The Green Room

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I my town, Petaluma, CA we have rules for new building that require solar and charging stations. You can look up the Tesla Supercharging station on maps. Then go to satellite and see the solar panels. Ironically it is next to a legacy speedway that burns gas and makes huge stinks and loud noises. There is a big culture clash when you see Tesla folks next to Speedway folks. We also have a ban on all new gas stations in town. These stations will shrivel and fall off all by themselves. Similar to the flesh eating STD found in the UK. The problem just vanishes. No more problem. The photo is of a different Tesla Station. But you get the idea.
I wonder about the new building solar requirement. Solar is more efficiently deployed on a larger scale…
There are many methods of generating clean, green electric energy but few ways to store it against times of need.
20% of California's electricity is used to pump water. Pump water up when the sun shines. Run a turbine when it descends. Many people have batteries on the wall of their garages with panels on the roof. It is fun to watch the meter run backwards.
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So a surprise agreement between China and the USA appears at the end of the COP, with the details later of course. Why does it matter?

Because without China, the USA, and whoever is in third place at the moment (EU, Russia, or India), nothing can actually happen ...
So a surprise agreement between China and the USA appears at the end of the COP, with the details later of course. Why does it matter?
View attachment 106557
Because without China, the USA, and whoever is in third place at the moment (EU, Russia, or India), nothing can actually happen ...
That graph shows the US is at 1970 level. It's everyone else that grew in output. China is the biggest by far, and really, China is the only nation of deep concern on the table at the moment. Public Pooper hasn't got what it takes to stand up to a finger poke in the chest.
That graph shows the US is at 1970 level. It's everyone else that grew in output. China is the biggest by far, and really, China is the only nation of deep concern on the table at the moment. Public Pooper hasn't got what it takes to stand up to a finger poke in the chest.
Cumulative and per capita emissions are other relevant ways to look at it as well.

Responsibility is one way to look at it, but doesn’t address remedies. Disinformation of three decades in the US has inoculated many of the populace against accepting ANY responsibility. The actual beginnings of climate change probably began 10k years back with the adoption of agriculture and permanent settlements. Climate change in the recent past likely thwarted the beginnings of a new ice age. Remember Hans Brinker? The uncertainty-instability humans have injected into the climate has more scenarios than just heat.
Responsibility is one way to look at it, but doesn’t address remedies. Disinformation of three decades in the US has inoculated many of the populace against accepting ANY responsibility. The actual beginnings of climate change probably began 10k years back with the adoption of agriculture and permanent settlements. Climate change in the recent past likely thwarted the beginnings of a new ice age. Remember Hans Brinker? The uncertainty-instability humans have injected into the climate has more scenarios than just heat.
Very true that there is much more than heat. But heat is really just energy wasted, like noise, it's a symptom of an inefficient system.

I don't think we have time to point fingers or even 'fess up and pay up' as some small countries hope. I think we need to neutralize the build up of emmissions and heat first, and kick the can with any idea of making big gains in freedom, justice, or ' the American Way', 'the Chinese Dream' or such.

The process so far (26 times) has kicked the real can of reducing the damn emissions in favor of spending time discussing costs, responsibility, and social justice.

Edit. That last sentence is very wrong. We wasted most of our time discussing whether or not there was a problem to discuss; Then we wasted more time discussing costs, and who is at fault. Meanwhile costs grow, species decline, and people suffer.
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In the Americas we invented a high technology called Clovis. We used it to wipe out the mega fauna causing an ecological disaster. Imagine hunting a Mammoth with a tool you made. These suckers are sharper than a modern surgeon's scalpel. We have preserved foot prints of one hunt. A guy runs in and throws, as the giant sloth turns, another guy runs in from the opposite direction to throw his spear. Then the Sloth goes down.
Responsibility is one way to look at it, but doesn’t address remedies. Disinformation of three decades in the US has inoculated many of the populace against accepting ANY responsibility. The actual beginnings of climate change probably began 10k years back with the adoption of agriculture and permanent settlements. Climate change in the recent past likely thwarted the beginnings of a new ice age. Remember Hans Brinker? The uncertainty-instability humans have injected into the climate has more scenarios than just heat.
This shows that public education is a disaster; we presently are still in that same ice age
Climate change in the recent past likely thwarted the beginnings of a new ice age.
wiki: "The Quaternary glaciation, also known as the Pleistocene glaciation, is an alternating series of glacial and interglacial periods during the Quaternary period that began 2.58 Ma (million years ago) and is ongoing.[1][2][3] Although geologists describe the entire time period up to the present as an "ice age", in popular culture the term "ice age" is usually associated with just the most recent glacial period during the Pleistocene or the Pleistocene epoch in general.[4] Since planet Earth still has ice sheets, geologists consider the Quaternary glaciation to be ongoing, with the Earth now experiencing an interglacial period. "
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Not related to the infrastructure bill, but I was stoked to see bike racks on an Amtrak train on the northeast corridor run when I went back east to play a few shows. And they were being used!

My guitar does have a backpack case, and my Air B'nB was a couple of miles from the rehearsal and performance space. Maybe if I make that trip next year, I'll travel from NYC with just my road bike, toothbrush, razor, one change of clothes, and guitar-- and avoid having to nag people for rides and using Uber.
Unfortunately Amtrak is not so friendly to ebikes and bikes with tires wider than 2”. It’s also first come first served with limited slots on the bike rack.
Responsibility is one way to look at it, but doesn’t address remedies. Disinformation of three decades in the US has inoculated many of the populace against accepting ANY responsibility. The actual beginnings of climate change probably began 10k years back with the adoption of agriculture and permanent settlements. Climate change in the recent past likely thwarted the beginnings of a new ice age. Remember Hans Brinker? The uncertainty-instability humans have injected into the climate has more scenarios than just heat.
Disinformation comes in various flavors and you've picked one bit that suits your fancy. That is all that is about. The people making that claim are cherry pickers with less than decent evidence, and refuse accounting for the adverse evidence
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