Yep, He likes it very much I am surprised at how well the small triangle battery holds on( must have been good cells) He is having a time getting some good brakes on the back.I believe He said it has hit 26 mph on throttle, His son likes it too. We had an older build returned ,a trek Antelope, it has a 36 volt 20 ah battery,I managed to shoehorn everything into a plastic Harbor Freight Ammo box on the rear rack, it climbs well with the throttle assisting the rider's output, with no suspension it has a lot cleaner look,I may contemplate installing a pedal-assist setup on it.
My real hope in all this is to generate interest around here for the EBike phenomenon, thanks for asking. I do not want anymore 20x4" bikes because the last one I had would go 32 mph on throttle or assist and it really felt unstable, it had thrown Me at least once and I was lucky it was at low speed.
If we get everything working and cleaned up I will try to post some pictures, How's your bike do on "Sears Hill"?