Active Member
....I know of at least one state where the 'throttle people' couldn't get along with the non-throttlers or themselves.
The solution?
Build one trail parallel to the other given the obvious fact that there is no such thing as unlimited natural resources.
What happened?
Nobody was happy as every single group wanted the entire forest and everything in it...to themselves.
I have to often laugh as an older person.It's like watching kids grow up thinking that they are increasingly more clever each and every day trying to:
...either get away with something/re-invent the wheel
...continually patting themselves on the backs as if they were indeed the first one (ever) to come up with their latest scheme or lazy-based get-around.
It's called sharing and involves two things that many young people don't understand or are too lazy/cheap to promote involving maintaining any trail system:
Hard work maintenance achieved through volunteering and/or fees which are assessed in real time due to a lack of the former. Newsflash: There is no free ride.
No, things aren't always always 'fair' (which seems to be young people's favorite word) or ever meant to be...and yes, you must put up with groups/people that you don't necessarily like or approve of.
Get over it.
The solution?
Build one trail parallel to the other given the obvious fact that there is no such thing as unlimited natural resources.
What happened?
Nobody was happy as every single group wanted the entire forest and everything in it...to themselves.
I have to often laugh as an older person.It's like watching kids grow up thinking that they are increasingly more clever each and every day trying to:
...either get away with something/re-invent the wheel
...continually patting themselves on the backs as if they were indeed the first one (ever) to come up with their latest scheme or lazy-based get-around.
It's called sharing and involves two things that many young people don't understand or are too lazy/cheap to promote involving maintaining any trail system:
Hard work maintenance achieved through volunteering and/or fees which are assessed in real time due to a lack of the former. Newsflash: There is no free ride.
No, things aren't always always 'fair' (which seems to be young people's favorite word) or ever meant to be...and yes, you must put up with groups/people that you don't necessarily like or approve of.
Get over it.
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