I used the words I wanted to. No other words.
It's called a reply begging your confirmation. This was a phrase used long before (mostly young people now) were instantly offended before an exchange ever begins (see above).
You don't know me and you make far too many assumptions.
Again, the whine before any follow-up 'opine' ever begins. You're obviously far too young to remember simple straight talk and straight responses.
Your rights end where other's rights begin.
Gosh do I ever wish that you were around to say that 50 years ago for my own entertainment.
I spent years working for access.
Access to what? I spent years working for access to public lands involving machines that absolutely tore the crap out of everything if not properly maintained. Still feel good about it and always will.
Other users of these public spaces have valid opinions and concerns.
Your definition of 'others' does not include 'all' nor certainly
everyone being allowed to use the same public space. Therein lies your probelm with...dare I say it(?)..inclusion.
There has to be rules for how public land is to be used.
If you open it up for one, you open it up for everyone. The sick, disabled, able...everyone. It should not be used if it cannot used by....wait for it...everyone.
The very worst thing any of us can do is ignore laws, regulations and the people in our communities.
You like to make laws and regulations which ignore large swaths of individuals and their access to large areas of land that we ALL pay taxes to maintain (see above). You're digging yourself in even further...
If you don't like the rules, get involved to change them.
If you don't like access for all in a maintained atmosphere...YOU change the rules to keep us all
We already own the place (earth) and desire to use it
Far too many people don't have a clue how much work and time mountain bikers and road cyclists put in to get the infrastructure we have.
The groups you just named arena different than any other exclusive bunch desiring a trail exclusively for themselves 24/7/365. That would be great if there were an infinite number of identically beautiful spaces in this country. There are not...and wait for it again...we all have to very simply
share (period).
Then ebikers rode their coattails.
This is the same self-righteous crap that single-track motorcyclists long ago attempted to (and still do) blow up everyone's rear ends regarding 'their trails'. Tree hugging leftists in government positions of power or not 'ideally'
want absolutely EVERYONE flat out of the most beautiful areas that this country has to offer. If they can hold that vast opposing number of those wishing to enjoy God's handiwork down to a relatively few number of two-wheelers and rock climbers trying to break their neck every now and then...mission accomplished.
Some ebikers got involved and contributed to the cause of acceptance.
Why did these ebikers ever feel the need to be "accepted" by anyone let alone join a "cause" or have their own?
Standards were set by local and state governments. Many of these entities are willing to work with us, but we have to engage. Then we get motorbikes riding the coattails of MTBs, cyclists and ebikers, without any work or engagement. A result of our narcissistic society.
Do you sincerely believe that
motorcyclists somehow came *AFTER*
anyone fighting for two wheeled access in American outdoor recreation...since when(???)
I am not a big fan of the American Motorcycle Association due to far too much arrogance exhibited pretty much since the introduction of the ATC...yet
"...them's fightin' words..." with
those guys (believe me).
To keep on topic:
If you're against throttles in California then you're probably hoping to drive everyone else out so as to have the whole place to yourself.
The good news (for you at least) is that most freedom loving folks can't get out of there fast enough.