When will Bluetooth be activated on Vado?


New Member
Picked up my Vado 4.0 from LBS in Comox BC. Love the bike, but disappointed to see that the Bluetooth hasn't been activated yet.
I've read through the forum and consensus was "some time in Nov 2017", but we are past that now.
Any rumours when it will be activated?
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Picked up my Vado 4.0 from LBS in Comox BC. Love the bike, but disappointed to see that the Bluetooth hasn't been activated yet.
I've read throughs he forum and consensus was "some time in Nov 2017", but we are past that now.
Any rumours when it will be activated?
Last I heard from Specialized was January. So February.
I’ve had my fingers crossed for tomorrow... since I bought the bike a few weeks ago.
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I called Specialized last week for another issue and asked the Tech about Mission Control after he had helped me. I could hear him sigh and probably roll his eyes. He said that the iOS app is pretty much ready, but that they're still working on the Android version. He said that they're hoping to release them both "later this spring". I told him that I work for a tech company and that we release our mobile apps out of sync (iOS vs. Android) all the time. He said, "That makes a lot of sense, but we're not really in the app development business."
I called Specialized last week for another issue and asked the Tech about Mission Control after he had helped me. I could hear him sigh and probably roll his eyes. He said that the iOS app is pretty much ready, but that they're still working on the Android version. He said that they're hoping to release them both "later this spring". I told him that I work for a tech company and that we release our mobile apps out of sync (iOS vs. Android) all the time. He said, "That makes a lot of sense, but we're not really in the app development business."
Haha, they told me via mail, end of februari... I think they should go in politics...
Any updates? I just got a Vado 3.0 last week and I cannot get it to connect with Mission Control App. My phone finds the bike easily via bluetooth, but the app won't connect.