Angela M.
Active Member
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Hey all! It's your neighborhood moderator here. Most members here are adults and should know how to debate constructively. There is going to be a difference of opinion, which is healthy, but some find it extremely difficult to refrain from name-calling, passive-aggressive, and insulting comments. EBR lives by etiquette contained here, the main idea is to be kind and ignore if you cannot. When members get out of hand, they are either messaged and/or given a warning and if it continues then they are banned from the forum. Almost every decision that a moderator makes to either edit or remove posts, close a thread, or remove a thread is the wrong decision in somebody's eyes. We do not play favorites, but look at the information given and make the best decision. As iabob mentioned, if a thread requires hours of cleanup just to get it to a healthy standpoint, it would likely be closed. What would even be left after the cleanup? This forum is different than most others out there and some may feel we edit too much and censoring what's been said. That may be possible if those members are not following EBR's golden rule: be kind. We value transparency given about a member's experience with a brand if it's done constructively. The same goes for members having a difference of opinion. Lately, because of current events, there's been a lot of political discussion being brought up in one way or another. We allow political discussion if it's related to e-biking. However, there is a fine line and even the slightest bit of discussion creates other political opinions to arise and the thread ends up being closed because it got out of hand. EBR has a small staff and although others can and do moderate at times, I am it. I do my best to moderate how I see fit and I apologize in advance if I have or will upset you based on my actions.