Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

Wow @SpinEcho, congratulations!!! And here I thought you had lost all hope. So does this uncivilized and inappropriate forum violating venting justify your and others frustration? Just wait, there is more to come!! Trust me, and you deserve it all….

And now @WaxedWookie is also radio scilent after he logged in on Saturday to find all his blamestorming was his own fault. He even mentions details of the missing email in his writings. But he still has not responded to the multiple emails from WW to close this chapter… (yep, his fault too!!!)

As I said before yet was flamed, alternative communication is available if you choose to use it. Your fault for assuming that continuing what was not working for you is the right way, and then defending it….

Not amused!! Be more respectful…

You were flamed for suggesting Watt Wagons wasn't following up with him because he wasn't adding sugar. As it turned out, that wasn't the case. Instead of trying to re-write the narrative of what you were flamed for how about waiting to see how things shake out for Wookie and others? You don't have all the facts so I'd dial back the smugness and be very careful about making assumptions lest you be served some humble pie. That's what I was served months ago after going out of my way to resolve MIA refunds for a couple founders. Some things have a way of repeating themselves. Maybe emails went into Wookie's spam folder. Maybe there are some issues with Watt Wagons email server? Or something else happened? You don't know for sure. If the ongoing Watt Wagons communication issues are solved, great, I look forward to seeing it play out without random "me too" reports popping up here.
Which part of this did Wookie tell you.

Please check your emails dated December 27 where Pushkar responded saying it was ready for you but asking if you would accept $$ for no Brooks saddle since availability in the desired brown was unobtainuim at that time. Check again your email for today as Pushkar sent you two more to close this order number with you. Appears as though your saddle from Brooks is expected in a couple weeks, but you could purchase your own in Australia if desired…
I am with Tom. I would love to see this become a non issue and ww improve on their communication. But I know how it feels to get no communication and when all of you want to tag up against a guy just wanting some answers.
All- yes I was an ass for being smug. I am sorry for how I wrote that post…
Ha, ha, ha, you're my personal hero for today. (I was forced to pick between funny and loving your post above.....but I love it too. Your a man among men BarnBoy.)

Edit : That's how I put an end to arguments with my wife...."I was a horses assssssss.") :)
Woohoo! I have a FedEx tracking number, at last!!!

And fortunately, there is zero chance of rain here on the day it arrives :)
SpinEcho my Hydra arrived right when FedEx said it would - the day before Xmas. But, you've heard of them being off on tracking info and delivery times right?

I was trying to hold my hopes down because of some people's experience. But no, up drives the FEX truck. :)
"Mid stream"? My opinion of the '(International) marathon complaining tag team/ echo machine' was published back in the Pliocene of this thread. When pestiferous, filibuster tactics/ verbally attacking people that dared voice any contrary opinion/ unrelenting blasts of the same (unclarified) whiney complaints - with the topic's search features all being squashed into various sub-topics proving you were right' was in it's infancy, I saw this coming.
So many people since, telling you 'what time it is' you forgot me after posting you blocked me - so you said, but here you are?
No worries. I have ladies do that to me all the time, I can take the rejection😭. I've learned to compartmentalize the pain:p 🤥!!!👨‍🦽
So yeah, sorry to enter your domain without a visa. I certainly cede: you and crew ARE running this thread.
Actually, it's why so many of us said "bye!". Exactly, the problem is the entire thread has been forced into being about Ya'll!
False dilemmas, like: "If you love xyz, you'll support me an hate abc", "But I heard ..."? - No doubt. Probably an echo. The din is deafening.
You can scream "but what if they are doing xyz ???", "I know the law says ..." 5,000,000,000 times, but my head'll still say "YEAH, BUT WHAT IF NOT ?", esp. when my knowledge says "LIKE HELL IT DOES".
Acme kindly explained it in such a tender way.
I put it a bit different: Why should people care about you, when you're trying to wreck the company WE'RE depending on for OUR delivery?
And please, Lord let me not suffer - AGAIN - threats of 'like minded legions of Dissatisfied Vandals at the gate', crouched, waiting to scream "ATTACK", "ME TOO. ME TOO", should you summon them. Hey, I believe you. So stop right there and Prove Yourself Wrong.
Ask yourself: Is he crazy? He believes me? Why would anyone silently, patiently waiting for a machine sign up to my nihilistic agenda?", then rightfully call me "insane" and an "idiot" for following YOU.
My thinking has been, and still is: obsessive whining, focused on generating a sympathetic, like minded following has seeded indecision, division and distrust; haters are dominating this forum with repetitive slander/ opinion/ innuendo and a scorched earth policy by the instigators towards anyone that objects in the slightest. This 'domination' of the information stream, improper and unacceptable has rendered our forum unusable for it's intended purpose.
I was through with the whole thing, but then "no thank's BarnBoy for his help getting resolution for chief Muck-a-muck ??
Pardon me, but in my culture "giving thanks" is mandatory - since 2 years old.
Although occasionally embarrassing and inconvenient, it's 'correct', a mark of a wise man. Lacking gratitude is unacceptable.
Humbly allow me:
Thanks BarnBoy.
Your contributions, expenditures of valuable time have been critical to this community's education.
Patience, diligence, a determination to find solutions and honestly share the results - even with fools like me.
Thank you for taking your time and making that call, resolving this tempest in a teapot.
It gives me pause - in more ways than one.
I'm noting that after all these 'Perils of Pauline', why not simply have the bike sent now, use/ buy any old saddle, having the other sent when WW has it in stock ? -- Brooks Australia https://www.wiggle.com.au/brooks-england-b17-carved-saddle , "4 working days" "No shortage" "In stock" ???
First thing crossed my reptilian brain 🐸: "I'd compromise in a second - let's party 🥳 send me my bike!"
I'll have my bike - even if still waiting (just as long as it would have taken anyway for the saddle).
My bike in my possession -
and I'd get my saddle later 🤔?
"Nah, I'll wait". 💅
Totally belies the raging urgency😰, or a lack of trust in the company delivering the product🙄.
I can't call that one.
There are those who prefer a certain nothing to an uncertain something ... I'm lost at 'ethics v outcome' - but at least I ponder it.
What's more correct (not just mine, for all involved): 'intent or outcome'?
Is wrong intent, resulting in a good outcome "correct" - or rewarding 'wrong intent's' intent? LOL

