Rather futile to carry an unloaded gun . Besides if it's your day to die . Regardless of what you do or how often you worry . Death comes on your appointed day and time . And worrying changes the outcome of nothing . Other then possibly your general health while you wait to die .
Gun Lovers are usually collectors . The vast Majority who carry daily whether concealed or open . Are well trained and usually at least average in marksmanship. And nobody in their right mind shoots at something in the bushes . And if it's a bear even more so . All you'd do is piss it off .
People who carry guns aren't going to shoot you to win an argument . To even suggest that sounds like you are influenced by leftest ideology . People who carry guns aren't hot headed as a rule . We are the level headed calm one in an argument . After all we have a gun

Your thinking appears to be based on misinformation that you constantly hear from the Media . Who are pushing a political agenda/ When I was in High School . Almost every guy had a Gun under his seat at school. If he had a pickup he had a rifle or Shotgun in the window . Far more people had guns 50 years ago then today . Gun-Owners aren't the dangerous one . Nor are they carrying hoping to shoot into bushes