SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

@Prairie Dog,
Welcome to the Poutine California! They stab it with their steely knives but just can't kill the feast.

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@Prairie Dog,
Welcome to the Poutine California! They stab it with their steely knives but just can't kill the feast.
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Looks yummy but where are the curds? To get the authentic McCoy and ambience, you need to go to where it all started, in the heart of La belle Province. Mais Oui!

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Oh yeah! How about some Pakistani Poutine!

Potato Crisps (like a flat tater tot) covered with a sub continent dish called Muttar Paneer.
Essentially a soft curd cheese with peas in a flavoured gravy. It's delicious.
UView attachment 111396
Man, that looks good Randall! The queso fresco is baked into the fries before the accoutrements are added on top of the other CA poutine. As a kid I adored squeaky cheese, the freshest curds of the day. The cheese makers here will not sell them.
Petal- Lunatic
I love it @steve mercier! I made a nutty deal today. A French Chef's daughter, Bella, approached me last week, about making her mom's bike electric in August for her mom's big birthday. She wanted to budget and save each week until then. That is so nice. I told her a couple of days ago that now is the slow season for bikes. I could do it now and she could pay me in food. I will get multi-course meals three-days per week for free for the rest of 2022.
This is the bike. I just picked it up. It will get upgrades, such as leather grips. The vinyl ones are sweaty. I will try to keep the chainguard. Because this is an American bottom bracket, 51.5mm, I will need to adapt it to 34.8. I didn't know one could do this. This eccentric adapter is only $22 and eBike specific. That part arrives tomorrow from Pedal - Lunatic - Luna Cycles.
It's been a slow couple of weeks for ebike riding-- couldn't get out last weekend because I was boost-whacked! Systemic effects from the vax are nearly gone today, but still a bit of lethargy, and my left shoulder has been slow to come back online... I would have been fine today for a little ride around the neighborhood, but it rained this morning, and I didn't want to deal with damp pavement unless I felt at least 85%. So had a boring little workout on the elliptical. :confused:

However, I knew I had this shot somewhere on my phone from late last year... of course, this picture would have been much improved if I'd had the Finicky Fuji X-A5-- dirigibles move so slowly that even if it had been up to its usual tricks (the end-user interface is the worst of 21st century engineering-- you can activate dozens of random and largely useless features with touchscreen that are really hard to turn off) I could have gotten a decent image. But no-- this was from earlier in December, when I didn't even have the little 120-gram point-and-shoots that weight-weenie Catalyzt packs because (generally) even those are better that the camera on my cheap-o, bottom-of-the line Samsung phone.

In the late '90s, they used to fly right over the hills, and much, much lower. You would hear this low, thrumming kind of whir, look up between the trees, and see this ginormous airship floating by... I'm just glad they're still out there.

Don't see one of these every day on my bike rides.

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Love seals! Also love it when seals show up when I'm body-boarding, though sometimes it's frustrating if a little guy wants to play. "I know you look like a dog, and you're acting super friendly and cute, but I also know that you sometimes bite, and even if you didn't, the lifeguard would kick my ass if I let you jump on my board or whatever it is you're trying to do." "Aw, come on!" "No, no, no, I'm just backing away here." "Quit acting like a grownup!" "Okay, now you're getting pissed off, and I don't know what to do here." "I am NOT pissed off!" And so on.
Around here we have Elephant Seals. Sometime check out the book 'The Every.' It is dark and funny. The Petaluma to Pt Reyes part is five laughs per page. That book is only at a local book store, not online. It rips Amazon and is banned by them. In the meantime here is some ham hock soup with buds foreshadowing the coming riding season. The cake is lemon.



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