The Green Room

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IDK about the iron oxygen battery, but there are many types of batteries beyond lead acid under consideration. I think at least one or two will work out, but the first one that hit commercial success was lithium and it's probably good enough for the next few decades.
There are other ways to store excess solar and wind energy like pumping water or lifting weights that can release energy to spin generators at night via gravity as well.
But the utilities have to want to do it.
More about storage of surplus energy...I don't think this will ever be a real problem...Imagine a high energy process like a furnace or air-conditioning unit being only allowed to run when there's a surplus, like big brown outs for businesses and farms. Regulations or just boycotts, etc. stops production at sunset.
Whatever you make ... aluminum, glass, pizzas, you make and store big batches in warehouses. Just as people always did up till a few centuries ago. You store surplus energy in finished goods, not batteries.
Consider that neither wind or sunlight is infinite either. One way or another we need to consume less energy to produce less waste.
MSNBC just reported 76,000 new cases in one day in Florida? How do they know this?
Did 76,000 people just show of a sudden to be tested? This kind of reporting makes me skeptical no
matter which network you watch. Was it a flash mob? They haven´t been showing the total US death toll
much lately. Apparently vaxxed people are getting delta. Should we be getting a shot on a weekly basis?
Every couple of weeks now we get a new variant. How long must we wait for one with a 60% mortality rate
like the plague? That would go a long way toward solving global warming since the primary cause is just
too damn many people. I´m not volunteering to die, but can the media please find something else to with
which to be beat us to death.
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MSNBC just reported 76,000 new cases in one day in Florida? How do they know this?
Did 76,000 people just show of a sudden to be tested? This kind of reporting makes me skeptical no
matter which network you watch. Was it a flash mob? They haven´t been showing the total US death toll
much lately. Apparently vaxxed people are getting delta. Should we be getting a shot on a weekly basis?
Every couple of weeks now we get a new variant. How long must we wait for one with a 60% mortality rate
like the plague? That would go a long way toward solving global warming since the primary cause is just
too damn many people. I´m not volunteering to die, but can the media please find something else to with
which to be beat us to death.
Based on reports from a relative in FL who's an ICU nurse at a hospital so inundated with Covid patients that she's got about 30 of them in beds out in the halls waiting for someone in ICU to die so they can take their place, I'm guessing they're getting their numbers from hospital admissions, doctors offices, and other locations. And the numbers seen about right to me. I'm sick of being beat over the head with Covid facts and numbers, too, but I'm REALLY sick of unvaccinated people continuing to spread and mutate this virus! I'm ready for everyone to either have to prove they've been vaccinated, prove they're exempt, or be quarantined away from the rest of us so we can stop being punished for their ignorance and idiocy.
I spoke with old friend in FL today (Titusville) who points the finger at the obvious villain for Covid in state which is of course DeSenseless (her spelling of the God’s name). He has hidden the real impacts of this disease since the beginning which is why the #’s seem so unreliable. In my state (VA) the situation is a bit better with an honest Governor who is also a doctor though the anti-science crowd is loud and obnoxious
Art…I have to somewhat disagree with you about energy storage Since storage is presently the kink in renewable energy. I do get what you’re saying about energy stored as end products. For example…solar hot water heating is one important aspect of the equation. Actually rather than mandates like in CA for roof solar, Hot water should be the target. Solar power is more efficiently administered in larger ground arrays. But with renewables the cheapest form of new energy storage becomes key in a 24 hour country. The iron oxide battery for these large arrays solves many problems
Based on reports from a relative in FL who's an ICU nurse at a hospital so inundated with Covid patients that she's got about 30 of them in beds out in the halls waiting for someone in ICU to die so they can take their place, I'm guessing they're getting their numbers from hospital admissions, doctors offices, and other locations. And the numbers seen about right to me. I'm sick of being beat over the head with Covid facts and numbers, too, but I'm REALLY sick of unvaccinated people continuing to spread and mutate this virus! I'm ready for everyone to either have to prove they've been vaccinated, prove they're exempt, or be quarantined away from the rest of us so we can stop being punished for their ignorance and idiocy.
I don't really want to bring this up ... but there's a pretty good connection between climate change, overpopulation, and infectious disease.
