SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

That's insane!:cool:
Yea, the only downer was that piece of mud that was stuck to the lens for almost 30 minutes of footage. Can’t blame the guy I guess for not cleaning it every so often with his glove as he was, how should I put it?....slightly occupied at the time. ;) Incredibly it was knocked off by a tree branch as he entered a forested section of the run.
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Yea, the only downer was that piece of mud that was stuck to the lens for almost 30 minutes of footage. Can’t blame the guy I guess for not cleaning it every so often with his glove as he was, how should I put it?....slightly occupied at the time. ;) Incredibly it was knocked off by a tree branch as he entered a forested section of the run.
I'm just stunned at the non stop endurance.
I'm just stunned at the non stop endurance.
....and with a virtual full head of steam from start to finish. Then there was the skillful riding exhibited as well to ensure that neither he or his bike encountered any serious injury or damage along the way. With the exception of the start, there were very few to zero favorable lines to choose on the descents.
Idiots on the road. I have not suffered from a right hook in a long time I have drivers wait for me. but not this guy.

I have a Facebook grup I share all the idiots on the road
Same thing happened to me yesterday Foofer ! No signal of course. I have even had them signal left and then turn right. One must ride like everyone and everything is trying to kill you at all times.
Same thing happened to me yesterday Foofer ! No signal of course. I have even had them signal left and then turn right. One must ride like everyone and everything is trying to kill you at all times.
At some of our Bellingham intersections, there are green "bike boxes" that privilege bicycles. On at least one of them, as I was waiting for a green light, I knew the car beside/behind me wanted to turn right, though I intended to go straight. Then I noticed the sign across the street: "No free right turn on red." I don't know whether there are others like that at similar intersections, nor whether they are intended to keep us two-wheelers safe, but I like the idea. Problem is, does the cager see the sign, and do they intend to ignore it?

At another intersection, I intended to go straight, and got into the appropriate lane with my front tire on the bike symbol that's intended to trigger the light (and I must say these almost always do work). A young, impatient guy pulled into the right turn lane next to me, and when the light turned, shot straight ahead and shouted something at me as he roared past--going straight, not to the right. Ironically, he had a bike rack with a bike on the back of his rig. I guess even a fellow rider can turn into a jerk when he gets behind the wheel.

It's a scary world out there.
At some of our Bellingham intersections, there are green "bike boxes" that privilege bicycles. On at least one of them, as I was waiting for a green light, I knew the car beside/behind me wanted to turn right, though I intended to go straight. Then I noticed the sign across the street: "No free right turn on red." I don't know whether there are others like that at similar intersections, nor whether they are intended to keep us two-wheelers safe, but I like the idea. Problem is, does the cager see the sign, and do they intend to ignore it?

At another intersection, I intended to go straight, and got into the appropriate lane with my front tire on the bike symbol that's intended to trigger the light (and I must say these almost always do work). A young, impatient guy pulled into the right turn lane next to me, and when the light turned, shot straight ahead and shouted something at me as he roared past--going straight, not to the right. Ironically, he had a bike rack with a bike on the back of his rig. I guess even a fellow rider can turn into a jerk when he gets behind the wheel.

It's a scary world out there.
Yeah that reminds me that yesterday a driver pulled up along side me and gave me the finger. That is not uncommon but I had no inkling what he was upset about. At first I returned in kind but It was such a nice day I did not let him mess with my mojo for very long. (-: