The Green Room

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You kind of left out this part: The sea-level rise near Tuvalu measured by satellite altimeters since 1993 is about 5 mm (0.2 in) per year."
Consider what that means wrt what I was saying; I'm saying that whole swindle of "Tuvalu is sinking" is a fake narrative. What you point to as if it contradicts what I said, does the opposite...with rising seas Tuvalu is seen to not be sinking.
If a bunch of people are selling in places like Miami, and Bangladesh that sounds like a great opportunity climate science deniers to invest and take advantage.
Look at NYC and New Jersey after Sandy…New Orleans, or the current expenditures in Miami to deal with the regular flood tides. Or look at villages on the eastern coast in Alaska, villages that have been there for thousands of years. Or the hybrid bears. It’s 1000s of things…the responsible thing to do, and least expensive, was action in 1990, but the same voices then, the same dark money, is still pressing to cut the knees out from under legislation. I can just look to the new developments in solar, wind, and battery tech…and hope for small victories like the wind walls I posted recently.
The Maldives ... might be a tax haven as well?
That's right. As the Maldives rise out of the water and become colder they will be more and more like Canada each year. But without the meddlesome regulations and without public health and pollution controls. A worthy investment for any of the true religion of climate denial. Brilliant. A church of climate denial could be built there for all the believers.
That's right. As the Maldives rise out of the water and become colder they will be more and more like Canada each year. But without the meddlesome regulations and without public health and pollution controls. A worthy investment for any of the true religion of climate denial. Brilliant. A church of climate denial could be built there for all the believers.
Some one could set up yacht parking docks with fresh water and electricity for that Libertarian group that wanted their own nation. This one even comes with a government (?), and a seat at the UN.
Look at NYC and New Jersey after Sandy…New Orleans, or the current expenditures in Miami to deal with the regular flood tides. Or look at villages on the eastern coast in Alaska, villages that have been there for thousands of years. Or the hybrid bears. It’s 1000s of things…the responsible thing to do, and least expensive, was action in 1990, but the same voices then, the same dark money, is still pressing to cut the knees out from under legislation. I can just look to the new developments in solar, wind, and battery tech…and hope for small victories like the wind walls I posted recently.
If the new technologies cut into fossil fuel demand, that same dark money can fund some pretty nasty stuff. Coal miners everywhere can tell similar stories about owners.
But still, the new technologies will win eventuality.
Consider what that means wrt what I was saying; I'm saying that whole swindle of "Tuvalu is sinking" is a fake narrative. What you point to as if it contradicts what I said, does the opposite...with rising seas Tuvalu is seen to not be sinking.
LOL If it was just about an island sinking,that wouldn't be a big deal to anyone except the ones on said island. A steady rise of the ocean is a very big deal to a whole lot more people.
Sounds like fun read. Maybe one of those "It’s a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there stories ". There was a group that wanted to set up something like a sovereign state in the open ocean a few decades ago, but I don't remember anything coming from it. And the only professed Libertarian I know wanted to bring back public floggings, so he probably isn't representative of the group's ideals.
This book is very funny, yet informative. Each footnote is a laugh. It is Science with a POV. Bears love to eat all the calories they can in November. They will go behind a restaurant and eat all the grease from fryers in the dumpsters. The affluent in resort towns are particularly afflicted and conflicted.
Leopards got a taste that has not left for human flesh during the pandemic of 1918.
This book is very funny, yet informative. Each footnote is a laugh. It is Science with a POV. Bears love to eat all the calories they can in November. They will go behind a restaurant and eat all the grease from fryers in the dumpsters. The affluent in resort towns are particularly afflicted and conflicted.
Leopards got a taste that has not left for human flesh during the pandemic of 1918.
View attachment 106951
I started, but didn't complete, a few of her earlier books (stiff and bonk , I think). She has a real sense of humor, but it got old pretty fast for me.
Sorry that I can't recommend any of the current books I'm reading, but the last few have been real downers dealing with extinctions, biodiversity, and other cheerful stuff.
It might be time for something escapist - Dan Brown or another crazy conspiracy thriller, you know, something that doesn't sound like it could really be on Fox News next week...
LOL If it was just about an island sinking,that wouldn't be a big deal to anyone except the ones on said island. A steady rise of the ocean is a very big deal to a whole lot more people.
Firstly, yes it was about Tuvalu THE island. Tuvalu Sinking has been presented to all of us for decades as the actual visual supporting evidence of the reality of the big picture.
LOL If it was just about an island sinking,that wouldn't be a big deal to anyone except the ones on said island. A steady rise of the ocean is a very big deal to a whole lot more people.
What I left out supports my statement. Sea level up and Tuvalu still refusing to begin sinking.

What you left out is that Tuvalu Sinking is the bellweather of climate change.
The canary in the coalmine. Tuvalu, Tuvalu, Tuvalu.

