Tuning for Yamaha branded bikes? (2019 Urban Rush spec) **solved**

Pine, you're welcome, glad to help. 4 motor mount bolts for the BH PW-X, holy cow! Note the pic of the Haibike PW; 3 motor mount bolts, with full access to remove and re-torque the bolt heads on the non-drive side.

What I did with mine after the Pear Tune installation was to clean the bolt threads and add a drop or two of Blue Loctite, then torqued to specs. Not much chance of those bolts ever working loose when loctite is reapplied.

Look at it this way: sooner or later, that front chain ring will wear to the point of requiring replacement. And then, just as I had to do this past summer, you'll have to remove the drive side crank arm and the chain ring spider; which in the case of your PW-X, then exposes that fourth motor mount bolt.

I think that if you are experiencing loosened motor mount bolts, that grip on the factory applied anerobic thread sealant (if they used any at all) will have loosened up to the point of no longer being capable of doing what it was intended to do.

The PW-X spider retaining nut on the chain ring side is different then the PW nut; requiring a specific socket to remove.
Pic of the Haibike Yamaha PW motor....


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Thanks. I had a look and they didn’t have one for my configuration. Seems like most of the tuning that supports the Yamaha PW-SE will only work with a connected display that is not used on the Yamaha branded bikes.

I did find a Speedbox 2.0 for Yamaha branded bikes from a US seller on EBay. It’s pricey but I purchased it. I’ll update this thread if anyone else is interested.
which motor do you have....the PW-SE or X2? It seems like a lot of companies support the new X2, but not the ones that cap speed at 20MPH? I'm trying to find a good one for the 20MPH X2 2019 motor.
which motor do you have....the PW-SE or X2? It seems like a lot of companies support the new X2, but not the ones that cap speed at 20MPH? I'm trying to find a good one for the 20MPH X2 2019 motor.
PW-SE on the Urban Rush. Still have this speed project on the back burner though I’ve been pretty content with my 20MPH cut off for more than a year now. There’s a few spots in commute that I wish I had Class 3 speeds but I’m not desperate to have it.
It's too bad that Yamaha doesn't simply offer to do it for you, say for $100, considering that the Civante and the Rush are virtually identical except for a chain and the speed cap, so clearly the bike can handle it.

I don't even get why they have two separate models, when they could simply tune the bike on demand and classify accordingly. I like the Civante but the Rush has a better paint job.

It's too bad that Yamaha doesn't simply offer to do it for you, say for $100, considering that the Civante and the Rush are virtually identical except for a chain and the speed cap, so clearly the bike can handle it.

I don't even get why they have two separate models, when they could simply tune the bike on demand and classify accordingly. I like the Civante but the Rush has a better paint job.

I bought the Urban Rush about a year before the Civante was introduced so I didn’t have the option. 😁 But I also got it at a huge discount so I would likely still have chosen the Urban Rush for what I paid. I’ve got the Urban Rush to the point where it’s 95% perfect for me and my riding. It’s serving me very well. I have so many hills to contend with that the Class 3 speeds are probably wasted here anyway. I can probably open it up to those speeds a small fraction of my commute. I might be moving in the next year or so somewhere I may be able to use those speeds so I’ll revisit the idea then.
WattsUp: You're welcome! What with alot of newer Yamaha owners coming onboard and wanting to derestrict their bikes (ummmmm, for testing purposes only, yeah, that's the ticket, for testing purposes! :) ), it'd be great if you could let us know how your conversation with PearTune went in regards to their device working with the new Yamaha rotor-installed magnet sensor.

That should clear up once and for all the questions folks have about what derestrictor actually works on these newer Yamahas.
Don’t think I ever responded to you about this potential solution. Had a conversation with Pear Tune and they do not have a solution for Yamaha branded bikes with this configuration: integrated speed sensor in hub, PW-SE motor, X display. So the search continues…at some point. 🙂
I just sent a message to the US seller that I bought the incompatible SpeedBox from to check if he has these in stock.
Guys I have looked at every single offering out there for the PW-X2 Yamaha motor. After many emails there is Nobody who offers a unit for this model of motor period. Even if they list a unit for it. The main issue seems to be the connectors from the display unit. At present they are not available and appear to be made specific for Yamaha only. See my other posts on this subject with pictures. Good luck !
I don't know what was the situation in 2020 but now it seems that they have a product capable of derestricting Urban Rush. Here's a link: https://www.speedbox-tuning.com/p/speedbox-2-0-for-yamaha-urbanrush
**fingers crossed**

Bought it for my 2019 Urban Rush. It should be delivered within a few weeks. I'll update this thread when I get a chance to play with it. The thing that scares me a bit is that it is still labeled "2.0 speedbox for Yamaha Branded Bikes". That's the exact same text that was on the incompatible speedbox 2.0 that I purchased previously. Although every site that is selling it states that it's only for the Urban Rush. I guess I'll find out.
**fingers crossed**

Bought it for my 2019 Urban Rush. It should be delivered within a few weeks. I'll update this thread when I get a chance to play with it. The thing that scares me a bit is that it is still labeled "2.0 speedbox for Yamaha Branded Bikes". That's the exact same text that was on the incompatible speedbox 2.0 that I purchased previously. Although every site that is selling it states that it's only for the Urban Rush. I guess I'll find out.
Good luck with that, if you are having the same connector problems your going to be out of luck according to every seller I could possibly find…
**fingers crossed**

Bought it for my 2019 Urban Rush. It should be delivered within a few weeks. I'll update this thread when I get a chance to play with it. The thing that scares me a bit is that it is still labeled "2.0 speedbox for Yamaha Branded Bikes". That's the exact same text that was on the incompatible speedbox 2.0 that I purchased previously. Although every site that is selling it states that it's only for the Urban Rush. I guess I'll find out.

I just got it in the mail today. It looks promising because instead of it being labeled “for Yamaha branded bikes”, it says this:
Well any luck installing? I can see it has the “old” style connectors, certainly wouldn’t work on my Yammy. Good luck 🤞

I can confirm that the connectors are the correct since the SpeedBox 2.0 "for Yamaha branded ebikes" is exactly the same. Unfortunately it threw an error code that was likely related to the in-hub speed sensor. Who knows...maybe it was my case that raised that not all the programming is the same for the Cross Core, Cross Connect, Urban Rush and Wabash.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me but I'll probably wake up extra early to get this done. I'll update this thread when I do!

Success! Did the install today and took the bike up to 38MPH and was still getting motor assist. I was only able to do a 5 mile loop before the kids woke up from nap time but it felt good. I’m really hoping I don’t get an error in the next few rides!

Success! Did the install today and took the bike up to 38MPH and was still getting motor assist. I was only able to do a 5 mile loop before the kids woke up from nap time but it felt good. I’m really hoping I don’t get an error in the next few rides!
Nice !! I sure wish some manufacturer would locate the new style connectors so I could peddle my brains out to mach 5 😎
It's been about 30 miles since the last update and the tune is still working error-free. I don't have that many opportunities to go more than Class 1 speeds on my hilly commute but it sure is nice to have in those wide open stretches.