? If so, please advise the procedure followed.
Thanks in advance.
Because there are no water bottle braze ons I've mounted Topeak's Cage Mount to the handlebar to which I've added a water bottle cage. I can move that if needed.
Has anyone added a stem extension to which one can add accessories (possibly a handlebar bag)? If so, please advise the procedure followed.
Thanks in advance.