The Green Room

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Well, there may well be something growing in Asia or the Amazon that would do it, but if it can't be patented and packaged profitably, we are unlikely to hear about it.

The smart money expects 100s to 1000s of new medications to come from the mRNA tools and techniques used to develop the vaccine. All new and patentable.
Well, there may well be something growing in Asia or the Amazon that would do it, but if it can't be patented and packaged profitably, we are unlikely to hear about it.

The smart money expects 100s to 1000s of new medications to come from the mRNA tools and techniques used to develop the vaccine. All new and patentable.
That´s a problem, a ´soft drink´ manufacturer has patented herbal remedies that have been in use in
India for centuries in addition to buying up South American water rights. I do not see how such patents
can be legal. None-the-less, I feel duty bound to suggest an area for pharmacological research.
The Shoshone & other tribes have used Cucurbita Foetidissima* for perhaps millenia to treat respiratory
disease. This species, along with C. palmata & C. digitata, contain cucurbitacins, toxins the plants use
to ward of animal predation. Even common varieties of squash & melons can contain amounts of these
toxins to which some are allergic.
*C. Fo. , Also known as buffalo gourd or stinking gourd was once common on the plains. C.P &
especially C.D. are rare desert plants, the latter 2, given their envion are likely the most potent &
can hybridize. These 3 varieties may survive a century or more(?), creating a enormous taproot weighing
as much as 40 pds. The tritrepeniods in the plants have huge potential for drugs.**
**The seeds of these plants are edible, high in fats & protein.
TLDR? BAU? What, are we in the military and using acronyms for ever'dang thing? No idea what you're talking about 🤔
Google? This old boy has to search often. Youngsters have to many texting acronyms for me to keep up with.
Neither a youngster nor a texter, I'm afraid. But I have been online too long...TLDR dates back to the early 90s, IIRC (If I Recall Correctly), and I did define BAU at the beginning of the thread, but don't expect people to know it.
And they laugh like crazy at me when I say I need something from the ‘ice box’. Let’em Goggle that
My sons laugh at my slide rule and don't understand why people;

Watch the 'tube'

'Register' their checks

'Dial' some one on the phone

'Perk' a cup of coffee

'Choke' a gas engine

Walk into a 'buzzsaw'

I'm sure I'll think of more archaic terminology.

Back to our regularly scheduled program....
Neither a youngster nor a texter, I'm afraid. But I have been online too long...TLDR dates back to the early 90s, IIRC (If I Recall Correctly), and I did define BAU at the beginning of the thread, but don't expect people to know it.
Um, I didn’t intend to imply either. I’m sure you’ve read my rants on using Google. Silly me does his research before posting.
My ex was selling his manual transmission car. My godson (age 30) wanted to buy it. I said, you know how to drive a stickshift, yeah? He assured me he did. Well he didn't. Destroyed the clutch by the time he made it home and then had it fixed and destroyed that one. Had that fixed and spent an afternoon practicing, and now he says he REALLY can drive a stick. He said, "I must've driven an automatic stickshift before." I said, honey when people say stickshift, they mean manual transmission, and only manual transmission. Very expensive lesson for him.
My ex was selling his manual transmission car. My godson (age 30) wanted to buy it. I said, you know how to drive a stickshift, yeah? He assured me he did. Well he didn't. Destroyed the clutch by the time he made it home and then had it fixed and destroyed that one. Had that fixed and spent an afternoon practicing, and now he says he REALLY can drive a stick. He said, "I must've driven an automatic stickshift before." I said, honey when people say stickshift, they mean manual transmission, and only manual transmission. Very expensive lesson for him.
A new derailleur is much cheaper.
True. But we still waste a third of the food we produce in the "developed" countries. Much more if you consider what happens to the nutrition value of the real foods that are turned into fast food.
Remarkable how much more one notices at ten mph than at 28. There´ś so much food growing unassisted
in my village no way for me to go hungry even if agriculture collapses. Get back to me when we it the omega
Back to energy use and economics where eBikes shine vs cars. So economics and politics assume infinite growth.

This account of a conversation between a physicist and an economist is well worth reading.

TLDR: Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a finite planet is either an economist or just crazy.
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