Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Out on my new Yamaha Wabash above Steamboat Springs, CO. There's a trail there somewhere.

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It didn't all go according to plan...

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Ouch! Heel fast.
I fell also with spd clip-ins on my ebike. No injury except I had about 4 good Samaritans/witnesses that stopped to asked my condition. Just my pride.
Decided I didn't need clip-in pedals as long as I had a fabulous ebike motor. :)
Hope your bike is fixable. Too bad it's not as simple as a hug and a band-aid.
First non-commute ride of any distance on my first ebike. Banks-Vernonia trail.

Obligatory trestle photo (probably a state law that a photo must be taken here :) )
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The ride from Banks to Vernonia in the morning was not without its obstacles. Had to go under the first and over the second. Two hours later on my way back, both obstacles had been cleared from the trail and it was smooth sailing.

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A more typical scene along the wooded portion of the trail.
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I have ridden the full extent of that linking up with the CZ trail on the other side of Vernonia. The CZ trail is much less developed, less paving, but a good ride. A PNW gem. I took my bridge pick up top....
Nice day in NH temp in lower 70's. Trees are starting to turn but not peak foliage yet. The turtle was on Rt13 in
Dunbarton NH took only one picture I did not want to get run over by a car going 50 MPH.


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I didn’t bring my bike on this quick trip and I’m too lazy to take a picture... but the foliage around Lake Placid is gorgeous right now. I didn’t expect it to be going so strong this early. We only live 90 miles south and there’s nothing going on down there, but right now, wow! When I come back with a bike in two weeks it will all be over.
A couple of months ago I moved down the coast of Oregon a ways to some new views and riding terrain. While my road type bikes were good a MTB does invite more adventurous rides. From my house to the south Jetty of the Garibaldi Bar and back, I live on the other side of Cape Meares in the distance, was 21 miles total and it really feels good to have my eMTB back in operation!


The beach wasn't the easiest riding as it was fairly soft. Usually the dark sand is harder but that was not the case today and you had to search by feel for the best to ride on. I hardly ever use Turbo mode but it was a good option for this to keep my speed above 12mph and I had a strong tailwind thank goodness! And a light.....cause the sun set at the apogee of my ride but didn't need it til I got back on the road in Cape Meares proper.
Nice day in NH temp in 60's. Took a ride up to Dunbarton NH and Rt13 where I saw the turtle yesterday. No sign of the turtle hopefully he made it across or turned around and went back into the woods. My IPOD ran out of battery I forgot to turn the camera off thats why not as many pictures.


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Nice day in NH temp in upper 50's to lower 60's.


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I woke to thick fog this morning and thought my ride wasn't going to happen but thankfully it eventually dispersed and even the sun made an appearance :D The roads were pretty wet in parts after our recent downpours but my mudguards did their job and kept me clean and dry, the same can't be said for my bike this time :p Photographic evidence provided ;)

When I set off I knew if I covered 58 miles I would pass 20,000 miles on my GPS, so I covered almost 65 miles and now have a total GPS distance of 20,006 miles, photographic evidence provided once again! It took me 359 rides to reach this total with an overall average distance of 55.72 miles!

I didn't actually travel far from home today as I wanted to turn the clock back many years and try out some local roads I have neglected, I forgot how up and down they were as you can see from my elevation map, over 5,000 ft climbed today! My 2019 total is now 2,840 miles from 47 rides giving an average of 60.42 miles.

No ride tomorrow as I am going to the motorcycle racing, I would love to cycle there but with a cold northerly wind forecast and a chance of rain throughout the day I'm not taking the chance...


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We have had a string of delightful fall days recently. Yesterday Marji and her sister Bev joined me for a 40 mile tour into Monson Mass. We came across an abandoned sand and gravel operation with the huge rusted machinery still in place.

Next stop was the West View Creamery where we ended up having ice cream for lunch it was so good. The view wasn't bad either.

Next stop was the Conant River Reservoir, a flood control location that is a peaceful place to spend some time.

The final stop was the Queen Bee vineyard and winery for a tasting. This is a tiny husband and wife operation that grows a variety of grapes and makes some types of wine I hadn't tasted before. Fascinating tiny business well done.
I had the day off work to take dad to a hospital appointment (good news thankfully) and I got back just after lunchtime and decided to take a chance and go for a ride despite some dark clouds which looked threatening! Thankfully I got lucky and only got a little wet a few miles from home, sadly I didn't take any photos though as I wanted to make the most of the time I had because the weekend isn't looking promising...I managed 40 miles which I'm happy with, it sure beats work :D


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Today I rode the only Rail To Trail in my county. It is a whole 3.5 miles long, which is enough to run the Demon Dog a bit for 7 miles. Nothing remarkable. No other people were on the trail. No cows. Just me and my dog. This is just a few miles south of Canada.


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