Wider tires for Peak


New Member
Hello friends, I am riding Magnum Peak 27.5 for more than a year , I am riding mainly off road and I have 2 questions :
  1. I am looking to change the tires and I want to put much wider one , can you suggest me if it is possible on the peak ? what wide 2.6/2.8? and if you suggest to do it ? anyway tried?
  2. Since I am riding off road , I am looking for good suspension seatpost , can you suggest / recommend ? also for a good seat / saddle.
I have the ncm moscow plus 27.5 that is mostly the same bike, and I installed 2.35 tires. They fit and the bike runs smoothly but I don't think you will be able to fit much wider tires. Mines are almost touching the frame.

I installed the suntour sp 12 seatpost and it is one of the best upgrades I have ever done to a bike. Now I make it to every new bike I buy. It is cheap and the result is amazing.

Good luck!
thanks for the info ,
for tires , I wanted to try even 25 wide , but I am not sure if it will work
for the suntour, I have that for several months and it is nice but not enough ... I was reading for much better seatpost suspensions and wanted to get some feedback here
In my NCM I am pretty sure it won't work, the 2.35 is too close to the frame. I also did notice some performance decrease.

Regarding the seatpost, the next one in quality is the cane creek thudbuster. I tried it in a friend's bike and I did not notice enough difference to pay for the extra cash from the suntour, but I only tried a few minutes.

Thanks again , I agree about the extra cash , but how about Kinekt do you have any feedback for it?
(KINEKT aluminum 2.1 Seatpost )

I didn't know about kinekt (first time heard). Looks very good as well as expensive :D

P.D: One problem with the suntour is that the steps to adjust the angle of the seat are big and you cannot get the exact angle you want, so I ended up with the seat angled up a little.
I have the ncm moscow plus 27.5 that is mostly the same bike, and I installed 2.35 tires. They fit and the bike runs smoothly but I don't think you will be able to fit much wider tires. Mines are almost touching the frame.

I installed the suntour sp 12 seatpost and it is one of the best upgrades I have ever done to a bike. Now I make it to every new bike I buy. It is cheap and the result is amazing.

Good luck!
My 29er regular NCM Moscow has a 1/2 " on both sides of the stays with the stock 2.25"s. I think in could handle 2,7s. without
a problem, but I really like the stock tires a lot. They narrow enough to fit bus racks & perform well on everything but
loose dry sand, very comfortable ride, roll very well for a mtn. bike tire,
I'm 70, but got a tad aggressive when a muscular spandexter passed me on a 5 mile grade. for a couple minutes
I kept pace 40 yds. behind. Then I said 'what the hell',and kicked it into a 120 cadence. Not realizing I was on an ebike,
I was chased all the way up the 5 miles before I lost sight in the mirror with that rider a half mile behind.
Golly, was that ever fun!😜
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My 29er regular Moscow has a 1/2 " on both sides of the stays with the stock 2.25"s. I think in could handle 2,7s. without
a problem, but I really like the stock tires a lot. They narrow enough to fit bus racks & perform well on everything but
loose dry sand, very comfortable ride, roll very well for a mtn. bike tire,
I'm 70, but got a tad aggressive when a muscular spandexter passed me on a 5 mile grade. for a couple minutes
I kept pace 40 yds. behind. Then I said 'what the hell',and kicked it into a 120 cadence. Not realizing I was on an ebike,
I was chased all the way up the 5 miles before I lost sight in the mirror with that rider a half mile behind.
Golly, was that ever fun!😜
70 as well, and I did follow along behind a spandexter at speed uphill, far enough behind so he could not figure out. I got finally got close and turned off. It is good innocent fun...Yes.
70 as well, and I did follow along behind a spandexter at speed uphill, far enough behind so he could not figure out. I got finally got close and turned off. It is good innocent fun...Yes.
It was as much about having better gear ratios for climbing as having a motor. With the right gear my bike pedals easily
while using very little or no power, Rains here most all winter, so I train at high cadence, no resistance on an old Schwinn
stationary bike with nearly 50,000 miles on it. I may not pedal as strong, but I can pedal fast. My front bar bag is curved
top & sides. It makes for a very aerodynamic faring, My small panniers are set high behind my thighs to reduce drag.
These tires roll extremely well for their size, with only a 3/8" wide strip in contact on asphalt at speed. Other than
the model's name, I love this bike because it is still essentially still a bicycle. It requires more effort that my Juiced CCS
commuter, but is far more versatile if not as fast. They were on Black Friday sale for $1099. I was sore tempted to buy
1/2 a dozen. I'll probably wish I had. List is $1499. Got mine at $1299 on ebay.