SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides


Sam is always glad to wind down with me.

This was the third time I was able to climb the hill out of town on my bike. So happy.
Heart rate 167.
There's gold in them thar hills!
Yep, this 'cycle is carrying an aluminum sluice box, a green gravel screen, and a bucket with this gold panner's misc hardware. He's parked in front of a local hardware store that has an entire department dedicated to everything gold panning.

With a motorcycle I imagine this panner is off to a favorite remote creek to find some color.

A surprising number of people do this as a Summer hobby here in what is often called 'Gold Country'. Even got a couple of pans in my garage 🤣
A Grizzly methinks ? No wonder you are riding on the wrong side of the road (-: Are you staying overnight in Banff?
Yep, a very large male no doubt. There was plenty of scat along the side of the road. Hwy 1A is closed to traffic for the summer and only cyclists/hikers are permitted to enter that stretch of road to Castle Mtn Junction.
We overnighted in Banff figuring an early start would result in slightly cooler temps. Glad that we did.