Total distance travelled discrepancy


Well-Known Member
New Zealand
Soon after I bought my Gen4 HS powered bike I registered with Ebike Connect.

Strangely the total distance travelled (all trips) shown on EBC was about 29km less than that shown on the Kiox display (which seemed to be correct).

Later I replaced the Kiox with a Nyon display. At the time of the switch, the total distance travelled displayed on the new Nyon was the same as on the Kiox.

However EBC now displays 58km less than that on the Nyon. The difference is constant.

Can anyone explain what's going on? To me it seems like a bug in EBC.

Any way to correct the discrepancy?

Hi Peter,

Have you matched up all of your rides with "real life" vs. EBC? In other words, have you verified that EBC is not missing the occasional ride?

The Kiox and/or Nyon are reading the ODO in the DU, so we can probably assume it's EBC that's missing the miles.

What is your total mileage? 58km in the scheme of a few hundred is significant, but if your total ODO is several thousand, it becomes a little less.

I need to learn more about this, but it's possible EBC is measuring mileage using a different method, and a very minor difference is adding up to a lot over time.

I'll check with some colleagues and get back to you.
I spoke with some colleagues who confirmed that the EBC is only displaying "activities," meaning that it is likely some rides (or possibly just the start of some rides) were not logged properly. The ODO in the DU will of course log every km the eBike travels while turned "on."
I spoke with some colleagues who confirmed that the EBC is only displaying "activities," meaning that it is likely some rides (or possibly just the start of some rides) were not logged properly. The ODO in the DU will of course log every km the eBike travels while turned "on."
Thank you for your replies William. Appreciated

From what I've observed, EBC has recorded all activities since registering.

Yes, the error is less significant as the total distance travelled Is now in the thousands of kilometres.

If I remember correctly, the EBC discrepancy showed immediately when I first registered with EBC with only a few (less than 100?) kilometres ridden. The discrepancy then spontaneously doubled when the Kiox was replaced with the Nyon.

Although I haven't kept a written record, it seems that the absolute kilometre difference hasn't changed since each of the two events (registering and changing display).
thats better then mine. seems the kiox never added to the total on EBC. so I have total of 19,000 miles but it only shows 10,000
I'll check-in with someone specifically on the app/connectivity team and see if they have anything further to add.

@peterh_nz If it's not too much of an inconvenience, would you be able to share your exact total DU ODO, and exact total EBC distance? I suspect the response I get from Bosch will be something along the lines of some ride data not making it over, but I'd like to give them the precise numbers when I ask.
I'll check-in with someone specifically on the app/connectivity team and see if they have anything further to add.

@peterh_nz If it's not too much of an inconvenience, would you be able to share your exact total DU ODO, and exact total EBC distance? I suspect the response I get from Bosch will be something along the lines of some ride data not making it over, but I'd like to give them the precise numbers when I ask.

Display Unit - 5,164 km
EBC - 5,106 km

I understand the suggestion that ocassionally some data doesn't get transferred to EBC. However it seems to me that a lot, if not all, of the discrepancy was generated at the time of registering each display (the Kiox and Nyon) with EBC.

Now that I have finally recorded the actual discrepancy I'll check if the discrepancy changes with riding.

I'm quite confident that I first noticed the discrepancy very soon after I registered the Kiox and that the discrepancy immediately jumped to a larger value when I registered the Nyon.

I remove the ODO function because it does not do anything for me on a ride. ODO is a Peloton-like thing and those were invented as a torture device inflicted in Victorian Briton in prisons.
Display Unit - 5,164 km
EBC - 5,106 km

I understand the suggestion that ocassionally some data doesn't get transferred to EBC. However it seems to me that a lot, if not all, of the discrepancy was generated at the time of registering each display (the Kiox and Nyon) with EBC.

Now that I have finally recorded the actual discrepancy I'll check if the discrepancy changes with riding.

I'm quite confident that I first noticed the discrepancy very soon after I registered the Kiox and that the discrepancy immediately jumped to a larger value when I registered the Nyon.

I don't think my kiox recorded anything either. l lost about 8000 miles from it. I mean the bike shows the correct amount. when I changed a bike with intuvia to the old nyon it captured all of those miles. but going from the purion to kiox they were not captured till I went from the kiox to the new nyon.
Display Unit - 5,164 km
EBC - 5,106 km

I understand the suggestion that ocassionally some data doesn't get transferred to EBC. However it seems to me that a lot, if not all, of the discrepancy was generated at the time of registering each display (the Kiox and Nyon) with EBC.

Now that I have finally recorded the actual discrepancy I'll check if the discrepancy changes with riding.

