Why are Threads Being Deleted because Someone Complains

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And to top it off...
Daddy lost the election! OMG... what to do?!!???
How could this happen?
Daddy... is it true? IS IT???
It CAN'T be! It was all going so well!
Obviously it's all FAKE!
It's all RIGGED!

Are you a Good Guitar player I mean really Good ? I'm trying to find an excuse for you :) No offense but some of your comments don't even fit the discussion at all.
God bless Archie Bunker! He wasn´t a racist; he hated everybody, an equal opportunity bigot.. P.C. has been carried way too far
when you drop Redskins from the team´s name. To begin with, the term ´Native American´'is obscenely patronizing. DId you
see any injun protests demanding the name´s removal? I doubt injuns could give a healthy. Personally, I liked having a picture of
a Native American/ First Nations/ indigenous/ aboriginal on the helmet.
The "Native Americans" supposedly arrived hereafter the " Dryas" period wiped out the "Clovis People", so who was First? Does it really matter? I have a smidgen of "Sioux" in my veins, the Tribe I would like to join are the "Zunis'. Its really despicable how the "Whiteman' treated the People that were here first(colonial times), the "Indians had a respect and true belief as to the stewardship of the "Mother earth" and "Great Spirit" while the idea of "Manifest Destiny" and the "Burden of the Whiteman" are philosophies that fall short in my opinion, I see so much disrespect for the land, huge swaths deeded to few for their enjoyment and profit.(JMO)
The "Native Americans" supposedly arrived hereafter the " Dryas" period wiped out the "Clovis People", so who was First? Does it really matter? I have a smidgen of "Sioux" in my veins, the Tribe I would like to join are the "Zunis'. Its really despicable how the "Whiteman' treated the People that were here first(colonial times), the "Indians had a respect and true belief as to the stewardship of the "Mother earth" and "Great Spirit" while the idea of "Manifest Destiny" and the "Burden of the Whiteman" are philosophies that fall short in my opinion, I see so much disrespect for the land, huge swaths deeded to few for their enjoyment and profit.(JMO)
Hasn't pretty much every nation been Invaded at some point in History
Hasn't pretty much every nation been Invaded at some point in History
True enough, we are a warlike bunch of beings, hopefully the "cooler heads" will prevail in the future. War is extremely profitable for a minority of of us, watch the trends. We are told the Dems are the problem(really?) remember "Animal Farm"?( After awhile they look the same- how many People on "Capitol or you may say Capital Hill" are poor?
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True enough, we are a warlike bunch of beings, hopefully the "cooler heads" will prevail in the future.
LOL I doubt it According to the Book I'm reading 2/3's of Humanity will die in a 7 year period .
John The world ending > You think the way you think because the Truth is being shut down. After all The Topic was outside the Mod's Comfort Zone? That's the whole problem > How can someone's words physically harm someone ? Hurt their feelings or anger them ? SOOOO WHAT . You're old enough to remember sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me. Today the mindset is You're not seeing those sticks and stones being thrown even though that's exactly what you see . But words and what we exhale when we breath is destroying the Planet LOL ;) That's the whole problem > You and I could be friends and argue vigorously in total disagreement _ So what ??? DEBATE is healthy . The world is about to explode That's a fact I have on an authority that is never wrong >
I'm all for it debate and even arguing but not even really sure what the point is of wanting to discuss these things on a website about bikes. Aren't there plenty of places for that? What's the point on coming out on a website where people want to talk about electric bikes and then arguing politics other than to be annoying?
Ever read the "Guidestones"? Spooky,this scenario now fits my often occurring nightmare,"Covid 19" is a test and we are scoring a "D-"
Are you a Good Guitar player I mean really Good ? I'm trying to find an excuse for you :) No offense but some of your comments don't even fit the discussion at all.
Not really. I do play in a band though. And I'm the lead singer. Can't wait to get back to practice and gigging when this scourge is contained.
What hobby do you have? Do people come and pay to see you do it?
Not according to the bible, but whatever
Dude What are you talking about ? I've read it over 20 times cover to cover .
Not really. I do play in a band though. And I'm the lead singer. Can't wait to get back to practice and gigging when this scourge is contained.
What hobby do you have? Do people come and pay to see you do it?
I play lead guitar for the last 50 years . I've played out yes for about 5 years. When my first was born playing bars on Friday and Saturday was no longer flying at home. Plus Bar bands aren't as common as they used to be. I still get together now and then to play with 2 kids that show lots of promise . My goal was to retire at 50 which ended up being 60. . Prior I was PGA Pro for 2 seasons in my mid 20's.. Not good enough to make enough to raise a family on . So I ended up being a Golf Teacher for the local College and Firearms Instructor (self Employed) That business still exists but I sold it . I fix bikes for local kids and their friends . I don't charge but it works out . As the Kids in the area take care of My yard and keep my drive clean in the winter. I just completed My PHD in Biblical eschatology thru online courses Liberty and wycliffe .I also am working in learning Arabic / Islamic Studies . So I try to keep busy If you researched my Post counts you'd see that they come in streaks Soon I will disappear for awhile and you won't have to tolerate my comments When I was a Kid almost everyone played either Guitar or drums or sang because of the Beatles mania. And a Way to attract girls
