Everything I have read is that it will be impossible for him to deliver to all customers considering many factors, like individual laws of so many countries. Peoples posts have stated this, it states that the toughest market is the EU, which has very tough laws, will our bikes have serial numbers, instructions, safety data, so many missing data points from this haphazard, ill conceived, disorganized, slapdash, casual campaign. In previous posts by many people it has stated over and over the lack of any good organization within the Sondors camp. How big his team is, who is on his team, who is responsible for what area of responsibility? Seems to me we know alot about what we dont know.
What people have been saying about this Sondors campaign is a known fact,
>>Ivars "Storm" Sondors----Charged with fraud, breach of Contract.
>>Jon Hopp is the real maker of the Storm/Sondors Bike.
>>Jon Hopp, what happened to him, another breach by IVARS?
>>Sondor's e-bike and it's fictional SPEC's
>>Agency 2.0 case against Sondors---Fraud and breach of Contract.
>>Pacific Storm ltd..located in Delaware???
>>Ivars, beach surfer dude handed almost 6 million dollars.
>>SPEC PR Greg Dawson, shambling PR campaign.
>>SPEC PR avoidance of accountability.
>>SPEC PR negative avoidance of all valid questions.
>>No Warranty
>>No monitor, no fenders,
>>Weak motor, poor battery shabby controller.
>>Frame is a cheap frame much heavier than said.
>>No after sales service.
>>Violating many countries e-bike laws
>>Proto-type 4 times better than the Production bike. UNFAIR.
>>Staging of pictures for publicity purposes.
>>Things happen in 3's
>>>>Toyjobs---Agency 2.0----Indiegogo campaign???
>>No liability insurance. Too bad if a faulty bike happens to hurt someone.
>>No support staff who can answer questions.
Did I miss anything, I tried going back and picking the highlights from all your posts??????