Simon Cowell breaks back falling from ebike

Have to wonder what sort of fall/impact was involved to lead to a "broken back". I mean, the spine has a lot of bones, including all the way down to your coccyx. Could "broken back" be a PR flack's way of spinning a broken tailbone?
(CNN)"America's Got Talent" judge Simon Cowell has undergone surgery after breaking his back in several spots while falling off his bike on Saturday.
The 60-year-old entertainment mogul, who shares a child with his partner Lauren Silverman, was testing a new electric bike in the courtyard of his home in Malibu, California, with his family when he fell, according to his spokeswoman.
"He was taken to hospital where they operated overnight, he's under observation and is doing fine," the spokeswoman told CNN.
NBC just doing a story about how much more dangerous ebikes are! They are saying they are 3 times more dangerous than normal bikes! I can just see the new legislation coming down the panic pipe now!
Better buy class 3 while we can!
The faster you can go the more protection you should have on, obviously you don't need what motorcycle guys have, but for sure a helmet, and some proper shoes, safety first.
"This new data comes from a specialized bicycle insurance provider, Bikmo.

By conducting a survey of over 3,000 of its riders across Europe, Bikmo found that riders of electric bikes accounted for 38% fewer insurance claims compared to pedal bike riders, on average.

The survey included approximately 1,000 e-bike riders and 2,000 pedal bike riders.

Bikmo offers wide-ranging insurance covering everything from damage, theft, personal injury, liability, and more. The company says that they attribute the lower risk seen by e-bike riders to such riders being more risk-averse."
The company says that they attribute the lower risk seen by e-bike riders to such riders being more risk-averse."
But what's the driving force behind the aversion? Given the added cost of an e-bike I'd think it has more to do with an awareness of the cost of the bike than anything else. As in, taking greater steps to secure it from theft because of how much it cost. Or keen to avoid injury being familiar with the potential added risks. I'd venture once the price on eBikes drops we'll see an uptick in injuries. But given the continued theft rates of regular bikes I'm not sure eBikes would see any decrease, perhaps rather the opposite.
Jeez fellas, sometimes we just overthink this stuff. Seems a downside of COVID, to much time to fret and post. Almost true.
As someone who recently went down on my ebike, I can assure any reporters out there that A. I might have been going <10 mph and B. I injured myself on regular bicycles many more times in my life.
I really wonder how the hell he broke his back in like six places though!? I do notice he’s not wearing a helmet in most pictures.
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Did he go Commando? 😉
No, that's the other celebrity e-biker

BTW, want to be sure its clear that as much as I don’t like the man, I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. I know that my little accident still hurts. At 65+ years old, it takes a LOT longer to heal!