So you are one of the few that think assist cut-offs are the right solution.Who obeys speed limits? Less than 10% of the population.
Speed limit on the road outside the street I live on is 30mph, there are “this is your speed” radar And cameras all up and down that road. I see people doing 55-65 in this 30mph zone all day long. I see it come up on the posted ”this is your speed” sign. I do 30mph and get yelled at and honked at and flipped off All the time.
It is a residential street wits 2 hospitals and 4 school on the 2 mile stretch but does anyone care? No.
Just spent the last week traveling for work, TX, NC, NY, GA, PA. Now where did I see anyone obeying speed limits 10 over is the norm, 20 over is the norm, no one obeys limits Or no right turn signs or pedestrian right of way signs, or anything else. So posting speed limits on bike trails is pointless especially since here will be no enforcement of those speeds and the riders know it.
What is always going to be the major determinate of top speed on any bike is going downhill. I suggest reading the LSEB definition in HR727 - It was written by a PhD engineer and while it may seem strange the way he constrains the power above 20mph is was a great way to limit speed without the brain dead assist cut-offs that Europe adopted and the paid People for Bikes to lobby state by state to adopt. That is not what a good bike advocasy group would do and I can never get a representative of PFBs to comment which speaks volumes to me (they know it garbage...sorry but it just is).