Vado 5 battery life

Thanks Vadomark. Also, I often got this error message (see attached) showing that battery % is not available even though there's plenty of juice left in the battery. When I get this screen, the pedal-assist function doesn't work.

Did you encounter this too?

This pic (posted by Erick L) showing a battery with no juice is familiar: I have noticed that when starting-up the bike, if the computer screen showed this, I'd end-up experiencing some of the power drop-outs commented on, by others: e.g., on a hill, Turbo mode would be disabled (Sport mode, too), as the system would revert into Eco mode. There appears to be some sort of glitch with the software (perhaps future firmware updates will resolve this). I'm hoping that future firmware updates will resolve the issue. Meanwhile, I have found at least one sure-bet way of avoiding the problems (and maybe a second way, too.)

The first seem analogous to the need (with some computers and cell phones) for regular reboots, with the system then running again like new, after the reboot. To accomplish this full reboot, I'd typically need to do two things: first, remove the battery; second (while removed), use the reset button on the back of the computer. (You can then replace the battery.) I'm not positive that both of these actions are required, nor about the importance of this particular order. I just know that whenever I'd do this, the system would then run like new. I got into a habit of doing this at least once a week, and it completely eliminated the problems. (As it happens, I need regularly to reboot my phone, too.)

I'm less certain about a second way of avoiding the problems, as I've only been trying this for a couple of weeks, now. Here, the point is always to remove the computer when charging the battery. I don't know why that would matter, but so far it seems to have helped. (I haven't yet ruled out that in fact it hasn't helped at all, and that the apparent success is owed to the first of my solutions.

Putting to the side this pesky issue, this is an awesome machine! I've got a little over a 1000 miles on my bike, and I absolutely love commuting with it.
Putting to the side this pesky issue, this is an awesome machine! I've got a little over a 1000 miles on my bike, and I absolutely love commuting with it.
Agreed, the bike is so fun to ride. I truly forget the "bleeding edge" issues that always seem to accompany a new model when I'm out running an errand on it.

I haven't experienced the problems you have yet, but it's nice to have a plan if I do - thanks for posting.

BTW, did you have your LBS install the battery firmware update? It came out a couple of months ago, but I just installed it recently. I know it addressed the issue I had (and the main subject of this thread) regarding the battery draining down on overnight charges. Perhaps it will cure your ills too. Good Luck!

Now if we can get the computer updated with range and maps and all the other things it was supposed to do that it won't...
Wow, so glad to see these comments.
1) My Vado 6.0 typically charges to anywhere from 87% to 93%, even after an overnight charge. Weird.
2) My battery level drops fast in colder weather, and I'm noticing the drop when it gets below 50 degrees.
My Vado 6.0 typically charges to anywhere from 87% to 93%, even after an overnight charge. Weird.
You might try unplugging after about two or three hours and see if it is in the high 90's. And of course the firmware update previously mentioned. Haven't been on any lengthy rides in cold weather yet...