SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

I skated outside as a kid in Detroit and Buffalo, but when we moved to Seattle, there is rarely any snow, much less ice. Occasionally I'd go to an ice rink, the one out on Aurora Ave - - what a small, crappy, depressing, stupid ice rink! But a couple of years ago, I went to the ice rink in Bremerton (WA), which is, I have to say, a GORGEOUS ice rink. And then I fell on my back. I lay there for a few minutes, to be sure I was actually OK, and I realized that in one second I could've paralyzed myself for the rest of my life. That was not how I wanted to spend my last 40 years. And I know there will be plenty of die-hard, "live to the max" people who will claim they aren't going to be limited by what what could befall them, but we are not young anymore, we don't bounce like we used to, we don't recover like we used to. And it just isn't worth it to me.

Now ebiking IS worth it to me, however. Better exercise too.
Love your story! Something similar happened to me last Feb. Fell hard cross country skiing. Really hard!! Hit my head and cracked my left wrist. :(
Could have been WAY worse: broken back, shattered joint, anything. And I was completely alone. By the time I had walked backed to the car I knew the wrist was seriously damaged. Had to wear a cast but fortunately no surgery.
Luckily it was healed enough by Spring for ebike cycling. :)🚴‍♀️
So I am in complete agreement with you. Some of these risks are just not worth it.
Ride safe and cycle on!
P Dog ...Since you are right in the middle are you an Oilers or Flames fan?
Ahhh…putting me on the spot, eh? Serves me right for responding to your post. ;) I think that both are currently pretty good teams and the theatrics that occurred between them during the 2019-2020 season might have only served to inflame the Battle of AB. Truth be told, I've always been an ardent Oilers fan but over the years (with the exception of Mac D) they've been pretty lack luster. The Flames seem to have the better chemistry of the two teams and that always makes them potential playoff contenders but they never seem to get further than the first round, sooo… money is on the Nucks and their young core backed by Boeser, Horvat, Hughes and Pettersson! :p

That being said, I never seem to get tired of watching Mac D rush end to end striking fear and confusion into the opposing D. :eek:
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My husband is a big Oilers fan from way back. I think he is just contrary. He supports Wazoo even though he never went there and has lived his whole life in Seattle. Me, I don't care about who wins. I just like to see good playing. If I'm watching the Superbowl (the one football game I watch) I will cheer a great pass, cheer the interception, cheer the tackle, cheer the fumble recovery, all in the same down. But for the record, I think The Kracken is a really stupid name.
My husband is a big Oilers fan from way back. I think he is just contrary. He supports Wazoo even though he never went there and has lived his whole life in Seattle. Me, I don't care about who wins. I just like to see good playing. If I'm watching the Superbowl (the one football game I watch) I will cheer a great pass, cheer the interception, cheer the tackle, cheer the fumble recovery, all in the same down. But for the record, I think The Kracken is a really stupid name.
Since the Kracken is mythological, it's not supposed to insult any one group. Just everyone.
Ahhh…putting me on the spot, eh? Serves me right for responding to your post. ;) I think that both are currently pretty good teams and the theatrics that occurred between them during the 2019-2020 season might have only served to inflame the Battle of AB. Truth be told, I've always been an ardent Oilers fan but over the years (with the exception of Mac D) they've been pretty lack luster. The Flames seem to have the better chemistry of the two teams and that always makes them potential playoff contenders but they never seem to get further than the first round, sooo… money is on the Nucks and their young core backed by Boeser, Horvat, Hughes and Pettersson! :p

That being said, I never seem to get tired of watching Mac D rush end to end striking fear and confusion into the opposing D. :eek:
Have some syrup on your Waffle ! (-:
Happy New Year! Here's to a better 2021... ;)

...and lots of bike parts for decorations, presumably from the bike shop in the store front?

I have lots of extra bike parts that would make great decorations. My wife's a NO on that one. 😕
...and lots of bike parts for decorations, presumably from the bike shop in the store front?

I have lots of extra bike parts that would make great decorations. My wife's a NO on that one. 😕
Chainrings work well, chains not so much ...
...and lots of bike parts for decorations, presumably from the bike shop in the store front?

I have lots of extra bike parts that would make great decorations. My wife's a NO on that one. 😕
Yes, the LBS went all out with spare parts... and the tree remains outdoors 24/7. ;)
And now for something completely different... amazing bike handling skills. ;)

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I came across this odd-looking set of wheels on my ride today. Anyone care to guess what this is or who the manufacturer was? It's definitely some type of former military transport vehicle. Looks like it's seen better days.

I don't know how much our municipality spent to commission this but considering that it's location is in an obscure and less frequented location speaks for itself. Name of the art sculpture is 'BeBop'. I had to look google it as someone had defaced the sign.