SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

No dragon, but the dragon flies on the Susquehanna are big enough to guard my bike.

The Silver Comet Trail north of Atlanta. Connection to the Chief Ladiga at the Alabama state line makes a 95 mile paved trail. Much more to explore.....


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Today a friend wanted to go a check a road sign he photographed 4-5 years ago when we were out riding south of Stockholm. This road sign was in a bad shape already at that time. Here is my photo from this afternoon.

And here is my fellow rider trying to get the pole vertical so he would get a straight shot at the sign. Did not succeed.
Coming home after today’s ride I spotted this little beauty on the street where I live.

For those of you who don’t know how small this car is I put my bike next to it as a reference. I Sweden this car was nicknamed The doghouse.
"Kawasaki lets the good times roll!" went the TV jingle when this was new. These were made from 1977-82 and I bet not many survive in this condition.
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Falconiform corpse on the boulevard. I highly doubt he collided with an Ebike. Not sure what species, maybe someone else knows. Too bad.
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The Burrard bridge has 2 of its 6 lanes dedicated to cyclists only. Good call. Here is a shout out to the HUB cycling organization!
Downtown from Lonsdale. When I was a boy the population of the city proper was only 100,000 and there were vacant lots everywhere.
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When Mechanical Engineers go berserk . I didn't see this on my ride but the inventor is a friend of my son.
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