The Green Room

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I agree. I've been converting my yard maintenance equipment to electric for some time. The string trimmer, hedge trimmer, pole saw and lawn mower all are great electric powered tools.

I also have a Husqvarna 460 chain saw and a DeWalt 14" electric saw as well. The Dewalt works fine for small cuts but it won't compare to the husky for large tasks. Electric chain saw technology has a long way to go to catch up with gas powered saws.

I also have two small gas powered Honda generators. I'm not sure how this type of equipment can be made to be "zero emissions". Using propane would be cleaner than gas but still not zero emission. I suppose it depends on the definition of the term.

I agree with the spirit of the law but, as usual, the devil is in the details. It bans the sale but not the use of gas powered tools. If passed, I suspect there will be a lot of folks travelling out of state to buy yard maintenance equipment or buying on eBay.
Some local communities have tried recently to push this approach, but they led with the noise issues (Blowers in particular), and emissions as a secondary point. It failed so far because the majority of commercial landscapers and city workers argued successfully that couldn't do their jobs with current battery powered gear. A couple of communities have set a target date of 2025 to try and phase them out of city operations, but we'll see. Mowers and heavy duty brush trimmers (commercial grade weed whackers) need a lot of juice, and with the cost of a good battery nearly equaling the tool itself, the impact will be significant to large operations.
Some local communities have tried recently to push this approach, but they led with the noise issues (Blowers in particular), and emissions as a secondary point. It failed so far because the majority of commercial landscapers and city workers argued successfully that couldn't do their jobs with current battery powered gear. A couple of communities have set a target date of 2025 to try and phase them out of city operations, but we'll see. Mowers and heavy duty brush trimmers (commercial grade weed whackers) need a lot of juice, and with the cost of a good battery nearly equaling the tool itself, the impact will be significant to large operations.
How many local communities have extensively planned and created protection from storms and fires and earthquakes?
Remember when rising sea levels was the fear stim? These fear producers are the people who buy seaside homes in exclusive places.
Some local communities have tried recently to push this approach, but they led with the noise issues (Blowers in particular), and emissions as a secondary point. It failed so far because the majority of commercial landscapers and city workers argued successfully that couldn't do their jobs with current battery powered gear. A couple of communities have set a target date of 2025 to try and phase them out of city operations, but we'll see. Mowers and heavy duty brush trimmers (commercial grade weed whackers) need a lot of juice, and with the cost of a good battery nearly equaling the tool itself, the impact will be significant to large operations.
3 things I despise
1.ICE Atvs
3ICE.String Trimmers
This mindset of mine generates a lot of contempt,I do not care,a little mulch and toleration for a few weeds and a push mower can handle most trimming chores, I used to have to run 2cycle string trimmers all day and that's one reason I despise these things so much and the hideous racket from a 2 cycle blower( we used to rake leaves) I guess this generation is so well off and spoiled that we do not care about the environment, the so called "burglar lights" screw up the night sky and mess with nocturnal creatures and these multi-acre "Grass deserts" are an abomination. The only good thing about most of this 'floss" is, provides several minimum wage jobs for people who cannot get another job( The "JD" riders do not produce much nutrition, livestock is much better)
3 things I despise
1.ICE Atvs
3ICE.String Trimmers
This mindset of mine generates a lot of contempt,I do not care,a little mulch and toleration for a few weeds and a push mower can handle most trimming chores, I used to have to run 2cycle string trimmers all day and that's one reason I despise these things so much and the hideous racket from a 2 cycle blower( we used to rake leaves) I guess this generation is so well off and spoiled that we do not care about the environment, the so called "burglar lights" screw up the night sky and mess with nocturnal creatures and these multi-acre "Grass deserts" are an abomination. The only good thing about most of this 'floss" is, provides several minimum wage jobs for people who cannot get another job( The "JD" riders do not produce much nutrition, livestock is much better)
I had a sister who lived in the far South Eastern portion of San Diego County in a gated community. It is dead yellow rock desert by the Mexican Boarder. And it was part of Mexico until rater recently when the boarder moved. People in the gated community each had lush lawns of several acres. The car dependent residents were Right Wing types spouting their views who paid cash to non-English speakers to maintain their shrubbery and their chemically enhanced, weed free, rolling lawns with power equipment twice each week. The irony was never spoken of. The sprinklers ran at night using potable water. Mowers and blowers could be heard all day.
I had a sister who lived in the far South Eastern portion of San Diego County in a gated community. It is dead yellow rock desert by the Mexican Boarder. And it was part of Mexico until rater recently when the boarder moved. People in the gated community each had lush lawns of several acres. The car dependent residents were Right Wing types spouting their views who paid cash to non-English speakers to maintain their shrubbery and their chemically enhanced, weed free, rolling lawns with power equipment twice each week. The irony was never spoken of. The sprinklers ran at night using potable water. Mowers and blowers could be heard all day.
Lush lawns are wonderful, especially in a desert climate where they cool everything around and create oases for plants and animals.

The Left tries hard to make water a tool for control and have almost succeeded in California, essentially wiping out the Central Valley's family-owned farms. And by making up the hilarious narrative that water must be "saved", somehow getting used up and depleted like oil.

