ST2 Battery Upgrade


New Member
Getting close to pulling the trigger on an ST2 (not ST2-S) and would like the 983Whr battery as an upgrade to the standard 814 Whr. I see that Stromer has released the SUI FW 3.0.0 firmware update as of April 18, 2016 which is required for the 983Whr battery.

What are my chances of getting a 983 trade-up for the 814 during initial purchase of the bike?
Getting close to pulling the trigger on an ST2 (not ST2-S) and would like the 983Whr battery as an upgrade to the standard 814 Whr. I see that Stromer has released the SUI FW 3.0.0 firmware update as of April 18, 2016 which is required for the 983Whr battery.

What are my chances of getting a 983 trade-up for the 814 during initial purchase of the bike?

Stromer has brought in small quantities of ST2-s via air freight.
983 whr - blue battery as an upgrade to the existing ST2 model is going to take at least 3 months.
It might depend on where you are - here in the Netherlands I've been told that you can get the ST2 with bigger battery later this month.
I also asked for the big bat as spare part but not available till july as the first bats will
be installes in the new S's
Overhere in Amsterdam NL I will get my brandnew 20 inch ST2 with the 983 battery next week, may 19. Probably one of the first on the road in Holland.
My wife is shorter and 30kg lighter then I, she will get the ST2 17 inch with a standard 814. It will be nice to compare and report the enery use between us in the real life when touring together.