Thanks Stefan. You see this is the part that I cannot understand due to my lack of experience on 'full power' ebikes.
I understand that my SL has a 35nM motor while the incoming full power Vado 4.0 will have a 70nM motor (yes I hear you....75nM lol).
Now all of this said....running the Vado 4.0 at 50% power cannot be the 'same' as running 100% Turbo on my SL because of the massive weight difference between these bikes. Right? Your simple math makes sense to me only if all things are equal....but the SL is nearly 1/2 the weight of the Vado 4.0.
One might even argue that because the SL is half the weight..... And because the SL has half the motor power..... The SL versus the full power bike share an equivalent motor power. I understand that it cannot work this way.... No more than could it work in the way that you imply. At least not precisely.
The max torque of the SL 1.1 motor actually is 38.2 Nm, hahaha! Let us only talk the mechanical peak power (240 vs 470 W, see?)
Reluctanly, I need to talk pounds instead of kilograms. Not sure how much you weigh but let's use 150 lbs as the rider's body weight, 35 lbs as the Vado SL weight, and let it be 58 lbs for Vado 4.0 ( quotes 49 lbs, which must be bullshit).
The rider + Vado SL is 185 lbs. The rider + Vado is 208 lbs. The combo for the big Vado is 100*208/(208-185) = 23% heavier than Vado SL with the rider. Not that much really? If the rider is 200 lb or heavier, the difference becomes smaller and smaller.
Now, where will exactly the weight difference manifest itself?
- Rolling resistance: the weight effect is negligible here
- Acceleration: a heavy e-bike requires more power to accelerate quicker. Deceleration: The heavy e-bike will coast longer than the lightweight one.
- Climbing. Here, the weight difference will play a significant role but it is 23% difference or less!
- Descending: the heavy combo will descend much faster than the lightweight one.
The powerful motor is tuned the way it gives a lot of boost at low speed. That makes the acceleration easy for Vado 4.0.
In the practical terms, you will notice the Vado 4.0 will be more lively at 35% assistance than the Vado SL is at 70%. Now, if we can go the full power, Vado SL will stop accelerating at some 21 mph while it is easy to accelerate the big Vado to 25 mph.
Mark my words: You will experience that soon!