I'm quite confident that I first noticed the discrepancy very soon after I registered the Kiox and that the discrepancy immediately jumped to a larger value when I registered the Nyon.

Thanks for the info!

I'll let you know what they say.
It seems to me that the EBC total kilometres travelled should be the total as recorded by the DU and not the sum of activities transferred. Would be simpler and more reliable.

Users can delete individual activities on EBC. What affect does that have on the current EBC displayed total?


I'm still working on this with a colleague. There is a bit of information we need to look through. You are right in that the DU should be the most accurate recording of distances, but I believe the issue is that EBC is tracking GPS routes/rides/activity, so it uses the different method.

So far, I'm seeing information that supports the idea that some EBC rides/distance could be lost if the data transfer were ever interrupted, or if for some reason a particular ride was not uploaded. It is still very intresting that the "missing" kilometers doubled when you changed displays.

I'm guessing that if you deleted an individual activity on EBC, it would affect your EBC total by that amount. Might be an interesting test to perform, if you are willing to possibly skew your distance comparison by a little further.

I'll let you know when we learn more on this.
I'm still working on this with a colleague. There is a bit of information we need to look through. You are right in that the DU should be the most accurate recording of distances, but I believe the issue is that EBC is tracking GPS routes/rides/activity, so it uses the different method.

So far, I'm seeing information that supports the idea that some EBC rides/distance could be lost if the data transfer were ever interrupted, or if for some reason a particular ride was not uploaded. It is still very intresting that the "missing" kilometers doubled when you changed displays.

I'm guessing that if you deleted an individual activity on EBC, it would affect your EBC total by that amount. Might be an interesting test to perform, if you are willing to possibly skew your distance comparison by a little further.

I'll let you know when we learn more on this.

Thank you William.

I agree. It would be interesting to test the effect of trip deletion.

Here's the result: EBC Total 5,224km. I then deleted five short trips amounting to 9.2km. New EBC Total 5215, 9km less.

Maybe the Bike's total kilometres and the sum of all trips (Activities listed in EBC) should be displayed together in the EBC Dashboard and labelled clearly as such. That would be useful, avoid the ambiguity, and should be simple to implement.

Prior to this test, I don't recall deleting any trips since purchasing the bike. If fact earlier I had to check that it could be done.

As an aside. I almost exclusively use the web based EBC, rather than the EBC app, because of its better GPX functionality.
I've heard back from Germany on this- there are no known issues with distance discrepancies. Their theory is that a ride or rides were somehow not transferred or recognized by the eBike Connect App, and therefore not logged on your account/total miles in the app portal. Still doesn't explain the doubling of the error margin when you swapped displays, but this is the best explanation we can find- some rides were not logged.

I'll let you know if I heard anything new on this, but for now I'd recommend checking after each ride to verify it was uploaded.
Thank you William

I don't think the absolute discrepancy Is changing, unless trips are manually deleted. For this reason there's no need for me to confirm each trip transfer. However I will monitor the actual discrepancy every few weeks or so.

Any chance of having both the actual bike total distance and the EBC trip sum displayed together in EBC (as mentioned earlier)?

(Currently the EBC site has been down for at least a few hours)

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@peterh_nz Great input!

Yes, eBC was down for a few hours this week, but is up and running. Any rides completed during the outage are still present on eBC. (This was my personal experience). I agree that I use the eBC web-based portal for GPX and for uploading rides to Strava.
Thank you William

I don't think the absolute discrepancy Is changing, unless trips are manually deleted. For this reason there's no need for me to confirm each trip transfer. However I will monitor the actual discrepancy every few weeks or so.

Any chance of having both the actual bike total distance and the EBC trip sum displayed together in EBC (as mentioned earlier)?

(Currently the EBC site has been down for at least a few hours)

I'll let @Stephen - Bosch Team answer this one as he's a little more familiar with EBC, etc.
Howdy @peterh_nz ---these are solid thoughts. eBC was designed as a very modular platform, so that perhaps a rider with a Kiox-equipped bike and a Nyon-equipped bike can use the same ride platform. Due to this, there is not a way to display specific bike distance on the app.

Theoretically, a rider with one bike and the eBC app should display the same distance on the app and the bike's drive unit. Though, I can see room for error when Bluetooth connection comes into play. I always refer to the display on my bike to get the exact mileage of the bike.

A rider has to have the eBC app paired and connected right out of the box for the platform to collect all miles. Perhaps if rider uses their eBike for multiple months before knowing or downloading eBC, there just isn't a way to recover that ride data prior to the app connection (to my knowledge).

I hope this makes sense--let me know what other questions you may have.