The Green Room

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The New York Times also tells us it's because Xi is a common name, not because of China's president's name
It does? Weren't you the one making comments about others' reading comprehension?
Certainly it does. I can quote the NYT once more just for you though. See if that helps. THE NEW YORK TIMES:
“'Nu' is too easily confounded with 'new,'” Tarik Jasarevic, a W.H.O. spokesman ... “And 'Xi' was not used because it is a common last name.
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The whole thing is a political fart by the WHO: it stinks, everyone knows it
That statement shows that even you understand that the WHO lied. It's very important for the WHO to be honest and not lie to the world. You seem to not understand why that is.
If they practice to deceive even about small things, they are untrustworthy. That is terrible. They told us there wasn't good evidence of human to human transmission. Loss of human life means nothing to them compared to protecting their bosses, Xi and Co.
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It does? Weren't you the one making comments about others' reading comprehension? Seems to me they pretty clearly report the realities of the situation and what likely factored into the decision to let the reader come to the obvious conclusion.
If your angle is to attempt to knock what I said by posing it as if I was criticizing the NYT, perhaps you didn't notice that I'm saying the NYT gives the name of the official saying it...and that should tell you that I'm not saying the NYT is spreading the lie - in fact, they give evidence of what happened to let the reader come to the obvious conclusion. See?
The NYT additionally gives us the name of the WHO official so it's all evidenced
For those not understanding why this subject, of the WHO being exceedingly willing liars, is important to green room knowledge sharing, they might take note that the WHO puts out climate change information and impacts on humanity information. Being such liars then degrades trust that their climate change info is clean, is never just outrageous lies - bold lies that we can be informed that they have become accustomed to telling.
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Back on-topic.

I was intrigued by this article a couple days ago as our gas WH is close to EOL, but the several hour reheat time would probably make it a non starter for our family.
My waterheater has both the regular fast recovery mode and the economical heat pump mode or both. I think that's a standard feature now. The heat pump systems also qualify for a rebate or tax break in some areas.
In this case, I agree w/ Handle, though I want to clarify that this is based only on intuition, not facts or my interpretation of them.

I think it's most likely that "Xi" was skipped primarily because it was the name of the China's President, and I do think WHO lied, though I cannot prove it-- I don't know enough about Chinese names or culture to be certain. While this particular lie, or misrepresentation, may seem like a trivial point, I would argue it's important because both the CDC and WHO lie, or allow inaccuracies to persist, far more frequently than they should.

For example, there's a lot of smart money that believes that WHO wildly undercounted the deaths from Chernobyl, and has systematically minimized the harms caused by ionizing radiation. My suspicion is that this was not any formal conspiracy, but a response to more nebulous, diffuse pressure not to insult the Russians or the nuclear industry-- and these kinds of diffusely motivated, non-conspiratorial untruths are far too common in health care generally. We've pushed a lot of quack cures and patent medicines, so it's not that surprising that no one trusts us.

It's hard enough for honest health care providers, and scientists, to get the facts right. Misleading the public should be avoided at all costs. If we can't get rid of propaganda in public health-- and there are entire organizations devoted to it, such as Partnership for a Drug-Free America-- how are people supposed to trust scientists in a global pandemic or during an environmental crisis?

I actually think the scale of the systematic distortion of information in health care is quite broad based, while there has been very little propaganda concerning the environment-- maybe some of the pro-nuke folks, and some, like George Monbiot, may be simply have fallen for the common fallacy that harms that are more difficult to quantify must not exist or be particularly important. I think there's a very, VERY loose coalition of vaguely allied propagandists in health care, and they've had a profound and very negative impact, but they all have fundamentally different agendas or biases. There's a lot of starry-eyed, indiscriminate faith in the power of technology, science, and innovation that does not seem well-supported at this moment in history. We've made some huge strides forward in the past 50 years or so, but there seems to be tremendous inertia for the habit of minimizing our failures.
Well, I have been off grid with just a 400 watt solar power system for over 20 years now.

I didn't plan to go off grid and it wasn't because of climate change and it was because the county wanted me to build a big conventional house and hook to all the utilities and there was no way I could afford that and not what I wanted. So, I built an off grid dry cabin and installed my own solar and composting toilet and had a water well drilled and told the county to go f*ck themselves.

I have never regretted that decision and I could easily expand my solar power system and build on additions and install septic if I wanted to. I could even hook up to cable and have broadband internet if I want as they now have those run past my property. I don't because I like not having any monthly bills and I have pretty much everything you have in a modern home except for a dishwasher. My only bill is for phone and my wifi hotspot and propane for cooking and heating water.

For the last 20 years I have been teaching other people how to build their own off grid cabins and install solar and live more sustainably and that off grid movement has grown tremendously all over the world now.

This year I decided I needed to make my transportation sustainable so I got an ebike and I have been using that instead of driving and it has saved me a lot of money and wear and tear on my old truck. I am looking at getting a Ford Maverick hybrid next year.

This is my ebike and you can see my 400 watt solar power system and off grid cabin in the background.

No house payments, no utility bills and freedom!
Metakoo features.PNG
"The village of Lytton, in the Interior, broke the record for hottest temperature recorded in Canada for three consecutive days, reaching 49.6 on June 29. The following day, the village burned down."
That is HOT. 121 F. That is as if the Sahara Desert was transported to rural Canada.
"Goodness,gracious. great balls of fire" I am grieved to hear that Canada was my last bastion of normal weather and the People suffer. Heres whats crazy earlier this year( for whatever reason") there seemed to be hardly any jets in the air for a change and we had magnificent weather, now things seem to be back close to normal, sky wise and the weather is getting weird again.7000K or more gals kerosene burnt in the stratosphere( multiplied by hundreds of jets) couldn't have any effect on the weather now could it?.
I used to love the way the sky looked before a storm coming from way off( the fair-weather beforehand) now those "skies" are practically non existant( I know because I watch the skies, "Red in the morning" around these parts means nothing now, back in the day it was almost a sure sign of "falling weather".
Well, I have been off grid with just a 400 watt solar power system for over 20 years now.

