Where's Pushkar?

I never saw that, as I never got access to any private forum. My Helios order was made in November 2020, and I paid about $8700. I had some initial exchanges with Pushkar, but later emails have been completely ignored.
Doesn't sound like you were a founder in which case you would of course be entitled to whatever terms you were provided.
You think that it works in the interest of remaining founders to suggest that people file chargebacks for something they are not entitled to? That is what I was responding to. Good luck with your law degree.
No, you weren’t. You are running around claiming no founder is entitled to a refund, and that’s not true or in anyone’s interest beside Pushkar. That’s aside from whether people SHOULD pursue one, which I made clear I am not planning to do. That is what I was responding to. And my law degree is just fine; it’s been serving me well since 1992.
How about re-reading this thread and comment on what I actually wrote? You may not like the fact that I've posted (elsewhere) that I don't support refunds to founders at this stage. The reason are (1) Puskhar has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the interest of all founders, not just those that want to jump ship when adversity hits and (2) the original terms were no refunds. Sure, it protects him too, and what's good for him is good for the remaining founders and customers. That said, it's ultimately his call what to do, and if he thinks he can still protect all by offering delayed refunds to founders that want to jump ship, fine by me.
What a hodgepodge of jibberish. He has a fiduciary duty to us? Based on a commercial transaction? Um... no. He may feel an obligation, which is the correct thing, but it’s certainly not fiduciary. And his “no refund“ term was for backing out of an agreed-upon project. When that went off the rails all bets went off. We are purchasers, not investors. You seem to be confusing the two concepts. So I suggest from now on you confine yourself to speaking for yourself, and not on behalf of or for founders. Thanks
I don’t know why you keep pushing this “no refund” position. It clearly doesn’t apply in this situation.
Helios is still happening, just delayed. My understanding was always that of Tom’s based on what was communicated to the founders prior to putting any money down. The only way out was if Helios never happened. The additional options given in this less than ideal situation is Pushkar being awesome. He could have stuck to his guns and we would have no choice but to wait, as these were the original terms.
@soyabean, you have no clue what you are talking about.
True, since I wasn't smart enough to throw away $12000 and still get nothing after 14 months. Stupid me, I failed to see how that this was such a great deal, I should tell all my friends to do same :D
Wow, a lot of people here with differing opinions that want to rant. Pushkar is doing the best he can. I ordered two Hydras November 18 and they were delivered last week. Personally I couldn’t be happier with them. I have ridden euro spec mid drives, Luna BBSHD, Frey CC with and without Archon controller and many hub motors. all I can say is please be patient if you want something that no one else has. My hydra takes my 58 year old body up and down hills like a 30 year old. Mezzerpro and superdelux are so much better than my rockshox RL and monarch on my Frey it’s night and day. The Kindernay? Where else are you going to find a manufacturer who will put this on your bike at cost? Really, think about the amount of customization he does and think how much time that takes. These are 10 pounds lighter than my Frey but still 10 pounds heavier than the euro spec. That is because the ultra motor weighs in at 14 1/2 pounds versus the standard 6 pound Bosch and they have an extra 300wh battery. But that motor weight is added cooling so I can maintain a 1000 W draw without overheating like a euro spec.
While it’s true Pushkar has not replied within a day or sometimes within five days but in the end he has always come through for me.
I know everyone wants to know why it is taking “Forever” there is no one answer for everyone, there is always a different problems with different bikes. For him to reply to everyone’s concerns he would have no time to build bikes and that is what he does. Unlike Luna who I believe receives everything almost complete from China Pushkar actually builds them, from painting the frames to wiping them down and custom packaging them I a box he had made. It’s a huge amount of work. (The Hydra Black prebuilt will hopefully give Pushkar some breathing room)
Additionally there are at least several different conversations going on (seperate conversations) and some read them as all one in the same.
People, please chill out! I’ve owned many ebikes, some store bought others I’ve built myself. Sondors, Trek, Specialized, Luna and about four self built bikes. There simply isn’t any other bike out there that compares with the Hydra or Helios when it’s finally available. Even WW lowest cost bike is still a killer machine. If you want the best then you have to wait.
I have to feel that Pushkar kept doing so much r&d on components, trying to get the best options possible that by the time things converged all the supply chains fell apart. Perhaps ordering components in bulk early would have avoided some of this. Stange times and I can understand people’s impatience

