Summer Rides '16


Well-Known Member
Summer gets most of us on the ebike, some for the first time.

Share a highlight experience from the Summer, or maybe a humbling one....

For me, I got a new (2014 demo) Focus S10 speed pedelec in May. After a month of rain in Maryland, I got a perfectly sunny day for a full commute to work (17-18 miles). It was cloud 9 with a new battery and new bike.

On the way home, I snagged a 1 inch nail in the rear. I thought I was ready for a patch (Done many times), but it would not take. Finally a kind local bike guy drove past and came to my aid. He gave me a tube. Wow.

It is still in the tire. I hope to payback the good will soon.
Todày wasn't too bad... not a cloud in the sky, mid sixties, so my wife and I went over to the Ashawilticook bike path in Adams, Mass. about an hour from where we live.

This is eleven miles of pavement through thick woods, along a lake and reservoir, connecting Adams with Pittsfield. There are a few bumpier sections, nothing significant... we just cruised along and had a terrific time. Chatted with a few people along the trail who wanted to know about ebikes, and who were all perfectly friendly about it, including a guy on a gorgeous carbon fiber Specialized bike. That was some machine!

We've only had these things about three weeks. My eJoe Koda broke 400 miles today, while my wife's City Commuter, a week newer, is closing in on a hundred. It was a great day, with lunch at CJ's right along the trail at the end of the trip.
About 3 weeks ago my neighbor who is an avid bicyclist asked me if I wanted to go for a ride around our city. He is a pedal only guy and knows many of the bike paths here in Winnipeg. And he was OK with me on my BionX 500 road bike. So we loaded the bikes onto his van and went to the western edge of our city Winnipeg. It was a beautiful day, sunny and about 25 degrees Celcius. We took an old rail line converted to a bike path then went through a forest in the middle of the city. Then down a combo of streets and trails to the city center for a lunch break. Then more trails and out to the east side of the city. All in all just a bit over 55 km,s and we were averaging about 19 km,s per hour, that should convert to about 12 mph. I kept the power level to only Level 1 and the battery indicator never even went down at all till right near the end when for the last short distance I booted it up to 20 mph for the fun of it. Nice day, Went home for a quick shower then we used my truck to take him back to his van.
well here in southern az we are just starting our riding season! really in another 2 weeks or so

still 90-100 everyday here

but we have awesome winters and i plan to ride 3-4 days a week
Last Day of Summer 2016
Last Ride of Summer 2016
Town of Railroad, PA

last day of summer M(1024x768).jpg
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