Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

I carry a hand saw as well, mostly to cut firewood because I camp often. I have the Silky Gomboy Outback.
Photos from just this past weekend.
A nice day today. Sunny, but windy and cooler around 15C.
Headed south to Mud bay again...

Couldn't resist seeing if the Nemesis lakes are still there.

Yeah... not doing that again...

Turned around and hit Watershed park, still southbound...

Where has the ocean gone???

Whilst downing some water I could see a guy (seen in the background) with his bike upside down and a trailer. He was wrenching away...

So I wandered over there and asked if everything was OK. He's a younger dad with two small kids in the car waiting to get on the trail.
He asked me if I had an air pump and was admonishing himself for not checking the tires before leaving the house. His was one of those tiny lightweight very small capacity pumps.
I said "have I got an air pump for you!"
I asked him how much psi he liked in the tires, and his response was "I don't know, whatever you recommend." The front had maybe 15psi, and the rear was dead flat. He would have been there for a loooooooong time with that tiny pump.
I got him up to 30psi front/rear in seconds with the Fumpa pump. Dude was so happy!
Felt great helping a guy/family out...
During a ride on Pennsylvania's Pine Creek Trail this week, I noticed a gas well being drilled adjacent to the trail & creek.


I suppose it was bound to happen eventually, since this portion of North Central PA sits on top of the gas rich Marcellus Shale formation.

It's a shame really. Pine creek is one of the cleanest, most pristine waterways in the state, and I certainly hope that won't change.


Anyway, It's been a wet spring and the ride was pleasant with the trailside waterfalls flowing freely.

Weather and work... some more...
Got out for a quickie this afternoon around 3pm in between showers. Haven't ridden for two weeks.
Blasted out to the sports field in Surrey.
On the way I saw some flora. Notice the busy bee about 2 thirds of the way down on the right...

Was surprised to see mixed league flag football...

Another field. This time training for pole vault!

Glad I got out to stretch my legs...