I didn't plan to go off grid and it wasn't because of climate change and it was because the county wanted me to build a big conventional house and hook to all the utilities and there was no way I could afford that and not what I wanted. So, I built an off grid dry cabin and installed my own solar and composting toilet and had a water well drilled and told the county to go f*ck themselves.

I have never regretted that decision and I could easily expand my solar power system and build on additions and install septic if I wanted to. I could even hook up to cable and have broadband internet if I want as they now have those run past my property. I don't because I like not having any monthly bills and I have pretty much everything you have in a modern home except for a dishwasher. My only bill is for phone and my wifi hotspot and propane for cooking and heating water.

For the last 20 years I have been teaching other people how to build their own off grid cabins and install solar and live more sustainably and that off grid movement has grown tremendously all over the world now.

This year I decided I needed to make my transportation sustainable so I got an ebike and I have been using that instead of driving and it has saved me a lot of money and wear and tear on my old truck. I am looking at getting a Ford Maverick hybrid next year.

This is my ebike and you can see my 400 watt solar power system and off grid cabin in the background.

No house payments, no utility bills and freedom!
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Forever and Amen! I want a Maverick or CT too, didn't preorder a Maverick because I knew it was no point,I preordered a "cybertruck" the thing is it will be marketed at nowhere near the price point first advertised.
I just finished another green bike. It is a lime green Yuba Boda Boda that I made a mid-drive. It just went to a member of our city counsel who loves bikes and is leading the way for implementing many green initiatives. She is riding it home right now.

Oh, by the way. If you ever mount a battery to a seat tube don't put screws through the seat post! I screw up more times each day than the average person. That is how I learn. That seat post was two-feet long and I didn't think.


  • SeatPostFail.JPG
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Fertilizer contains ammonia, currently made from fossil fuels. Also insecticides and herbicides are currently made from fossil fuels. The really big issue for corporate farms now is the cost of diesel fuel that powers every piece of equipment from the tractors in the fields to the delivery trucks on the highway.

Basically industrial food production is like a monocrop. No matter what you are growing, you are always putting in fossil fuels and water to get crops out.

When fuels get too expensive, either food prices jump or food rots in the field, because it's not worth putting more money into harvesting it.

And the emissions from just the food sector are probably enough to heat the planet enough to guarantee poor harvests from the resulting bad weather.

The Green Revolution of the middle century that "fed the world" came with a vicious cycle of cheap fossil fuel dependence.

It sure beats starvation, but food now has to reflect the price of the equipment and fossil fuels used to grow and ship it.

BTW, did anyone ever notice that food and fuel price hikes aren't included in most inflation/cost of living indexes?
In a manner of speaking, we eat oil, agriculture has allowed a "burgeoning" population,guess what feedstock and energy resource is at the "roots' and "Heart" of our "green revolution".
The real tragedy is-along with all this we have allowed just 5 cereal crops to be the basis for our foodchain, woe to us if any one or two are disrupted or the 'monoculture " of said crops fails.😒
Like the notion of a victory garden, but I´ve no place left to put one. The wife´s completely flooded every part
of the property with ornamental flowers,(though many are herbals as well). We do have 3 pears, 2 apples,
4 hazel nut trees, & a huge nonproductive cherry tree. 2 inches down the soil is glacial morrain, mostly rock.
Still i´m not too worried; there´s lots of edible forage, feral cats, & squirrels. Does anyone have a good
recipe for cat stew?
"General Tso's Kitten" just joshing I love cats, why don't you sneak some ornamental cabbage in the there" The "Homies" at the "lockup" used to use it in their "Ramen concoctions", they used to take the "Prisoners" money and buy ornamental plants and flowers from the prisons greenhouses and would never use it for something the "prisoners" wanted
The whole penal system needs overhaul, creating resentments does nothing to "rehabilitate" one especially when you are locked up for petty things.
Cats are an apex predator. They kill 2.4 billion birds per year in the US alone. I love the idea of introducing the coyote solution to modify human behavior! Coyotes are cat lovers too.

I had a cat once as a kid that went feral and never went back in the house again. It just liked the barns. It would sometimes drag the giant carcasses of ground hogs and eat them. It lost an eye in a fight. Was it hunting ground hogs? After it was done eating a ground hog and it stank to high heaven our family dog would get its chance. Its breath was so bad my dad didn't know what to do. The dog wouldn't open it mouth for mouth wash. So, naturally my dad did the logical thing and put tooth paste on the dog's balls. Problem solved.
I had a great old orange tabby, He wouldn't bother birds, He ate groundhogs and full-grown rabbits and was very fond of Me. He had a tumor which finally did Him in, after I had taken Him to the "Vet Emergency room". The next day He warmed up by the fire and left I never found Him.
Send any coyotes you can spare; the feral cats are picking off all the little bunnies here & I ain et
rabbit in ages.👨‍🌾
"Trickster be good eating too, He must follow "Wildman " around to clean up deer kill( no kidding that's my hypothesis) Some nationality Peoples would eat Coyote without qualms, Feral cats do not seem to last very long around here, big birds take their share of Housecats, the Local "Piebald Eagle" and His progeny worked on the tame Ducks at the local pond among other things, any Bird that can take out a "Whitetail Deer" has my respect.
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