Supercharger GX Rohloff HS belt tooth count?


Active Member
What's the tooth count on a Gates Carbon CDX belt that fits the Supercharger GX Rohloff HS?
I'm racking up miles on my bike and like to get a spare one. The markings on the belt are unreadable by this point.
The tooth count on my Nevo Nuvinci GH is 113. I had to count them. Put a pencil mark on the top of one tooth then start counting along the bottom of the belt. You will have to advance the belt with the crank a few times. Make a smaller mark on the last tooth you count before advancing the belt to the next stretch.
It should be written on the belt along with the Gates Carbon Belt branding/logo.
The Nevo is a full suspension and probably has a longer belt.

I can no longer read the markings due to wear. I think it says 11M-108T-12C but cannot be sure. 108 in this case would be 108 tooth version.
The Nevo is a hard tail with front fork. The markings were illegible on mine as well, by the time I went to read them, necessitating a count .