I wonder why your display doesn't simply show the battery voltage. I wonder if all C3 displays are like that.
I've put KT controllers and displays on two bikes. I'd recharge at various levels. I'd note the display voltage, remove the battery, note the multimeter voltage, charge it, note the multimeter voltage, install the battery, and note the display voltage. Those displays consistently showed 0.5 volt less than a multimeter reading. (I imagine there's a diode in the circuit.)
I refreshed my memory on voltage sag. The display read 52.2, which would be 52.7 with a multimeter. The controller is rated at 25 amps. Going slowly uphill, I opened the throttle wide and saw the voltage drop 4 volts to 48.2. I repeated it a couple of times to be sure it was consistent.
It's a 10-amp-hour battery, so I guess it has 3 "stacks" of cells. (I don't know the right word.) Nominally, I'll say .52 ohms per stack, so 3 in parallel would be .17 ohm. At 25 amps, that would be a drop of 4.25 volts. Gratifyingly close!
That doesn't prove
@Sasquatch260 's display voltage works like mine.