Verve2 Mileage Odometer Not Accurate


Rode with some a family members today. Two of them have new Verve 2 bikes. The odometers on both of them read roughly 4 miles short after a 42 mile ride. My Alant+ 7S and brothers 2 year old Trek were pretty close and the same as maymyride app. He's supposed to take her Verve back to dealer when the factory guy is there to check it. Anyone else notice odometers that are not accurate?
I have found about a mile for every 20 (1 mile per 20) that the bike odometer does not match the GPS data. I am sure GPS data is much less accurate and over the course of miles it becomes more significant as a rider as the distance increases. The variance above between bikes is certainly interesting. You could test the bikes on a known 1 mile distance or out on a track a do a few laps of known distance and see how they are performing. A 9.5% variance is defiantly something to have checked out.
Yeah their Verves are off quite a bit. I've got the odometer on my road bike programmed to to exact circumference of tire and it runs almost exactly with the mapmyride app on my phone. My Allant seems pretty close also.