Bosch extended battery installation labor cost


From what fixing your beater bike? I ram. Your fantastic bike ya that’s it.
No... But if I had to I could and not have to hump it to the LBS with my pants down.
What big money bs did they sell you this week? Let me know when you're in NY, I've got a bridge for you.
No... But if I had to I could and not have to hump it to the LBS with my pants down.
What big money bs did they sell you this week? Let me know when you're in NY, I've got a bridge for you.
When you ride as much as me and pretty much all problem free come talk to me. I work on my bikes all the time I just don’t electrical crap and that would be the same no matter what bike I had. Like I said when you can put the miles in I do then maybe you can mock me. But I get far more miles out of my bikes then you do.
When you ride as much as me and pretty much all problem free come talk to me. I work on my bikes all the time I just don’t electrical crap and that would be the same no matter what bike I had. Like I said when you can put the miles in I do then maybe you can mock me. But I get far more miles out of my bikes then you do.
And how do you know how much I ride?
My milage has nothing to do with what bike I ride but what else I have going on and the time to do so. But one thing for sure is you'll never see me on some bitch tadem if you can even qualify that as riding.
So as usual with you and alike, your assumptions are as full of s*it as the color brochures that lube you for the next toe touch. 😘
You do not ride. You talk.
Because foofer can show you his Strava but you cannot show yours.

Only pity it does not read "A certified e-bike technician".
Strava strokers only impress other Strava d_bags... The rest of us laugh.
You couldn't pay me to put that crap on my phone let alone run home to post screen shots like a 16yr old on Facebook.
Then add that high milage on an ebike especially when someone carries as many batteries as you do and then takes all day to run up the numbers is as impressive as riding a tandem.
And for the record I have 8000mi in two years. Reasonable for someone that has a lot more going on than a Strava account.
And how do you know how much I ride?
My milage has nothing to do with what bike I ride but what else I have going on and the time to do so. But one thing for sure is you'll never see me on some bitch tadem if you can even qualify that as riding.
So as usual with you and alike, your assumptions are as full of s*it as the color brochures that lube you for the next toe touch. 😘
wel lI doubt anyone would ride with such a grump on a tandem with you. My wife sure enjoys it and even she outrides you and she is blind. so sad for you.
For your information, foofer rode for 17,107 miles in 2020-2021. And counting.
What's your point?
Are you really saying that one has to devote all his free time to riding and document (post) rides like a child in some kind of competition to know whether or not an LBS should charge for installing factory options?
I have a lot of responsibilities that take up my day and can't ride right now as much as I'd like to... so to be clear my point is that the LBS should not be charging for something they should know as an Authorized Dealer and the learning of new equipment is their responsibility and on their time... well that and that you continue to be a narrow minded obtuse ass with a one track mind that's incapable of understanding anything outside your very small world.
Oh and thanks for continuing to "ignore" me 👍

wel lI doubt anyone would ride with such a grump on a tandem with you. My wife sure enjoys it and even she outrides you and she is blind. so sad for you.

In that case you get a pass on the tandem...
But don't be blind yourself thinking that milage on its own is some kind of academic accomplishment. You repeatedly throw money at your LBS and it seems to make you happy... but that doesn't mean others are required to have the same relationship with their LBS, especially when competence varies greatly between them.
In that case you get a pass on the tandem...
But don't be blind yourself thinking that milage on its own is some kind of academic accomplishment. You repeatedly throw money at your LBS and it seems to make you happy... but that doesn't mean others are required to have the same relationship with their LBS, especially when competence varies greatly between them.
I use them when I cant do the work myself. so somehow thats bad? we have a lot of good mechanics here this is a bicycling city. I ride a ton andI can't do all the work myself.
When I purchased my bike new the labor cost was included same as Sparky. If you have a Purian display and find close to useless and were thinking a future upgrade while they have the motor access this would be a good time to look into it since it is the same thing or close to it to install the required cable
I use them when I cant do the work myself. so somehow thats bad? we have a lot of good mechanics here this is a bicycling city. I ride a ton andI can't do all the work myself.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth. I didn't say it was bad... I said that it shouldn't be required by everyone to have a factory option installed with the buyer paying for their education
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth. I didn't say it was bad... I said that it shouldn't be required by everyone to have a factory option installed with the buyer paying for their education
Yes they guy should not have to pay extra for the learning experience. but then you ranted and raved and a bunch of us.