joseph w

New Member
I'm looking for my first electric bike, but here's the thing. i live in NYC. after a lot of detailed researching, i have figured out EXACTLY the requirements that need to be met in order for me to LEGALLY ride an e-bike in NYC. if anyone would be so kind as to help me find the best bike that fits my needs... that would be amazing. here are the requirements (and preferences) that need to be met:

REQUIREMENTS (non negotiable)

#1. PEDAL ASSIST ONLY. (no full throttle mode at all)
one big issue in nyc is that if the bike can be powered without any human pedaling, it needs to be registered with the dmv. the issue is it can't actually be registered (not kidding, its pretty much a catch 22). so the bike cannot be a hybrid pedal assist/throttle option. it has to be pedal assist only!!!

#2. 20MPH MAX SPEED (not any faster)
i do want to get the bike as fast as possible, but again, nyc law gives an issue if it can go over 20mph. i rather get 20mph or close to it (i rather not get one that goes only 15mph) but i'll take what i can get.

PREFERENCES (i want these features, but i can live without them)

one of my most important preferences, if possible.

my other most important preference. i rather keep it under $1500 if possible, definitely not going past $2000

if the thing looks more like a "normal bike" rather than something with a huge motor or battery sticking out of it, that can minimize my chances of issues with the cops.

not the most important thing in the world, but hey, it would be nice.

just don't want to get stuck without customer support and warranty issues ect. ...

P.S. if there is no good answer to this dilemma, i may be able to get around the "20mph max" thing. so if necessary, you can take that out, but let me know.

thanks everybody!
And even with all those standards met, you're still not going to be completely legal in this state, or especially in that city. I would suggest you go see Chris Nolte at Propel Electric Bikes in Brooklyn... he is very active on this site and knows about as much as anyone on the issue, I think. The people at NYCE bikes in the city are also a good choice from what I see. I don't personally know any of them, but I've been around this site for almost a year and have gotten pretty aware of the general ebike world and who's who in it.

I'm upstate near Saratoga and also suffer with the uncertain laws in the state, though no one has ever looked twice at me other than to ask about the ebike out of genuine curiosity. Lots of demo miles have been ridden on my my bike by people I've encountered out here! Getting ready to buy my second bike now... my wife has one as well.
And even with all those standards met, you're still not going to be completely legal in this state, or especially in that city. I would suggest you go see Chris Nolte at Propel Electric Bikes in Brooklyn... he is very active on this site and knows about as much as anyone on the issue, I think. The people at NYCE bikes in the city are also a good choice from what I see. I don't personally know any of them, but I've been around this site for almost a year and have gotten pretty aware of the general ebike world and who's who in it.

I'm upstate near Saratoga and also suffer with the uncertain laws in the state, though no one has ever looked twice at me other than to ask about the ebike out of genuine curiosity. Lots of demo miles have been ridden on my my bike by people I've encountered out here! Getting ready to buy my second bike now... my wife has one as well.
Thanks! I'll give them a call.
The smartmotion Vista fits your criteria. MSRP $1400. Folds, Light, 20mph, Solid vendor!