Human rights or climate wrongs: is Tuvalu the canary in the ...​ › human-rights-or-climate-...

Oct. 17, 2011 — The Pacific Island State of Tuvalu recently reported that it had ... Human rights or climate wrongs: is Tuvalu the canary in the coal mine?

A Canary in the Coal Mine: Disappearing Islands and Climate ...​ › a-canary-in-the-c...

Mar. 8, 2020 — Nor is Kiribati alone among the Pacific Nations: the nine islands that comprise Tuvalu are also experiencing threats. (The Guardian, 16 May 2019) ...

Canaries in the Climate Change Coal Mines? - The Atlantic​ › archive › 2009/12 › cana...

Dec. 14, 2009 — At the climate change conference in Copenhagen, voices from these vulnerable island nations--places like Tuvalu in the Pacific and the Maldives ...

Video: Sinking islands 'canary in coal mine' of global warming​ › France 24 › Asia / Pacific

Oct. 18, 2014 — Tong describes Kiribati as “the canary in the coalmine”. The president of another small-island nation, James Michel of the Seychelles, ...

Tuvalu, a Laboratory for Climate Change? - CAIRN International​ › article-E_RTM_204_0089-...

by F Gemenne · 2010 · Cited by 3 — An Empirical Critique of the “Canaries in the Coal Mine” Rhetoric ... The small archipelago of Tuvalu, in the South-Pacific Ocean, is often portrayed as an ...

Canaries in a Coal Mine: Island Nations of Vanuatu and Tuvalu​ › sts › 8. Vanuatu and Tuva...


What Can Be Done? ➢ In an effort to raise global awareness about the effects of climate change and dependence on fossil fuels, Tuvalu is leading the global.
1 page

Small island nations want largest emitters to pay for ... -​ › news › politics › small-island-nati...

Nov. 1, 2021 — "Small island states are the canary in the coal mine of climate ... lawyer representing Antigua and Barbuda and Tuvalu spoke about the plan ...

Food for Thought: The canary that cried wolf - Bundaberg Today​ › news › 2021/11/15

2 hours ago — ... claimed that Pacific island nations are “canaries in the coal mine” when ... This comes off the back of the Foreign Minister of Tuvalu ...

Canaries in the Coalmine of Climate Change and Health​ › ... › Climate Change

Aug. 13, 2021 — Small Island States – Canaries in the Coalmine of Climate Change and ... change coal mine'. ... Pacific island nations of Tuvalu and Nauru.

MALDIVES MAY BE CANARY IN THE COAL MINE - Sun ...​ › news › fl-xpm-2006-01...

Jan. 13, 2006 — (Tuvalu and Kiribati, both small Pacific island nations, are other contenders for the title of the first modern nation to be drowned.)."

Tuvalu leads the way​

"Small island nations want largest emitters to pay for catastrophic effects of climate change"​

But wait...Tuvalu grew in area....and isn't sinking. What catastrophic effects?
They overpopulated, they built up, have airport to bring in money and modern amenities... and want more more more ....


Plan for domestic air-services​

In 2021, the government of Tuvalu plan to introduce domestic air-services to the outer islands."
Tuvalu news: "The local town council has a plan to dredge and reclaim land at the south of Fongafale , raise the land 10 meters above sea level, and build high density housing."
One can copy and paste all the bullshit they want but it does not change the fact that sea levels are rising. They are going to continue to rise some even if we do everything right. The question is will we do anything? Another fun wikipedia fact is that 80% of the fresh water in the world is located in the ice of that region. If it all melted sea levels would rise 200'.
One can copy and paste all the bullshit they want but it does not change the fact that sea levels are rising. They are going to continue to rise some even if we do everything right. The question is will we do anything? Another fun wikipedia fact is that 80% of the fresh water in the world is located in the ice of that region. If it all melted sea levels would rise 200'.
The discussion raised was over concern expressed in "End Times" type predictions/fears centered on Tuvalu sinking beneath the waves.
"So the COP distraction is over. After a quarter century of these conferences, they managed to get the words "coal" and "fossil fuel" into the agreements. Yipee.
In another 25 years or so, the words "loss and damage" may appear, before Tuvalu disappears and a half million more people become climate refugees.
So back to our regularly scheduled thread about adapting to the climate."

25 years, eh? Sounds familiar. Too long for the fear-mongers to pay any price for their fear-mongering.

It's informative to look back at the Tuvalu Sinking narrative. We can run that back 25 years.

Yes, the same story
"Nauru President Kinza Clodumar told his counterparts from the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, and Tuvalu that if scientific estimates of global warning are realized, "two of the Smaller Island States (Kiribati and Tuvalu) will sink beneath the waves." He added that Nauru and the Cook Islands would be damaged beyond recognition and Niue also would face serious problems."

Now you feel the need to change the subject!

Another fun wikipedia fact is that 80% of the fresh water in the world is located in the ice of that region. If it all melted....
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