I sure would like to see a picture of two as the helios frames as they come in
I texted Pushkar today 7 July. Because after reading into this forum, it looks like the guys receiving their Hydras were the ones who made their orders in 2020 November. I wanted to ask Pushkar if that's the time frame for my bike to arrive. I'm getting impatient already.
I've considered one guys suggestion from this forum on going to a bike shop here on the Island (Oahu) and buying another bike. I'm favoring the Cube 160 stereo or the Yamaha ydx moro pro or another Bulls the one with the 4s mag motor.
At least I know these bikes have been tested and proven in the field to perform.
The WW Hydra, I ordered February 2021 and still waiting for, I hope have gone through similar testing . (Not an experimental)
When I ordered my Hydra I understood it's going to be a super ebike. I was really excited about it and even more so, when Pushkar texted me my bike will be shipped mid June. It is now July and yes still no bike. Now i just feel like a wet noodle .Is it really worth the wait? Or just go to an ebike shop on the Island and buy a class 1 enduro ebike and have it deristricted to class 3 type of riding. Pardon me I'm getting carried away with my thoughts. WTF all this waiting for a 6k plus Super ebike that I have little knowledge of. For f...k sake I hope it gets here soon.
I feel like being strung along for a long ride
courtesy of Pushkar.
You will get your bike and it will be worth the wait. Patience grasshopper.
I thought the thread topic was "Where's Pushkar"?
I'm glad he responds back to some of you. I have tried a half a dozen times to get a response and nada. Makes me think that since I don't have any purchases pending I'm probably not on the" respond now" list. Just a guess. Out here in SD there are a lot of riders that are looking for a decent bike at a decent price ask me about the Bafang Ultra motor but in all good conscience I can't recommend WW.
Looks like a great product (Hydra) and to be honest it's not even about the wait time as most of us have a bike or two to ride in the meantime but about the communication, or lack of. In my instance Pushkar has always been bad about responding to any questions I had except when I first purchased but after delivery it got worse I got nothing. I then could kinda get a response by posting his name on this site about a question I had but not anymore. I thought he was going to have a youtube channel every other week?
Pushkar I say this as a former business owner for a lot of years you gotta respond to people if you want to succeed. Good news or bad just answer people honestly so they don't feel ignored. Im 100% sure your heart and mind is in the right place but when you grow to quickly without the proper support lots of things fall through the cracks hurting your brand and reputation. Once those go...... JMO.
I feel his pain. All I can say is.....I'm sure happy that I sold my business...Loved, Loved the work but got tired of the people. You learn quick that you can never do enough no matter what. Have to say...It's so much fun being out of the rat race watching the sun rise and sun set.
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is this him?
You learn quick that you can never do enough no matter what. Have to say...It's so much fun being out of the rat race watching the sun rise and sun set.
Having worked for many "business owners", I saw what they went thru, and that has always made me stay at the ceiling as a highly paid employee without crossing the line to become an employer.

From all my employment experiences, issues always stem from being understaffed. Really not that hard to create a new job for simple customer service of answering phone and emails. The reward pays for that employee that keeps customers glued together. I have no idea why bosses never want to hire just one more for the job. I took advantage of all my bosses by offering to "take care of things for them" for an extremely generous pay increase.

Not only do I enjoy the "sun rise and sun set", I do it with ebikes that I have, without stress if someone is going to keep my money without ever delivering.

I have no problems, never. Story of my life.
Thanks Cuz.
Pushkar message me back. Wattwagons are delivering January orders. February orders, "on slate" 3 weeks there on out for shipping.
I live in Hawaii, so he will probably UPS the battery first. He did not narrow down exactly when, the battery will be my early warning for the bike to arrive. Late August probably.
Cuz Vinny you got yours correct?
Was it setup ready to ride out of the box? All I know about the Hydra is what I seen on u tube.
I have an early 2020 Bulls evo AM (Made in Vietnam) pretty much plug and play. Only taken to the shop twice, once for tubeless tires and once for fluids change.
Hydra being hi-powered I'm guessing it will require more maintenance. Did yours have a manual?
Mine was ready to ride when I got it but I made some upgrades.
I texted Pushkar today 7 July. Because after reading into this forum, it looks like the guys receiving their Hydras were the ones who made their orders in 2020 November. I wanted to ask Pushkar if that's the time frame for my bike to arrive. I'm getting impatient already.
I've considered one guys suggestion from this forum on going to a bike shop here on the Island (Oahu) and buying another bike. I'm favoring the Cube 160 stereo or the Yamaha ydx moro pro or another Bulls the one with the 4s mag motor.
At least I know these bikes have been tested and proven in the field to perform.
The WW Hydra, I ordered February 2021 and still waiting for, I hope have gone through similar testing . (Not an experimental)
When I ordered my Hydra I understood it's going to be a super ebike. I was really excited about it and even more so, when Pushkar texted me my bike will be shipped mid June. It is now July and yes still no bike. Now i just feel like a wet noodle .Is it really worth the wait? Or just go to an ebike shop on the Island and buy a class 1 enduro ebike and have it deristricted to class 3 type of riding. Pardon me I'm getting carried away with my thoughts. WTF all this waiting for a 6k plus Super ebike that I have little knowledge of. For f...k sake I hope it gets here soon.
I feel like being strung along for a long ride
courtesy of Pushkar.
6 months waiting on a bike that has already been delivered to happy customers who are out enjoying it to the hilt
with a steady production line from Pushkar

is a bit different than 15 month waits where the first bike has yet to emerge and in some cases swapping out parts seems to be the only option
Well, hiring a new employee IS a BIG thing, for a small business. When it's just you, labor laws mean diddly squat. As soon as you hire someone, you need a break policy, a lunch policy, a bunch of other policies, and you MUST enforce them. You have to set up a giant bulletin board to hold all the required notices to employees. And you just took on a whole buttload of new work, to make sure that you are recording things correctly and paying all the taxes for that employee. When a business gets large enough to have an HR person to write and administer those policies, and an accountant to handle the taxes, hiring another person isn't as bad. However, that HR person and the accountant are making good bucks and not contributing directly to your bottom line. Yet another hidden tax. Here is CA you MUST give lunches and breaks at the right time. You cannot allow the employee(s) to take them when they want, and you must force them to take the breaks. No working through and leaving early. Many businesses force the employees to leave the premises during lunch breaks, so that they cannot be accused of making the employee work on their break. Ever been sitting at lunch at work and have a customer ask you a question? If you answer it, it's a labor law violation for the business, and if you refuse, you get a pissed off customer. The solution is to make the employees leave. It sucks, but them's the rules.