The Green Room

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In southern Alaska there are 24 foot tides. You could run a generator of almost any size from a dock going up and down its pilings with pullies.
/rant The Thames in London does a 20 foot rise every day lifting huge tankers as though they are corks.
I'm told that's why the Romans picked it as a place to unload ships.
Maybe raise a big load of ballast on a 20 foot tide unload it into an elevator, then let gravity spin the generators on the way down and you have overnight power from lots of coastal areas. Lots of winds across the great plains, that can provide pumped hydro power and probably pull freight across with sail power. I don't see any imagination in these negotiations at COP , the only imagination is in the denials by marketing departments of the biggest blocks to progress. /end rant
We really can build high-tech sailing vessels that are not just for the sport of playboys but for fishing, transportation, and cargo. Sailors can sail, framers plow. There are those who want to plow the water with diesel instead of sail the sea. I can understand the willingness of Putin and some Canadians being in favor of a bit warmer climate. I just came back from a ride. We have persimmons, fresh blossoms, palms and redwoods. It is 71F, 22C then it will drop tonight as the fog rolls in. But what will happen with climate change is instability at the North and centers of large continents, not warmth. Expect more tornados, floods, droughts and ice storms.
Photos from today in the other CA.

We really can build high-tech sailing vessels that are not just for the sport of playboys but for fishing, transportation, and cargo. Sailors can sail, framers plow. There are those who want to plow the water with diesel instead of sail the sea. I can understand the willingness of Putin and some Canadians being in favor of a bit warmer climate. I just came back from a ride. We have persimmons, fresh blossoms, palms and redwoods. It is 71F, 22C then it will drop tonight as the fog rolls in. But what will happen with climate change is instability at the North and centers of large continents, not warmth. Expect more tornados, floods, droughts and ice storms.
Of those most bereft of their senses over global warming, I'd be surprised if any of them even care enough to have found out the average gobal temperature in degrees C or F.
I know it's true.
You know it's true.
The Thames in London does a 20 foot rise every day.

For today, the tidal range (difference between lowest and highest tides) is somewhat less than that. (Comment made as an interesting aside, that doesn't necessarily affect the validity of any point being made!)

Tides at London Bridge : 2021-11-13
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For today the tidal range at London Bridge is somewhat less than that.

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So the Thames does a 20 foot rise occasionally, I guess. But even a 10 foot rise is a lot of power. And even a mild wind across a continent is able to spin a lot of turbines, or a solar farm in the desert can capture a lot of sunlight, etc, .
It seems like the whole planet is a storehouse of energy with a boiling liguid electromagnetic core in Earth science..
"There is enough for our needs, but not for our greeds." Perhaps a Ghandi quote ? that really applys well to energy.
I my town, Petaluma, CA we have rules for new building that require solar and charging stations. You can look up the Tesla Supercharging station on maps. Then go to satellite and see the solar panels. Ironically it is next to a legacy speedway that burns gas and makes huge stinks and loud noises. There is a big culture clash when you see Tesla folks next to Speedway folks. We also have a ban on all new gas stations in town. These stations will shrivel and fall off all by themselves. Similar to the flesh eating STD found in the UK. The problem just vanishes. No more problem. The photo is of a different Tesla Station. But you get the idea.
View attachment 106461
Wouldn´t it be nice if Tesla provided ebike charging in something like keyed bus station lockers. Not all
of us want to pay $110k for a fully electric pickup.
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So the Thames does a 20 foot rise occasionally, I guess. But even a 10 foot rise is a lot of power. And even a mild wind across a continent is able to spin a lot of turbines, or a solar farm in the desert can capture a lot of sunlight, etc, .
It seems like the whole planet is a storehouse of energy with a boiling liguid electromagnetic core in Earth science..
"There is enough for our needs, but not for our greeds." Perhaps a Ghandi quote ? that really applys well to energy.
Isn't it still robbing The Planet when you grab its energy?
It's all about denial. Let's all just pretend really hard that nothing is happening.
The point :
"The percentage of Democrats who see climate change as an existential threat rose by 11 points to 95 percent over seven years .... Meanwhile, the share of Republicans who say climate change is a serious problem fell by 10 points, to 39 percent, over the same period. "
It's all about denial. Let's all just pretend really hard that nothing is happening.
The point :
"The percentage of Democrats who see climate change as an existential threat rose by 11 points to 95 percent over seven years .... Meanwhile, the share of Republicans who say climate change is a serious problem fell by 10 points, to 39 percent, over the same period. "
True but Republicans had 4 years of Trump lying to them about it and pretty much everything else. You can't do much with people that actually still believe he's the President.
True but Republicans had 4 years of Trump lying to them about it and pretty much everything else. You can't do much with people that actually still believe he's the President.
Hopefully he was as unique as he thought he was, but there sure are a lot of politicians trying to copy his act.
Unfortunately Amtrak is not so friendly to ebikes and bikes with tires wider than 2”. It’s also first come first served with limited slots on the bike rack.
Wow-- thanks, I didn't check their policy. On the east coast, I would use it for the road bike, but it sucks that you can't reserve a spot.

I suspect I could probably sneak the Trek kit bike with a hub motor onto Amtrak if I kept the battery in a backpack, but I guess it would be a gamble.
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