considering most of the world’s population live on the coasts sea level rise will deepen the behavioral sink we already are witnessing. IF…only the anti-Vaxxers…and others with their rationalizing and delays…were selected out one would hope the virus would flame out…but most of the world has no access to vaccines, and in the US which does continues to add to the problem
Art…I have to somewhat disagree with you about energy storage Since storage is presently the kink in renewable energy. I do get what you’re saying about energy stored as end products. For example…solar hot water heating is one important aspect of the equation. Actually rather than mandates like in CA for roof solar, Hot water should be the target. Solar power is more efficiently administered in larger ground arrays. But with renewables the cheapest form of new energy storage becomes key in a 24 hour country. The iron oxide battery for these large arrays solves many problems
I agree with your logic.
The issue in my case was that after taxes and incentives, I could get a minimal solar thermal water heater that still required an ordinary electric backup heater part of the year
I could get a photovoltaic array with offgrid backup electric circuit and a heat pump water heater, free electric power most months, and a warranty for the same net cost.
I spoke with old friend in FL today (Titusville) who points the finger at the obvious villain for Covid in state which is of course DeSenseless (her spelling of the God’s name). He has hidden the real impacts of this disease since the beginning which is why the #’s seem so unreliable. In my state (VA) the situation is a bit better with an honest Governor who is also a doctor though the anti-science crowd is loud and obnoxious
One thing of Fauci´s with which I heartily concur, this is going to get worse b4 it gets better. So much of
what´ś happening is interrelated to global deterioration. Disease. fires, floods,mass marine die-offs.
ecosystems in collapse. Whatś it gonna take to get some expedient action not just from governments,
but people at large. War will be next just as with the Hundred Years war & bubonic plague.
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One thing of Fauci´s with which I heartily concur, this is going to get worse b4 it gets better. So much of
what´ś happening is interrelated to global deterioration. Disease. fires, floods,mass marine die-offs.
ecosystems in collapse. Whatś it gonna take to get some expedient action not just from governments,
but people at large. War will be next just as with the Hundred Years war & bubonic plague.
John, unfortunately, I don't think anything short of utter catastrophe is going to motivate the vast majority of us to do anything that's inconvenient or difficult, on a sustained basis. Very sad, but, I'm afraid very true.
John, unfortunately, I don't think anything short of utter catastrophe is going to motivate the vast majority of us to do anything that's inconvenient or difficult, on a sustained basis. Very sad, but, I'm afraid very true.
Obviously, I respectfully disagree . So far money is still a powerful motivational force.
If what is good for us personally and as a species is also good for the rest of the life on Earth, things will change very quickly.
But if it doesn't make financial sense, it won't happen. And we don't see anything close to real end to end costs for anything.
Obviously, I respectfully disagree . So far money is still a powerful motivational force.
If what is good for us personally and as a species is also good for the rest of the life on Earth, things will change very quickly.
But if it doesn't make financial sense, it won't happen. And we don't see anything close to real end to end costs for anything.
I hope you're right...
One thing of Fauci´s with which I heartily concur, this is going to get worse b4 it gets better. So much of
what´ś happening is interrelated to global deterioration. Disease. fires, floods,mass marine die-offs.
ecosystems in collapse. Whatś it gonna take to get some expedient action not just from governments,
but people at large. War will be next just as with the Hundred Years war & bubonic plague.
I understand your sentiment, I think. I disagree about the order of disasters; you missed a couple, specifically famine and resource wars will happen.

There is the legend of the four color of horsemen

Violence, Starvation, and Pestilence, who ride together with a fourth ... the White horse and pale rider of natural mortality.

Earch of them can kill up to about a quarter of a population at a time. IDK the order but the bodies from the so called called ' "Chinese Hoax" is catching up to the Holocaust murders at least.

/end rant
"Chinese Hoax" is catching up to the Holocaust murders at least. True but still not as bad as the 1918 Flu
"Chinese Hoax" is catching up to the Holocaust murders at least. True but still not as bad as the 1918 Flu
Is that (1918 flu deaths) what we should be aiming for? We've had effective vaccines for this virus for over 6 months now... Really no excuse for the death level to be increasing the way it is (in the developed world). They didn't have any way to stop the flu in 1918. It's a crime that unvaccinated people are the cause of so much unnecessary death.
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