SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

If a vegan ate these plants would he feel sheepish?
During today’s evening ride I passed this event. A group of people performing tango dancing. Various skill levels I dare say without being a tango dancer myself. Some of the older couples were quite good, expressing the right ”tension”.
A bit unusual just by the walk and bike way. The weird thing is the guy who decided a good spectator position is lying down 2 meters from the dance floor.
That is a pretty Vette indeed! But wait , what about the Nash right behind it ? And across the that 50,s Chevy Bel Air? It looks like you are in the movie Back to the Future. And what the heck is that other car?
Ah! That first pic of the 1950 Chevy Fleetline … brings back memories, and is telling of my age in that I know what it is!
The front … the dark blue one with the swept back roof and trunk. Go ahead … and tell me I got it wrong, that would actually make me feel younger :)
The front … the dark blue one with the swept back roof and trunk. Go ahead … and tell me I got it wrong, that would actually make me feel younger :)
NO I will not challenge you sir but I do not think we had that model here in Canada or at least I have never heard of it before. I am no expert on cars.
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That is a pretty Vette indeed! But wait , what about the Nash right behind it ? And across the that 50,s Chevy Bel Air? It looks like you are in the movie Back to the Future. And what the heck is that other car?
Friday evenings during summer (July only ?) there is some sort of crusing on a larger street in Stockholm. Not advertised or so I think, more word of mouth.
NO I will not challenge you sir but I do not think we had that model here in Canada or at least I have never heard of it before. I am no expert on cars.
OK, you made me curious, so I did some googling. Maybe this particular model was called the "Deluxe" rather than the "Fleetline". Check this out …
My gramps had a 1953 Bel Air in tutone aquamarine and white. I thought it was the most beautiful car in the world when I was a child. It looked like this;
We are getting off topic, but my first car was a 1950 Plymouth Custom Deluxe. I paid $85 for it in 1963 when I was 16 years old (and had to borrow money from my older brother to pay for it!). At that time I was working part time at a Safeway store earning $1.00 per hour. Gas was selling for about $0.25 per gallon.:D
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