[#9] X52..My lil' beast at month 16 and mile 10,000..

Sic Puppy

Active Member
[#9] X52..My lil' beast at month 16 and mile 10,000..

First of all, the pertinent pooky about me: 71 years old.. 200 pounds (out the door).. 5'9” tall.. 30” inseam.. I try to go on a 50-mile ebike ride every day, though I usually settle for 5 days out of every 7. Close enough.
The beautiful blue X52 arrived at my front door on Aug 5, 2021.. Today is Dec 4, 2022.. Apparently, I have been a riding fool on this, at times very frustrating, 2-wheel blue monster. As my other 8 numbered X52 threads will attest to, I made a lot of fun modifications to this unique toy. I have also learned some hard lessons along the way.
After assembling this ebike and then going for a ride, I quickly learned that its original factory computer setting of “24” for “wheel size” was incorrect. It should be set at “22” to provide an accurate MPH data read-out. So, you owners who decide to remain with the original “24” setting just have to accept the fact that your “mph”, “trip miles”, and “odometer” readings are off by 10% to the high side. 30mph indicated is actually only 27mph.. 1,000 miles on the odometer is actually only 900 miles.. 10,000 miles ridden is actually only 9,000 miles. etc, etc, etc. So, when you see “36mph” being displayed, you are really only going 32mph. I wanted to verify to you, the reader, that all readings for my X52 are 100% accurate.. Just sayin'..
I won't go too much into re-hash mode about items previously addressed in my other 8 threads.

I always carry a total of three batteries (2 of them inside my nifty gray mailbox seat) and swap them out at mile 10 and at mile 30. That way, I am getting 10miles, 20miles, and 20miles per ebike ride adventure. If I should decide to increase the 50-mile mark by an additional 10 or 15 miles, no problemo..

ITEM #1: My X52 is the “generation 1” model. It contains the (back in 2021) highly touted internal metal gears and a 1,000 watt (2,000 watt max) rear hub motor. I have hoped the motor unit was just a re-branded Bafang BLADE motor. However, it doesn't seem like that scenario has panned out. I believe it is actually a Matsui (or whatever) brand. If ever needed, I'll probably won't be able to find a replacement motor for that rascal. Bummer, fer sure.
The 2022 X52 is the generation 2 version ebike which actually does utilize the BaFang(brand) BLADE(style) 1,000/2,000 watt beast. BaFang is probably the holy grail (best of the best) as far as the basic ebike rear hub motor world is concerned. Pretty much bulletproof. You lucky-ducky KEPLER owners also possess this BaFang 1,000+watt motor.

ITEM #2: I am currently using thumb throttle #3. It is beginning to show the signs of wear (just a very slight hesitation upon occasion). I utilize this tool a lot more on the X52 than I do on my other 2 thumb throttle(TT) ebike beasts. One ebike is a 2018 model with 21,150 miles on the odometer. The other ebike is a 2019 model with 14,500 miles on the odometer. Both of these ebike are still using their original thumb throttle. Just goes to show you how little I actually need to use their TT. I would guesstimate less than 5% of the time.
The 2021 X52, on the other hand, seems to require this TT push assistant about 75% of the time. However, at a TT cost of only about $13, and being a very easy swap-out,I can't really whine too much. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CKBV1M3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A348QL9CPMT0SW&psc=1
I'll just order them 2 at a time because my other ebikes TT's will eventually go caa-caa.

ITEM #3: Back at mile 7,657 I installed these SHINKO (brand) 241(model) motorcycle tires in size 3.00x16: https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/shinko-sr-241-series-tires?sku_id=594590
And also, two DoubleTough(brand) motorcycle inner tubes (hell yes) in size 2.75-3.00x16 with valve stem type TR-6 : https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/double-tough-inner-tubes?rrec=true&sku_id=1132896
I have to say that these puppies will be my “go to” tires from now on.
A little bit of back-story for you: I began riding mountain bikes in 1983, at age 32. In the late 80's/early 90's, SPECIALIZED bicycle company introduced their Ground Control(GC) 26”x1.95” knobby tire. After using it, I never even considered another tire. The GC tire setup was my lil' buddy thru the early 2000's as I rode amok in Texas, Arizona, California, Utah, and Colorado. Up the mountain, down the mountain.. Never once did I ever consider any other tire.
And now, in my ebike phase, I see this awesome SHINKO 241 tire to be my new accomplice in mirth and mayhem. At least as far as a fat tire ebike using 20” tires is concerned. Despite its very knobby footprint, it is absolutely quiet-- I can even hear the motor purring along. The SHINKO 244 tires that preceded these 241's were also awesome tires, however, they were quite noisy and had much more rolling resistance. Just sayin'..
Recently, I was able to test these 241 puppies in 5” of snow and they seem to do even better than the 244's. If you go with the 241 tires (in size 16”x3”) on any 20” fat tire ebike, you won't regret it. Plus, they will easily exceed 10,000 miles before you wear down their tread. And they grip/corner like an absolute beast. I can't believe some of the fun crap I am constantly doing while astride these tires.

