SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

This is weird right? I now have an unplugged alternative to my Vado. Still love the Vado but wanted something more ”grab and go”
I now have developed a special interest for tailwind.

Diverge Base Carbon
Another 95 km in the scorching heat. I discovered a sunburn the size of a golf ball on the top of my head where the grass don't grow no more. Solution = add duct tape over the centre hole of both helmets. The way things are progressing by this time next year I will likely have to tape all the holes (-:
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Another 95 km in the scorching heat. I discovered a sunburn the size of a golf ball on the top of my head where the grass don't grow no more. Solution = add duct tape over the centre hole of both helmets. The way things are progressing by this time next year I will likely have to tape all the holes (-: View attachment 91269
I have taken to using zip ties to attach a terry cloth flap to the back of the rear band on helmets to cover my neck. Otherwise it gets a direct hit from the sun.

NIce bike PaD. Where have you been for so long?
Thank you Steve. I think I’ve been on the couch all the time but that’s not true as I have been trying to stay in shape by regulars walks. I have been riding my Vado this spring but not out in the countryside as I want to and I haven’t felt I’ve had anything for the forum.
The whole pandemic situation has held me back but things gonna change😊
I hope to do more electric rides this summer with a friend who has got an ebike and report to you guys.
The new unplugged bike will be for excercise and rides with another friend who rides only non electric.
I want to emphasize that I still think ebikes are great for a lot of people, just about anybody, to get out and and have fun and get some exercise. Something that might not have happened without en ebike.
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It will be 43 / 109.4 degrees here today so I will pass on the Ebiking. This is abnormal weather for the pacific northwet. My garden is hanging tough so far but it is full of shade loving plants. View attachment 91422
Had a Facetime “Happy Hour“ with some friends in Bellingham and they were talking about their sprinklers. I thought they meant their yard but they meant hand watering system for their patio plants. When I lived in the Tri-Cities we lived with a daily automatic sprinkler system all through the lawn growing season.
Had a Facetime “Happy Hour“ with some friends in Bellingham and they were talking about their sprinklers. I thought they meant their yard but they meant hand watering system for their patio plants. When I lived in the Tri-Cities we lived with a daily automatic sprinkler system all through the lawn growing season.
Where did you live Dallant ?
Back to Northern California for the Summer. On my first ebike ride around town I saw another what is it;;


What's going on with this motorcycle? Wings, a prop cover? What the heck?