Thanks for your kind assistance. A bigger man than I.
I better shut up afer'n I get 'clown threatened'👹 - again.
Last time on this thread, gave me PTSD for a month.

Stay safe n' PEACE - or whatever to the rest that have a problem with that.

What a strange question. I don't think anyone in this thread has been inappropriate. Even you. And I certainly don't think anyone else is unjustified in venting. Even now. My philosophy has never been, "I've got mine, Jack".

But I wanted to note my tracking number because it is a concrete reason to hope that maybe others will soon get their bikes, too. And everyone wants a reason to hope.
Inappropriate? Not at all! Certainly, normal folks call successful business folks "frauds" and "ponzi schemes", play faux outrage and poof, "what offense"?
"Even you"? Hey, he's done all he can to help your crew. I think you are unjustified whining, and things like that I rarely say except face to face.
I KNOW you think you have a right to torture our eyes.
Represent a riot, get in front, say "follow me" and now it's "just kidding", "It's really a harmless parade"? Then claim all bystanders as your innocent, still aggrieved associates?
There you go with a false dilemma again.
What friggen' "everyone"?
I have my money down and faith in my choice.
Don't include this "everyone" in your war dance around the fire to get riled up. This "everyone" absolutely does NOT NEED OR WANT your 'reason to hope' in your mission.
I have my TRUST in my choice. You don't. You admittedly make regrettable decisions, not me.
Do NOT include me in your Gang. I don't need, agree with or even respect your representation.
I'll wait as long as need be with full faith.
Sorry Srambler. 100% correct.
I see Puskar's delivering Hydras. Not much on the inside scoop with Helios.
Chinese manufacturing is now outpacing shipping, with major ports backed up.
They seem to have have ended the long quarantine delay for off-loading empty containers. Now the storage areas are full up with outgoing.
Sorry Srambler. 100% correct.
I see Puskar's delivering Hydras. Not much on the inside scoop with Helios.
Chinese manufacturing is now outpacing shipping, with major ports backed up.
They seem to have have ended the long quarantine delay for off-loading empty containers. Now the storage areas are full up with outgoing.
But now Omicron is shutting Chinese ports down again. :mad:
This https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1169/text sums up where trade with China is headed.
Firm political convictions on both sides of the aisle that 'China is weaponizing trade', the US Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) is already being cited by China's (government run) Press and "economic think-tanks" as "a threat to China's manufacturing that will "decouple trade", placing that threat even above war.
40 years ago, China was suffering massive starvation. Not so much from Mao, but administrators - whom he eventually had executed for their failings and false reports - had millions 'eating dirt-clods and leaves', while claiming "record harvests".
Now the quality of life includes Teslas.
If - now looking like 'when' - trade gets strangled, they're stuck with the massive inflation since the 1970's, but lose 90% of the 2022 cash flow.
Another factor, China's goods now cost 2/3 of domestic equivalents.
The West, with clear, unified convictions regarding the PRC's intentions can exclude China, take on that inflation and survive.
It will will even lead to job creation and some economists say "A Western Renaissance".
China needs the West. Not so in reverse.
Coupled to this, 'in it's quest for hegemony' (it is said), China's been making massive loans to deadbeat countries.
'"Belt and Road" leads to the Sudan, not Switzerland' and to the West, that supports the narrative 'they're out to take over anything they can get, even vacuum the sand out of the desert', not 'assist poor nations'.
The Anglo West, the EU Nations as well are much more in concert than the East and these threats, real or imagined are the inexplorable engine behind the wheels now in motion - with consumers a trapped audience.
That's the canvas. I knew it when I ordered, thinking 'if anyone, can (Michelangelo) Puskar will paint my Titanium CrossTour'.
If it gets so deep trade fails, history say's war is next so who cares?
I'll keep seeking the best until bombs fall, knowing I couldn't be in a better position to create my dream.
Just where I chose to, and want to be. I'm actually thinking I should've ordered a Hydra too.