Item #4: I have never been a fan of the rear coil-over rear shock absorber mechanism. So, at mile 9,525, I finally got around to swapping out the original equipment coil-over rear shock (165mm) for this DNM 36rc air shock in size 190mm: https://www.amazon.com/DNM-Damping-Mountain-Pressure-Adjustable/dp/B00R5OA7HA/ref=pd_ybh_a_sccl_123/133-8977163-9247836?
You will also need this pump: https://www.amazon.com/DNM-Bicycle-Shock-Portable-300PSI/dp/B01MUJ0PYL/ref=pd_ybh_a_sccl_120/133-8977163-9247836?
I should have purchased the 200mm long shock because the X52 will easily accommodate it. The 200mm unit has almost an additional inch of piston travel over the 165mm (55mm versus 35mm).
As far as the bushings are concerned: the top bushings can be used as is. The wider bottom bushings must be removed from the original coil-over shock and then installed on the new shock. EazyBreezy. When you receive the new DNM air shock, just remove the bottom rubber bushing on one side and then tap out the metal insert. Now proceed over to the installed coil-over shock.
As for the original coil-over shock, remove the male/female bolt combo from the BOTTOM connector FIRST. Then remove the top bolt combo. Shock is now removed. After that, remove one bottom rubber bushing, tap out the metal insert, and tap it into the DNM shock. Install the rubber bushing.. Install the new DNM shock via BOTTOM connector first. The entire swap-out shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes.
I used 180psi on the top valve. I used 80psi on the bottom valve. The “rebound” dial has 28 “clicks” total, so I just set it at 15. I figured that I'd need to ride a couple hundred miles on the X52 in order to get everything “tuned in”. Nope. It only took about 200 feet for me to deem everything O-T-A-Y. And dang, the difference in ride quality is absolutely amazing. Do it. You won't regret it. I can't believe that I waited so dang long to do the simple swap-out.
By the way, you can also purchase this DNM shock here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801654831731.html?
It will save you $45 over the Amazon price. It will also take about 14 days to arrive at your front door. However, you will not receive any written installation/settings/etc info. Just the DNM shock itself (with bushings). So, the $45 you save can be spent on the needed shock pump. Your call. Either way, $$$ well spent.
My 2018 dual-suspension fat tire ebike beast has been using this same 190mm DNM 36rc shock for a few years and it is really a very mellow cushy ride.

ITEM #5: In thread #8, X52, I addressed the installation of water bottle mounts at the handlebar stem location. On the X52, I used 2 such mounts. They worked so well I went ahead and installed a single unit on each of my 26” fat tire beasts, too. I highly recommend the stem “spacer” location as a mounting place. Easily accessible and completely out of the way. Go figure.

Off-subject (kinda sorta) for a moment:
I really get a kick out of watching the daily JEOPARDY tv show. If I happen to get 6 items correct, I feel like Einstein (Larry, that is).
Anyway, on one show the item was:
In the early 20th century, there were 200 manufacturers of this product..
The correct response: What is the automobile??
Now it is the early 21st century and that same response can be used for the ebike industry. So many companies out there hawking their product(s). All you, as a consumer, can do is go for it (buy an ebike) and then hope for the best. Fortunately, nowadays there are numerous ebike-only bike shops to do your business with. Shop at their store.

In conclusion, every time I go for a 50 mile ride on one of my two 26”-wheel fat tire ebike beasts( I only need to use 2 batteries for them), I always sport a big ol' chit eatin' grin because, yes, they really are THAT much fun to ride. Why? Because I enjoy pedaling as I ride along. You KEPLER owners know exactly what I'm talking about.
As for my mighty X52 lil' beast: the only times I have really cracked a big ear-to-ear grin is on the following occasions:
a). When I figured out how to easily raise the seat height 5 inches (the gray mailbox). The height increase allowed me to actually pedal this bike like a bicycle is supposed to be pedaled. This gray item worked out mucho grande because it also allowed me an awesome storage location for 2 batteries. Too friggin' cool.
b). When I installed the pair of SHINKO 241 tires AND their motorcycle inner tubes.
c). When I installed the DNM 36rc rear air shock.
d). When I added the 56-tooth front chain ring next to the original 48 tooth unit, thus eliminating “the chain fell off” illusion when pedaling.

Along the way, I have also figured out some more fun/interesting modifications/items (as described in X52 threads #1 thru #8). However, the four aforementioned items really take the cake.
Thats all folks.
Have a Happy Holiday season.


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