Tora Tora Tora


Well-Known Member
To be named the same as a famous, really great movie is a become spectacular, yourself.
Olympian, anyone? (grin). I really appreciate the features of my 2nd production CCS s every day I am piling on the miles. Tora, there is one design feature in particular of the CCS/RC frame that I think is a potential life saver: the high bottom bracket. It gives good pedal clearance. Thank you for that. I lost my last ebike and nearly my life to a pedal strike at high speed in a roundabout. Tora, there is no better red and black combination in transport anywhere else, no train, plane or automobile. Tora, you will win the ebike "war" for market share; just stay the course, after all, you are both a practical genius and an artist and...say, how'd you get that name?
My wife has a Pedego City Commuter. It's a well-made, comfortable, relaxed, fun bicycle. It's perfect for her needs. It is not the "athletic and practical" bike that the CCS is. That's a great description. The CCS meets my needs as the City Commuter would not. Like I told the guy at the Pedego shop, when the next shake-out in the ebike industry comes, Juiced Bikes and Pedego will be among the winners.