But now Omicron is shutting Chinese ports down again. :mad:
Which, on top of 20 stories deep cargo containers in our ports (1/3 of recipients won't/ can't accept delivery/ out of business), just shuffling the piles of stuff around to locate the one that can ship is a nightmare.
Facing an ever widening chasm with the West, China's losing it over hosting the Olympics - A loss of face at not being world class hosts.
I can't even go through LA without getting a sinus condition. Last China hosted games gave chemical pneumonia to participants.
Everyone I know been to China became ill within a day or so. No exaggeration. Business friends - on multiple business trips, my Doctor/ Surgeon friend on Medical Junkets and people on vacation - no matter, all promptly became ill. A lot of it is the smog.
Be nice if the requisite to even 'get in ante' to host anything was cleaning up your environment to be breathable for the guests.
We don't host International Mahjong tourneys in our coal mines. You don't host 200 meter Olympic Contests in Beijing - same current levels of particulate pollution. What a novel idea?
Sending the West's best to be sacrificed in 'PRC economic policy induced' carcinogenic 'miasma' of 'Beijing fog' is repugnant.
Belies China's efforts to curb emissions - while Western manufacturers, and consumers are saddled with the end cost of (rightful) regulation and following the rules, they belch on.
How's your bike running?
You waiting for Helios?
The bike's running fine (except for the chain skip in the first two cassette cogs), but it sure goes through the battery fast. The cold weather doesn't help either.
I think the battery is a Shark 52V 880Wh.
I read mine in percentage. After charging the display shows 78%
After riding around 1 km the percent usually drops quickly to around 72%. Not sure why it drops so fast in such a short distance.
Yesterday's ride was around 23 miles and the battery showed 39% when I got home.
Admittedly, I did do the last half of the ride in level 3, but there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in battery usage between level 1 and 3. After switching from 5 to 9 levels I've found that there is no noticeable difference between levels 1 and 2. Riding at a constant speed and cadence seems to use the same amount of Watts in both levels.
I think the battery is a Shark 52V 880Wh.
I read mine in percentage. After charging the display shows 78%
After riding around 1 km the percent usually drops quickly to around 72%. Not sure why it drops so fast in such a short distance.
Yesterday's ride was around 23 miles and the battery showed 39% when I got home.
Admittedly, I did do the last half of the ride in level 3, but there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in battery usage between level 1 and 3. After switching from 5 to 9 levels I've found that there is no noticeable difference between levels 1 and 2. Riding at a constant speed and cadence seems to use the same amount of Watts in both levels.
Yep, default programming!! At one time, I couldn’t get 20 miles, now I am getting close to 30 miles after changing the Archon X1 parameters…

@Deacon Blues - so is your charger set for 80% and why you get 78%? Have you tried 100% say just before your ride??
Deacon Blues : In my experience on using different displays the battery status or % reading was never correct. I always change it to an actual voltage display. It gives me a much better snapshot of what amount of power I have left and if I need to conserve or not.
Like stated above 58.8v at full charge. 880w at 52 v is probably the 17ahr rated battery ( typically 5 x 14 )
If your only getting approximately 80% which for a 52v system is about 55.4v and your charger is set at 100% there is something wrong with the charger. The motor controller ( Archon X1) doesn't have anything to do with the charging aspect. Changing the performance perimeters for less assist will help in gaining more range.

That being said a 50% charge remaining on a 52v system is about 50v. But don't kid yourself that you have 1/2 of your capacity remaining, the actual usage curve drops off considerably with any appreciable load.

52v system 48v System
100% -- 58.8v 54.6v
50% -- 50.4v 46.8v
0% -- 42v 39.0v

But your BMS and your motor controller both have a Low Voltage Cut-off # that will shut you down before you ever see 42v. so you don't damage the cells.