Open Letter to Sondors/Indiegogo - awaiting response.

Why should they ship a 200W motor to Europe? Nowhere on their campaign does it say they would ship different versions. And nowhere do they claim they sell a "street legal" model for all countries world wide. Anyone can buy this bike and use it anywhere on this world on his private property. If you had ever imported something from China, buying from Alibaba, Aliexpress or similar you would know how import taxes for your country work. If you don't know it. Why don't you ask your local tax authorities? Why do you ask Sondors? The campaign has never claimed they would cover import taxes/duties of any country. I went to check the tax authorities website of the country I will import it to. Those who can read have a clear advantage ...
Please do not suggest I cannot read, you sound like an apologist and you know all the answers - is sales tax included in the price or are there any other financial encumbrances? Is the bike and battery fully certified and does it have the range stated? Can it deliver a full charge within 90 minutes?
EULITTLB you clearly DO NOT understand crowdfunding a campaign of a product in progress. EVEN large companies such as Apple sometimes have to changes specs from product announcement until product launch. Quite often they have had to drop features previously announced.

The specs of the Sondors bike have actually IMPROVED on an important feature. The motor is now geared. Providing more torque.
A bike that is development for 12 months raises $2.5m on IGG and then the specs are drastically revised - I won't bore you with listing them......... so what guarantee do you have that you will receive anything like the product you pledged your money to?
As I wrote before. You feel uneasy about this campaign. Than simply do not contribute. Go to a shop buy a bike which you can testdrive. But STOP crying like a baby. MOVE ON to a shop where you get all your answers.
As I wrote before. You feel uneasy about this campaign. Than simply do not contribute. Go to a shop buy a bike which you can testdrive. But STOP crying like a baby. MOVE ON to a shop where you get all your answers.

Please do not try and tell me what I should or shouldn't do - why am I crying like a baby? You sound like you have just come on here to cause trouble and yet still you ignore answering questions. If I want to voice concerns and discuss on forums with other people I shall do so. Have you got a problem with that? Do you want me to tell you what you should do? Would you take offence?
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