There are tons of research done to this.
Younger drivers, women and sat-nav users most likely not to see cyclists
Basically, car drivers are humans.
Science has proven that humans are far from perfect.
Human eyes and brain can register only so many things.
Optical illusions happen all the time, it's just a thing of being a human.
This is going to get a little philosophical, but is it right to prosecute someone for having an optical illusion?
People get hit by a car, it's not fair for victim, but I don't know it's fair if the person was taking reasonable amount of cautions and driving normally.
No, I'm not talking about drinking & driving, street racing, etc.
The solution is technology, as any flight instructors from any aviation school would say, just trust your instruments, never trust your sense.
Self-driving cars are safer.
Humans get tired, lose attention or get distracted, get angry, wants to check text message, wants to listen to music, etc.
How safe is safe enough, and how do we measure it?
While companies all have their own reasons for investing in driverless cars, they all agree that one of the biggest benefits will be improved safety.