Just a few miles from my house almost 40% of California's fresh water - 2,000,000 plus cubic feet - is flushed into the Pacific Ocean every day by our deep Blue government. For "environmental reasons" of course. The unlimited fresh water tonnage of the Sacramento Delta empties out near my lawn - which I can be fined for watering - and nearby restaurants who will be fined for providing glasses of water.

We "Right Wing types" recall that water has been freely available for billions of years, constantly cleaned and distributed everywhere by the Water Cycle. Every day an average of .8 inches falls on the earth. It is not the property of the Left to control.

This is why we will continue to reuse water in unlimited quantities for whatever and whenever we wish. Water's a much better thing than shared misery.
Lush lawns are wonderful, especially in a desert climate where they cool everything around and create oases for plants and animals.

The Left tries hard to make water a tool for control and have almost succeeded in California, essentially wiping out the Central Valley's family-owned farms. And by making up the hilarious narrative that water must be "saved", somehow getting used up and depleted like oil.

Just a few miles from my house almost 40% of California's fresh water - 2,000,000 plus cubic feet - is flushed into the Pacific Ocean every day by our deep Blue government. For "environmental reasons" of course. The unlimited fresh water tonnage of the Sacramento Delta empties out near my lawn - which I can be fined for watering - and nearby restaurants who will be fined for providing glasses of water.

We "Right Wing types" recall that water has been freely available for billions of years, constantly cleaned and distributed everywhere by the Water Cycle. Every day an average of .8 inches falls on the earth. It is not the property of the Left to control.

This is why we will continue to reuse water in unlimited quantities for whatever and whenever we wish. Water's a much better thing than shared misery.
Proper douchebag ain't ya. Water in the US is highly commoditised by 'right wing types' like T Boone Pickens, the Bush family etc. THEY control water, they're even horizontal drilling into public water sources to fill depleted aquifers they own. Remember that leftist company Nestle declaring water is not a human right, that it should be owned and sold.

I don't know how you lot even manage to tie your laces the cognitive dissonance is that bad.
Proper douchebag ain't ya. Water in the US is highly commoditised by 'right wing types' like T Boone Pickens, the Bush family etc. THEY control water, they're even horizontal drilling into public water sources to fill depleted aquifers they own. Remember that leftist company Nestle declaring water is not a human right, that it should be owned and sold.

I don't know how you lot even manage to tie your laces the cognitive dissonance is that bad.

If any of that were true - and your Nestle CEO quote is false - then they should be investigated and charged if a crime has been committed (crickets chirping).

PedalUma's quote above "...People in the gated community each had lush lawns of several acres" is what my comment responded to. It reflects the watermelon ( green on the outside, red on the inside ) nature of environmentalists who hate things they can't afford and make up "save the planet" narratives for support.

Hate is what drives Enviros - from Greta, to the hikers yelling at me for having an electric bike.
You do not own an electric bike. So, that matter cannot be a problem. It is that you have an Unlawful Motorcycle in the Commons. People see a rude rouge not pedaling, not even ghost pedaling, and going 30Mph on a public trail. What you do in private is your business. But if it is in the commons, it is our business by our shared rules and commonly held values. A motorcycle does not belong on a hiking trail just like an Irish pasture does not belong in the desert. The desert has its own beauty. Drinking water is a common thing. It is like you are pooping in our town's well when you ride that motorcycle.
Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck

That shows that you made a false claim. It's also a stupid idea to make it a human right. That means we are responsible to get water to every human no matter how wasteful or prolific producers of children they cannot support, might be.
A sensible solution is to bar any laws that prevent collection of personal water supply on your own property or collection of personal supply of drinking water on public property.
That shows that you made a false claim.
Amazing how the Left will never stand and defend their opinions, eh? They will just change the subject and attack successful people.

Nestle, a company that feeds many millions, is of course attacked by Leftists for that very reason. Because free socialist food must somehow be better than asking people to work and pay for it.

Many feelgood Green narratives cause great environmental harm. As I mentioned Central California's environment - the breadbasket of the western US - has been wiped out by Leftists cutting off our water supply under the false narrative that we are running out of water. No other state has these problems.
The same kind that convinced marxist South American politicians to ban chlorination of public water supply, resulting in deaths.
You do not own an electric bike. So, that matter cannot be a problem. It is that you have an Unlawful Motorcycle in the Commons. People see a rude rouge not pedaling, not even ghost pedaling, and going 30Mph on a public trail. What you do in private is your business. But if it is in the commons, it is our business by our shared rules and commonly held values. A motorcycle does not belong on a hiking trail just like an Irish pasture does not belong in the desert. The desert has its own beauty. Drinking water is a common thing. It is like you are pooping in our town's well when you ride that motorcycle.
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PedalUma the Left does not get to decide who uses water. If you want an Irish pasture in Death Valley, there is no environmental harm whatsoever. There are thousands of small oases there, and they will supply you with unlimited water.

But when a business provides you with water, apparently that's the end of the world.

By claiming "water is a right" while at the same time lecturing we need to "save water", it's clear your motive is control over people. It certainly is not an environmental concern.
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