SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

a nice steep hill in the rich part of town. I think It is 18% grade. no thanks in winter. I had a hard time even getting my bike to stay in place.
Not my bike ride nor would it ever be. Drove through the Washington Pass in the North Cascades and apparently it is a very popular bike route for those who like to bomb down a mountain going almost as fast as the cars. Bet they wish they had an ebike for the uphill parts........

The view from the top:

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Not my bike ride nor would it ever be. Drove through the Washington Pass in the North Cascades and apparently it is a very popular bike route for those who like to bomb down a mountain going almost as fast as the cars. Bet they wish they had an ebike for the uphill parts........
That climb definitely calls for assistance. My wife and I have taken on some decent climbs in the past but we don’t even come close to the speed of vehicles on the way back down. One in particular is Sunwapta Pass. It’s a 10 km climb to reach the pass but the ride back down is well worth it. This was part of a 70 km ride that eventually took us to the Columbia Icefields and back.

Another is the road up to Mt Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park with some pretty spectacular views closer to the top. With very little to no side shoulder to speak of and busy summer traffic, it can make for an interesting ride.

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That climb definitely calls for assistance. My wife and I have taken on some decent climbs in the past but we don’t even come close to the speed of vehicles on the way back down. One in particular is Sunwapta Pass. It’s a 10 km climb to reach the pass but the ride back down is well worth it. This was part of a 70 km ride that eventually took us to the Columbia Icefields and back.

Another is the road up to Mt Edith Cavell in Jasper National Park with some pretty spectacular views closer to the top. With very little to no side shoulder to speak of and busy summer traffic, it can make for an interesting ride.

Spectacular!!! Thank you for sharing.
Spectacular!!! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks. It’s not everyday we are able to ride in such wonderful settings as the weather plays a huge role around planning such rides in advance .

The Missus and I have booked a day next week to ride up to the Highwood Pass from Ribbon Creek in Kananaskis Country. It’s a 100km out and back trip along the highest paved road in Canada. I rode it last year with my brother-in-law but my wife missed out on all of the action as a result of a strained back.

A couple of Images from last year’s ride up to the pass.