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Dude What are you talking about ? I've read it over 20 times cover to cover . I play lead guitar for the last 50 years . I've played out yes for about 5 years. When my first was born playing bars on Friday and Saturday was no longer flying at home. Plus Bar bands aren't as common as they used to be. I still get together now and then to play with 2 kids that show lots of promise . My goal was to retire at 50 which ended up being 60. . Prior I was PGA Pro for 2 seasons in my mid 20's.. Not good enough to make enough to raise a family on . So I ended up being a Golf Teacher for the local College and Firearms Instructor (self Employed) That business still exists but I sold it . I fix bikes for local kids and their friends . I don't charge but it works out . As the Kids in the area take care of My yard and keep my drive clean in the winter. I just completed My PHD in Biblical eschatology thru online courses Liberty and wycliffe .I also am working in learning Arabic / Islamic Studies . So I try to keep busy If you researched my Post counts you'd see that they come in streaks Soon I will disappear for awhile and you won't have to tolerate my comments
That's awesome!
I'm all for it debate and even arguing but not even really sure what the point is of wanting to discuss these things on a website about bikes. Aren't there plenty of places for that? What's the point on coming out on a website where people want to talk about electric bikes and then arguing politics other than to be annoying?
Ironically, most online places where you can freely speak are banning My side of things or Me . FB, Youtube , twitter , etc Nobody today likes what reality has to offer
That's awesome!
LOL It looks better on paper then it has been to live it . I had so many interests I became a Master of None . Maybe Golf as I play 4-5 times a week . I even played in a few of those Pro-ams back when Clint Eastwood had pull. He's My Father's Cousin : They were friendly when My dad was a kid . I honestly don't know him very well . I remember him from a Few early family things . I got to play in the Pro=Ams because my Dad did . I have also Met Joe Walsh Twice and Brad Paisley because I used a DRZ Amp . The OWNER of DRZ used to have a party every year for Z Owners . Both Paisley and Walsh were there 2 years in a Row. Several of us played with Paisley . One year I sat next to Joe Walsh at dinner. A pretty nice normal guy . Funny
LOL It looks better on paper then it has been to live it . I had so many interests I became a Master of None . Maybe Golf as I play 4-5 times a week . I even played in a few of those Pro-ams back when Clint Eastwood had pull. He's My Father's Cousin : They were friendly when My dad was a kid . I honestly don't know him very well . I remember him from a Few early family things . I got to play in the Pro=Ams because my Dad did . I have also Met Joe Walsh Twice and Brad Paisley because I used a DRZ Amp . The OWNER of DRZ used to have a party every year for Z Owners . Both Paisley and Walsh were there 2 years in a Row. Several of us played with Paisley . One year I sat next to Joe Walsh at dinner. A pretty nice normal guy . Funny
NOBODY would pay to watch me play golf... that's fo sho! 🤣
NOBODY would pay to watch me play golf... that's fo sho! 🤣
LOL The problem with Golf at least for most guys . Nobody taught them the correct way to grip. Because if you played baseball and could hit a ball. Golf is the same swing just bent over some. It's a different grip and most hold the club like a ball bat
Barry, as you’re a serious student I suggest a slim old volume by Eric Hoffer “The True Believer” guaranteed to remove the scales from your eyes. In it the common determinants connecting religious adherents with political movements is explored. This will give you an understanding of why “alternative facts” (TY Kellyann) are so appealing to a certain cast of mind.
As for me when the weather breaks I’m going to pedal my way to Charlottsville to hear some good music.
IT DEPENDS what the subject is . If it's God's Word then no since it's pretty easy to prove . Especially today . Plus I've never met anyone who makes un-true claims about it has actually taken teh time to figure out what it says . They view it as religion Which isn't even remotely close to what it is . But on other subjects yeah I'm willing to concede I might be in error . None is Perfect or without equal faults
Thanks for the reply. It’s such a broad brush topic it can be difficult to understand, or maybe more accurately easy to misunderstand a person’s post. I questioned because I see a lot lately of people claiming censorship and bias when that’s not truth. And the accusations are usually levied against FB, Twitter, and “the media” in general. What it usually boils down to is the user is trying to spread lies, social media won’t let him, and journalistic media won’t report the lie as truth. And from there instead of introspection and self analyzing, the offender resorts to complaints of censorship and bias.

I agree no one is without fault.
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