SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

this is a interesting place in the little of the city in a park.
Here are a few critter shots from the Everglades, then there’s “Junior”. 😈


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After owning my Quad Surface604 E-bike a year, I can’t tell you how impressed I am. Surface604 is an amazing e-bike manufacturer. I am so impressed by the quality, durability, style, and functionality of the product. The bike is solid and easy to ride, and the battery life is incredible (I upgraded to the 20amp battery); I can go for days without needing to recharge. After riding my bike for over 4,000 miles, I appreciate the excellent components used and the detail that went into designing the bike; it looks great and provides a smooth and comfortable ride. The Customer Service has been top-notch too (Thank you Phil!); they answer all your questions, provide helpful advice and assist in part replacement when required (most times in less than 24 hours). I highly recommend Surface604 to anyone looking to upgrade their ride!


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this joggler was oblivious. our bell is very loud and piercing and pretty much never fails. it would not have been so bad if she did not water back and forth like she was drunk driving. I don't like yelling and was debating on the 120db boat horn we got to scare off dogs.
Foofer....OH YEAH you captured that perfectly! I regularly run a 5-10 km gauntlet along the beach which is chock- a- block full of these deaf serepentine joggers. I especially like it when they are using the clearly separated bike path portion of the MUP and have a dog on the one side while they all the way across on the other side with the leash stretched out blocking the whole thing and have their earbuds cranked. The Coup De Grace is when they yell after me something like " Slow down ...and a bell would be nice! " when of course I rang it several times